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Posts posted by marylou

  1. RobBob said:

    jesus, here we go again. rolleyes.gif If you were trying to distance yourself from all the alleged abuse, why bring it to the fore yourself?


    That's rich coming from someone who recently posted a Photoshopped image of me spanking a male stripper. WHICH by the way was not pulled because of any request made by me---someone else must have found it, er, inappropriate. I know it was meant to be funny but I was a little shocked by the picture.

  2. Beck said:

    marylou, i was speaking at a meeting, over myself because i was doing it for the group. you know, how contributions to a group as a whole tend to displace the self into the nature of the greater good?


    or maybe you don't.


    Beck, you obviously know nothing about me.


    Now shut up.

  3. johnny_destiny said:


    Hell, even Mary Lou has pulled in her usual sarcasm and venom so she won't get banned. I see she craves the chat room so that might be where she can spew, but I may be wrong. Just might be a re-birth of Allison to Mary Lou that has given CC.com a gentle and humble avatar. yelrotflmao.gif


    Actually I have reeled it in because my sarcasm and venom is often met with personal attacks and cheap remarks about my alleged promiscuity. Those sorts of things make me a little uncomfortable, and even untrue, I don't like seeing that sort of thing, so since I didn't see that sort of response going away/getting edited/getting people banned, I've had to scale back on it. There was never any risk of me getting banned.


    The name change had to do with the sexual remarks that were made about me. I found it embarassing, and needed to distance myself from it with a name change. I didn't want to lose my identity here entirely though, so I kept some stuff, like my avatar picture.


    Making derogatory remarks about a woman's sexuality and/or promiscuity is a cheap and unimaginative way to put them down, and one a lot of women aren't too fond of, me included. Seriously.

  4. Actually I was loading out another show here in Seattle, and there were people there who had friends who work on that show. I don't watch a lot of TV, so I didn't realize that it had been reported that the folks who work on the show probably were going to lose their jobs. tongue.gif



  5. Word on the street in show biz is that everyone who works on that show was told over the weekend that they should start looking for another job.


    If the tiger act ever comes back, it isn't going to be any time soon.

  6. N,


    I assume you already know that the Colchuck TH is officially closed while the bridge is being replaced between 8mile TH and Colchuck TH, and that there is a mostly uncontrolled blaze burning nearby at Crystal Creek and down to Ingalls Creek. It will be smoky, be careful and all of that! blush.gif

  7. Jens,


    You are right insofar as the manufacturers all basically use the same factories in Asia. The Mistral pant is dasigned by an REI designer and the fabric can be sourced by a couple of different entities. The pants *may* have been made in one of the factories in Canada that REI uses. A lot of the Powerstretch stuff is made up there, as is the One jacket.


    FWIW REI does do a pretty good job with inspections and whatnot in foreign factories. At least for now you won't find REI Brand stuff being made in the countries with the very worst labor situations, and they have inspections to check for abuses and underage workers.


    That said, I wish they still made their apparel here, like they used to.

  8. Sphinx said:

    marylou said:

    cj001f said:

    more REI One jackets with built in cellphone pockets!


    Hey, I have one of those Ones...SuWeet jacket!!!

    With a CRAPPY cut.


    Depends on what you are using it for. I think the cut of it would make it a crap climbing jacket, but I also happen to have a Mistral which has a fine cut for climbing. The One is more of a ski and around town coat IMO.

  9. Gotta agree with E-Rock here. If there is a discussion going on in Spray about a legitimate non-climbing topic, it sure would be nice to be able to particiapte without someone saying something like "I wouldn't fuck her with YOUR dick". I'm glad to see a little banning going on here. I don't think it will overly sterilize the place one iota.

  10. Fairweather,


    You are painting with a pretty broad brush if you think all Dems are happy with the current state of the party.


    A few random comments:


    One of the reasons, I believe, that Whitewater was not fully investigated, is that if it had been, Bush 1 would have been implicated as well. During the North/Bush drugs for guns era, an airstrip in Arkansas was used as a staging area for operations. Whitewater money laundering is a short step from there, and everyone would have gotten in trouble.


    Clinton did veto a few things, and did well by the environment. HOWEVER, two vital pieces of legislation got signed by him that have done nothing but harm. NAFTA and the Telecom Act of 1996 have both had far-reaching and negative implications for the middle- and lower-classes of this country. Shame on him.


    Health care.


    Bush the junior won the 2000 election by a margin of five to four. There were so many things wrong with the election in Florida that one can't find a place to begin. HOWEVER, it was ultimately Gore's race to lose. He was veep to an extremely popular president and had some valuable assets of his own to bring to leadership. He ran such a horrible campaign it's a wonder anyone voted for him. He didn't speak to younger voters, and rather than let Shrub's idiocy speak for itself, Gore managed to come across as arrogant and condescending. He couldn't figure out whether to ally himself or distance himself from President Clinton, and when the going got rough, he didn't call in the most brilliant campaign strategist the party has, James Carville. If Gore had done just a *little* bit better, there is no way that this hinky Florida thing would have been a deciding factor.


    In the wake of losing the Presidential election of 2000, the Democratic Party shows no visible signs of leadership. Right now our presidential frontrunners are Howard Dean, who has civil liberties problems, and Wes Clarke, who is not really a Democrat. Not supporting the war on Iraq does not qualify you to run for President as a Democrat.



    I'm a pretty old-school liberal type. The party is a real disappointment to me these days.





  11. Shoot, I just saw this, and you are already there at Smif.


    From my vantage point nursing my fall cold-addled body back to health, let me add "Pop Goes the Nubbin" to your to-do list for Smith. It's on the Peanut, rated .10a, but it is not really .10a or I wouldn't have been able to lead it. I'd call it 5.8d. wink.gif Classic Smith moderate, if you can wade through the crowds and get a rope on it.

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