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Posts posted by marylou

  1. My daddy was a most excellent backpacker/Mr. Off Trail Guy. Forestry student, lifetime log scaler, up high/steep crappy scree guy, no ropes. Dad was/is not a "climber", just a guy loking for an elegant line and/or a good adventure.


    Which probably explains my habits, neither good backpacking/hiking TR fodder, nor climbing TR fodder. Just Chosscades brushy loose fun stuff, with no unusual or extraordinary objective ever.


    Something in between hiking and climbing, not appreciated by either. The pictures of me, at maybe age seven, are pretty good.


    But in the end: yellowsleep.gif



  2. There's a lot of new stuff coming out tentwise this coming spring. Now is a good time for closeout, but this spring there's going to be a lot of neat and cool stuff to choose from, and not all of it is stratospherically $$$. There seems to be a new wave of fabric improvements in tent world this year. thumbs_up.gif

  3. Beck said:


    But i have been skiing since 1975.


    I skied in the American West in 1986 when I lived in Nevada for a couple of years, and have been skiing the NW for a decade.



    Sorry dude, these credentials don't really set you apart. Try to understand this.

  4. That's a tough row to hoe, though. Even when there's, say, bombast deserving if a good rousting in Spray, well, sometimes it's a little disproportional, or personal, or just plain ugly, and not at all funny. I see what you are saying Kurt, but you and I both know it gets WAY out of hand in here sometimes.

  5. Actually, more like stagehand's elbow. I know all the basic things about treating tendon problems, ice compression, elevation. Wondering if a brace (neoprene?) is a good idea, especially when I know it's going to be a very long or heavy work day? I'm generally anti-brace, as I am of the school that braces weaken in the long run, but on those long days I wonder if you think it might help.


    It's developing in my dominant hand, and I am trying to use the other one for pulling and lifting whenever possible.


    I'm already doing the Glucosamine thing for my arthritis, wonder if, given my line of work, there are any vits or mins that might bear consideration.


    TIA Courtenay.

  6. Timm@y for National Security Advisor

    Alpine K for Secretary of the Interior, even though he is a tree-killer

    I'll have to be Secretary of Labor

    Greg W should probably be our freakish Republican Homeland Security Guy

    To the Top is Ambassador to Sweden

    Erden is the guy who heads up the President's Council on Physical Fitness, maybe co-chair with Wayne

    Jay_B runs the RNC

    j_b the DNC


    ...and by the way, yes, as long as there are abusive remarks of a sexual nature being made about me, I will continue to object. If that makes me "negative", well then, so be it.

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