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Posts posted by marylou

  1. Awww, Stupid White Men was FUN!!!


    I tried to read the book those guys from Project for a New American Century put together, but I got bored, and THAT made me feel stupid. cry.gif I will say that if you can get throught it (dry as a bone) that it will give you some pretty solid insights into the Bush family agenda for world domination.


    I didn't think Reefer was as good as FFN. The history of the porn industry section was a little long and yellowsleep.gif, and the wrapup at the end of the book, which should have been the very best part, was very brief and ended somewhat suddenly. That said, it's still hella better than reading M Chrichton or some other pop fiction crappoleum.



  2. If you really want to get back on his good side, you'll need to talk dirty to him over PM or somesuch. Also, never defend me, as I am on the permanent list, partially because I have refused to talk dirty with him.


    But, being on that list is really not so bad, you just have to ignore the garbage he flings at you. tongue.gif



  3. Necronomicon said:

    ...motherfucking commie liberal faggot greeny latino rightwing quadrapalegic motherfucking mother fuckers!!! GODDAMN IT!!! Your latest affront to my dignity is too much for me to stand, and I am PISSED!!! And another thing, you are all fucking fuckers, for some reason or another, each and every one of you fucking fuckers!! Do not ever, EVER, do it again, you fascist socialist capitalist hegemonic fuckers. NEVER!!!!


    Nicely done. yellaf.gif

  4. Erik,


    Doing the radiator fix (I assume your mechanic put the kibosh on the Outback option for some reason....?) won't erase the sins of the previous owners. I was very careful with engine temps and still, right on schedule, a head gasket blew at 175K.


    Also if you did the timing belt, one has to hope you did the water pump at the same time, or you're going to have to go in there again.


    Sorry to mention any of this, I must have temporarily forgotten that no one can ever tell you anything because you already got it all in your nog. rolleyes.gif

  5. Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

    marylou said:


    Nice! thumbs_up.gif


    Pride parades are gay, gay, GAY! wave.gif


    I look forward to the day when people don't have to have parades celebrating things like this because they are accepted into the mainstream society.


    That said, let's get back to out regularly scheduled programming here....the even that has replaced the former cc.com rope-up. wazzup.gif

  6. Dru said:

    trask said:

    Dru said:

    lets get some gay cc.commers ...... fruit.gif

    Hahahaha, and the line starts in Squish



    there were over 100,000 people "out" on the street for this weekend's Pride Parade in Vancouver. fruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif


    Nice! thumbs_up.gif

  7. Got nuttin' right now. Already read most of what's been posted.


    I can recommend Jarhead and Reefer Madness thought the latter is not as good as I'd hoped.


    Jennifer Gummint was a fun read eh? They oughtta make a blockbuster movie out of it.

  8. erik said:

    and anyways i drive a beat down subaru now......and it serves me just fine...

    and it never claimed to be the phattest truck with a sick powerful motor either!!!




    No but you refuse to listen to other owners about the maintenance issues with this car, assuming the no listeny thing is not new, so I'm inclined to no listeny to any of your suggestions on vans or otherwise either. moon.gifAnyway, you so haven't owned a Soob long enough to get the problems associated with the vehicle. thumbs_down.gif

  9. Beck said:

    i believe it is still going to be one helluva party- and a worthy one as well- some of you must think a party with free gear, food and beer for dirtbag climbers is a BAD idea???


    it's not going to be a sponsorfest like the WTA trails day, Marylou!!!


    there isn't going to be a "beergarden"!! there's going to be free beer!

    and grub as well!



    it's going to be a rockfest- it's a climbers party.


    Bah, pally, you called me names in PM. Screw that.


    I'm going in the woods that weekend. Soft plans got firm as soon as I saw the Festival in full bloom. thumbs_down.gif

  10. I dunno, pal. I've got gear coming out of my ears. Just want to get together with the gang, hopefully do some climbing, have a pint of something, and have a little fun. I guess my needs are such that the lure of free stuff isn't enough to get me to wade through all the BS.

  11. I like Ry's take on this. The real kinda laid-back camping deal with TG beer will hopefully happen elsewhere!


    That way I can not even be miffed that there's this other event masquerading as such.


    Who knows how many people will even show up at the "festival" if the organizer keeps slagging everyone who doesn't want a big commercial event. I'm sure there will be plenty of other people there anyway. rolleyes.gif

  12. That could work for us. Not sure which weekends for the kid yet, but if the weekends work out, expect me and my SO and one great 12 yo female kid. Hope there will be other female kids there about that age. thumbs_up.gif Great idea Dave.

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