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Posts posted by marylou

  1. There are a few things you can do to get the laptop to push the best possible image to the LCD, but beyond that, there is not a lot to be said for the quality of the home LCDs.


    I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon.


    If next time there is a high quality LCD on hand, I'll try to make it, there are a few settings adjustments to make the image look the best it can. It's not rocket science, but there are a few things to make it look purty.

  2. Clear Channel has been sytematically taking over the live entertainment industry (both rock and roll and theatre) and media outlets for years. It is an absolute wonder to me that there have been no legal/anti-trust constraints on their activities.


    Their attempt at world domination are somewhat in line with that of a certain large local software comapny, IMO.

  3. No broadband, no time to watch the pictures load...but:


    Young Marble Giants "Colossal Youth" (just got it burned onto a CD from vynil)


    Go4-MP already got me on that one


    Some live P-Furs record


    Everything by the Clash still sounds good as new

  4. cj001f said:


    "sarcasm does not translate well to the internet"

    "sarcasm does not translate well to the internet"

    "sarcasm does not translate well to the internet"

    "sarcasm does not translate well to the internet"

    "sarcasm does not translate well to the internet"


    I've noticed that too. Only on occasion though.

  5. I slept only slightly warm in a zero at about 20 degrees a couple of weekends ago. Never thought I'd have a need for anything below a 20, but I do sleep on the cold side, and think the 30 degree bag is out the window, and that I will just go with a zero and a fifteen.


    I do have a silk bag liner on the way, which theoretically adds 9 degrees of warmth, will be interested to see if it is enough to keep me just a scosh warmer for very little weight.

  6. Um. I wasn't really interested in getting lessons, I was just surprised to hear someone suggest them.


    Despite warnings to the contrary, I'm just going to get out there and tough it out this winter. If it means learning to ski all over again, so be it. rolleyes.gif

  7. I think Cavey has it right in reference to common usage.


    Usually a tarn is in a cirque, but there are a lot of small bodies of water that are up high, but not ensconced in stone, that are known as tarns. They are a result of runoff, no doubt, but may have a veggie shoreline and/or a bottom comprised of dirt.


    They are usually not the best tarns, but they are too small to be lakes, and too clean to be ponds.

  8. If you are talking to me, I'm working concurrently on the snow safety stuff, but Tejada-Flores is not really useful to me anymore. I got pretty good french fries already.


    They give lessons on AT skiing? Where?



  9. iain said:

    probably the best skill you can have for backcountry is a good hop turn that gets your skis out of the crud or breakable crust. I still need to work on this. Being able to get down breakable crust with some grace is the mark of a trully good skier, esp. when the consequences of a wipeout are bad.


    That's hilarious. I just had someone tell me that thirty seasons of lift-serviced skiing was not going to put me ahead of the curve for AT skiing.


    I got the distinct impression that the brutal finesse that is the hop turn, and defying the evil breakable crust was going to be meaningless.

  10. I would like to state for the record that my all-boy crew rocked today.


    Once they got over the fact that their fearless leader, was, well, a girl. But that didn't take very long. cool.gif

  11. ChestBeater said:

    marylou said:

    rbw1966 said:

    Its in your purse next to your tampons.






    No, you are lame.

    Aren't you Beck in drag?


    "I had the pleasure of seeing such-and-such-famous-guy in person".


    Do us all a favor and apply a liberal layer of duck tape to your pie hole so we can all spray in peace.


    Making an insult about how so-and-so is like a woman is lame, lame, lame.


    As far as the famous person thing goes, well, you are confusing me with a lot of other people.



  12. Yeah, thanks, I'm trying to get all of my ducks in a row for this. I'm doing a Pro Deal, but I do it through their publicist because my PD is Media, and I don't want to take up a ton of this guy's time with all of my dumb questions. He does ski, though, and I figured I'd just give hime the dimensions of the skis I already bought and he can get the brake width and skin size right from that.


    The reason I was asking about the brakes has to do with the cost of the Freerides vs. the Diamir 3s. The 3s don't come with brakes, so the cost is basically the same if you add in the brakes.

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