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Posts posted by marylou

  1. Ok, dumb question.


    The Freerides come with ski brakes, right? I'm trying to put an order together here and it *looks* like they are included but need to be sure as some of the time my new AT setup will be used in-bounds.

  2. iain said:

    that kid up on the Palmer at Timberline died of massive head trauma. I don't know if he was wearing a helmet.


    Truth be told, I ski with a kid a lot these days, and I got the helmet to wear when we are skiing together. If the adults are all wearing them, then the kid will wear one without complaint. I bet I won't wear it otherwise.

  3. I think they are stupid, but I just broke down and bought one anyway. I have a sinking feeling they are going to be required at the ski hill before too much longer.


    I'm good about wearing my climbing helmet, generally. Always wore a motorcycle helmet when I rode. Never tempted to take it off in states with no helmet law. Similarly wear a bicycle helmet, and a hardhat whenever it's required and/or a good idea. But this ski helmet thing, well, I just can't see the benefit in it either. I trust in my own abilities to not auger myself into something, so I guess the only reason to wear one is to protect against other people getting out-of control.


    Why did I buy a helmet? I don't know!



  4. B-rock, I have been throwing them in the recycle bin since I got my PR, and no problem.


    If the canister is punctured, there is no reason they shouldn't pick them up. At that point, it's nothing more than a tin can. Dunno.

  5. Alpinfox said:



    Can't recycle/refill canisters madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif (I've talked to folks at MSR about this, maybe they will listen to me someday) ARE YOU LISTENING MSR!?!?!?



    Totally recyclable.


    Run stove until all gas is burnt. All of it. Every atom.




    Throw in recycle bin. No more waste than a tin can.


    No one is going to officially tell you how to do this because if there is any fuel/pressure in the canister when you puncture it, it could blow up. Lawsuit.


    I've done it dozens of times since I got my PR. I turn away as I puncture, but never had a problem.

  6. I'm coming into this a little late, but the talk of the evil corrupt unions makes me want to hurl.


    Why? Because I was a union leader for years. Alongside my work in tech theatre, I volunteered for years, and occasionally got paid, to do things like put together a very modest 401(k) plan, do countless contract negotiations, and sit on the Local's executive board, trying to steer a bunch of people who really wanted to run off in different directions. At the end of all of this, I was, you guessed it: a union business rep. It was hard, hard work. The building where my office was, was filled with other reps for other labor unions working their asses off. Nights, weekends, days, phone calls at all hours at home from members who had some problem or another, you name it. One day when the other rep, my boss at the time, came over to my house to hand off the pager, he said, "Oh, by the way, XXX XXXXX shot himself." Suicide attempt. I had members threaten to destroy me, and employers scream at me through the phone. I was being paid, three years ago, 20 dollars an hour to administer 10 million dollars per year of labor contracts. This is all pretty par for the course for a rep in a small union like mine. No one ever stole anything, hell, we barely had enough money to keep our office running.


    I still work in the rank-and-file job I had from before, but I had to escape from union leadership. It was gruelling and thankless.


    So before you start in about how rotten and corrupt union leaders are, you might want to learn a little bit, because trust me, you have no idea what you are talking about.

  7. I'm switching to a new NSAID for my arfritis. This may help. I've been off the other one for a month or so. Time to start the new one. Also going back on the glucosamin, doing a little compare/contrast I can see at least marginal improvement with the joints from it.


    I think I'll try the bromelain, it can't hurt.


    As far as switching tasks, well, as a stagehand, I perform so many different physical tasks in any day that it would be impossible to do a different task. If I knew of one particular motion that exacerbated the tendonitis, I could try to avoid that, but otherwise, well, we don't do light duty. There is heavy, heavier, and really really heavy. Oh, and opera. That's the top.

  8. I strongly suspect that my tennis elbow is due to years of abuse and wear and tear. My muscles are pretty well balanced, though I am not very strong at the moment.


    I'm wondering if anyone else has had good results from painful massage treatments, and if so, how long did it relieve the symptoms? I get a massage roughly every three months just for maintenance. It is brutally painful, but a couple of days later I feel so much better, and have so much more flexibility I wonder why I don't get it done more often. So if lining the soft tissue fibers up in the elbows is a good fix for tennis elbow, I might be inclined to go that route.

  9. rbw1966 said:

    Epic has been tested in the NW. It does not work well in heavy rains. Its best use is in cold, snowy conditions.


    Did somebody make a production tent out of EPIC before the new-for-next-year BD tents, or is this field research by one of the mfrs or what? Just being nosy, though it comes as no surprise to me that it wets out/leaks in heavy rain.

  10. cracked said:


    It might, silnylon is slick as shit.


    That, my friend, is the understatement of the century.


    I have a little tent made of the stuff, and while I like it, I am glad it is not my only tent.


    The EPIC stuff is still untested in the Pacific NorthWET, and there are concerns that it might be a little too breathable. If it were me, I'd wait until the jury is out on whether this fabric is going to work here or be more like a gigantic sieve. The stuff works great for clothes, but the tent thing presents potential problems.


    That said, if it works here, it's going to be ultra cool beans.


    The new MSR tents are also going to be groovy, and Big Agnes has some more traditional-type tent designs coming out in SilNylon. Plus the MHW tents MB mentioned, and REI Brand has something new that is going to be an instant classic.


    Yep, lotsa cool tents coming soon.

  11. I went to Group Death last year with a prescription from my surgeon for orthotics. I have pretty bad arthritis in my feet and ankles, and have a couple of related medical issues related to the chronic pain. It's pretty bad.


    They told me that they would not cover the orthotics (about 350$ I think) but that they would pay for a bone fusion, or an amputation. I don't know what the amputation would have run, but I'm guessing the fusion will (eventually) set them back 8-10K. rolleyes.gif


    Needless to say, I found another way to get the orthotics made. My diligence has probably already saved them more than the cost of the orthotics in prescription drugs.


    If anyone else has this insurance problem with orthotics, pm me and I'll tell you the super secret way to get them made for free. Thanks to Icegirl for coming up with this brilliant idea for me.


    Sorry to hear of your sitchmo, Michelle. We all run up against ridiculous beauracratic hurdles like this from time to time, but that makes it no less frustrating at the time it is happening.

  12. I'd be interested to hear how the construction process is going on the Library. I worked on the construction phase of EMP in a couple of different capacities, and the GC on it was Hoffman, the same contractor that got the Library. People from Hoffman predicted that the Library would be similarly difficult to build, though without the deep pockets to throw money at the problem.


    I've lost contact with everyone I knew from Hoffman from EMP, anyone heard how it is going?



  13. Well stated, Forrest. I am going to try to make a pilgrimage to Spain this winter or spring to see the thing with my own eyes. Others who have been there have similarly rhapsodized about the luster of the Ti.


    I thought they had to use the Ti cladding because of the pollution problems in Bilbao, but you could be right.


    As different as it is, I sure like how the Library is shaping up. It's going to be really cool.


    Speaking of cool buildings, it sure is sad that Steven Holl's celestial Bellevue Art Museum is shut down. That guy does stuff with natural light that blows me away.

  14. FG didn't do many of the interior spaces in EMP. JBL theatre, retail, restaurant, and the big stairs, and obviously the interior cladding bits. I think it would be a lot more cohesive inside if they had let him do the whole inside.


    I got to see FG speak at the O House shortly before the bldg was completed, and he used the term "client-driven design" many, many times when he was talking about the EMP. In talking about some of his other projects, I don't think he ever said that once. Architects tell me that that term is secret code for "not my idea".


    Personally, I am a big FG fan, but EMP is not at all among my favorites. The outside colors are too garish for me, and that glass-and-steel froo froo on the 5th Avenue side looks stupid.

  15. The Bilbao Guggenheim is clad in Ti. Can't imagine why/how cost would have been a factor in cladding this concert hall in Ti given the overall construction costs $$$$.

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