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Posts posted by marylou

  1. All I know is that I was a little surprised to hear that the sarcasm was lost at the beginning of this. I didn't think people were that stupid.


    What wasn't lost was the condescension dripping from your last post. I've met you and you seem like a nice guy, but online I guess you are just another anonymous, well, you know....

  2. Okay flamesters, here's the thing:


    Event planning is harder than it looks. In the real world to rent a room and do a slide show, it would be this much hassle and more.


    When people who are living the academic life complain about things like Gary is complaining about, people who live life in the regular world, like me, may show little patience.


    Event planners and managers don't have, or need PhDs. There is no PhD program for this sort of thing. People get good at doing events, from bar mitzvahs to operas and everything between, by learning from people, talented and not so talented, as to what works and what doesn't work.


    I feel that Gary has some misdirected passion in making something of the UW Climbing Club. That energy could be put to, IMO, much better use elsewhere. Like a charity, for example.


    That said, there's a reason that there's a whole sub-industry in show biz of people and companies that do event planning and management.

  3. marylou said:

    OMYGAWD that is SO FUNNY!


    Gay people getting together to go skiing! What will they think of next! yelrotflmao.gif


    Based on a conversation I had with someone at the slide show tonight, I feel compelled to point out that the above post is an example of sarcasm. rolleyes.gif

  4. Gary_Yngve said:

    For that matter, I had to:


    fill out the Reservation form

    fill out the UUF form, get it signed by a big dood, and then turn it in to someone else

    fill out the Fundraising form

    fill out the SAUF form

    fill out the Ticket Sales form, get it signed by a big dood, and then turn it in to someone else

    toss in two or three meetings with bureaucrats, a 50% advance deposit on our expenses


    and multiply that by 2 for the two shows we're having, and all of a sudden, the workload from these two shows is basically a part-time job.


    There is often incompetence along the way.

    "Here is my reservation form. Do I have the room reserved?"

    "It's not reserved by anyone else right now, but earlier today, someone else could have reserved it for that time. We'll get back to you in two weeks."


    There are a few nice folks who are helpful; you know who you are.




    Oh yeah, with some luck, tomorrow I'll be receiving a $1000+ travel reimbursement from the U... for travel in July. I don't even want to go into the incompetence on that one.


    Sometimes I feel that the Climbing Club is succeeding in spite of the university, not because of the university.


    If this seems so inconvenient to you, you might want to try out thid thing we call real grown-up life soon. It will make filling out forms and getting paid to go on vacations seem like a pretty nice deal.


    I clipped and shipped the latter part of the original thread from where it devolves from the slideshow to a bunch of carping. --off white

  5. Cpt.Caveman said:

    the mountaineers have way more women that cascadeclimbers HCL.gif


    I wonder why more women don't post here.


    It is puzzling.


    Perhaps it because there is open hatred toward women on this site.


    Just an observation.

  6. Or Friday Crystal, same deal, but PM me instead of calling Parker. Probably Crystal, maybe Stevens if someone talks me into it, or perhaps Alpotal if it's open 'cuz I got one of them Seasoned Pass Midweek thingys.


    Crystal if for sure my first choice of the three.

  7. Interesting about the FS 'ee saying that they would heli log. My dad's been in the timber industy since the '70s and according to him, heli logging is virtually not done on the west side. It's not just the cost issue, it's the terrain, the weather, and the density of the wes side forests that makes heli logging both unsafe and impractical. I'm not saying it is never ever done, but boy if I'd be surprised to see that done west of the Crest under too many circumstances.

  8. Minx, looks to me that Erik stated his point succinctly and eloquently. Don't know why you'd have questions about that. rolleyes.gif


    Scott, about that global warming/increased forest fires thing, well I don't have time to explain it, but if you were to say, Google the words forest+fires+global+warming you'd come across a wealth of information about how increased tems lead to decreased sap production, weakening trees and making them more vulnerable to both fires and beetles (species vary from place to place) and how a weakened/dead tree burns better. Then there's the part about how when it's warmer, even the tiny bit you get from global warming, fires burn better.


    Of course in oder to accept any of this, you have to accept global warming to be a real thing.

  9. Ugh.


    I am barely a member of the media, and when I see post like ain't_this_great's, I never want to shop retail again.


    Please, please, take your own time to take advantage of he Internet. Do your own research, ask questions, go to the manufacturers, ask questions again. At this point, anything that is coming out in the Spring is out there for the asking, and the buying public wants to know. Tell them.


    Here, I'll even give you a thing to start with:


    REI Quarter Dome.


    Go find out what it is and get back to me when you know why this is a piece of gear worth knowing about.

  10. There are so many things I want to say about this, but I'm going to stick to one observation.


    It's a fact that the increase in forest fires in the last decade or so is in large part a direct result of global warming.


    Pretty ironickal, innit?

  11. I was kind of interested in whether or not anyone had used something like Revivex or Softshell Proof to revitalize their SSs, whether or not hand washing was easier on the finish than machine washing (it is IMO), and which fabrics seemed to do better at keeping their finish when maintained properly.


    I wash my one mint green Schoeller Dryskin jacket all the time because I wear it everywhere. To the mountains, the woods, work, the mall, wherever. Well, maybe not the mall, but the grocery store for sure. It's my most favorite jacket and I wear it all the time. I'm not a dirtaphobe, but personally I don't care for the look of grimy cuffs, so I wash the thing when it gets dirty. Same with my baby blue Schoeller Dynamic beanie. It gets dirty, I wash it. So far it's keeping its DWR better than the jacket.


    I didn't pay a lot for either piece, less than $50 for both, but it's not about the money, it's about keeping the stuff functional. Now that outdoor gear isn't totally geeky and butt ugly, I wear the stuff in town rather than just in the mountains.

  12. All softshells repel water nicely when new. It's pretty amazing how well a knit or stretch woven fabric can do this.


    But....as Specialed has pointed out before, many softshells seem to be just plain old doubleknit polyester that's been treated with something. Repeated washings prove this out, as I've seen with things made, in my case, of Schoeller Dynamic. I'm sure there are other fabrics that would make my case. When washed properly, in the washer at Gentle, or by hand with Woolite, the stuff wets out after maybe a half dozen washings. Not true with laminates like Polarshield. They seem to hold up as long as you hang dry or dry on low heat in the dryer.


    Anyone else had similar experiences? I'm beginning to regret the day I bought softshell stuff in light colors, which show the dirt. I think I've found a fix for this problem, but would like to hear from people about what they do to keep their softshells working like the day they were purchased.

  13. It seems to me that D's banning had more to do with the repeated beating of the dead horse than about the subject matter itself.


    I don't even think it was because his arguments were faulty, inconsistent, and full of bombast. I think it was all about the poor dead horse. The thing is dead, please, please stop beating on it.

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