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Everything posted by ncascademtns

  1. For those of you inquiring of JT over New Year. See you down there. PM if you wish to Hook Up. You'll find us at an open campground or any rock higher than you can reach. Early flight tomorrow later.
  2. Head a few block north of main street in Leavenworth and you can work your way it Tumwater Mtn. Pretty easy.
  3. Figures.... That piece of shit.
  4. Our newest member as of 12/23/03 is FBECKEY? Welcome aboard.
  5. For you SLR people. I never miss a shot. I have a ZING neoprene case that mounts to my chest. Camera strap is clipped to my torso strap on my pack and a waist strap to secure it to my body. Best thing ever. The Lowe camera cases are to bulky! I wouldn't bring my camera if I could not take a picture at any given time. I normally shoot about (1) 36 exp. slide roll a day when I am out. I purchased a Digital SLR this fall so most likely I'll be retiring my 35mm.
  6. I don't know? That top post that is through his skull looks a little fishy. It is not as long as the rest of them and if you zoom in on it, it almost looks like it is not even there. As though it was not put back in after the head was overlayed. Also, there seems to be no trauma to the head, as if he had just closed his eyes to have the picture taken. Just my thoughts.
  7. Or maybe your clock radio doesn't have to still reliably work after going thru a huge slide. Or function in wet and cold conditions. I don't know about that? I've had my clock radio for 10 years and have thrown it up against the wall many a times. It still tells time and it still goes off in the morning. Blasted Thing!
  8. I had Peter Croft dump a huge boulder on me when I climbed the East Face of Mt. Whitney. I did manage to step out of the way though. Didn't even stop to say sorry. I suppose that was due to the fact that he was climbing so fast that he was out of site in a matter of seconds.
  9. I shook President Bill Clinton's hand. Shut it ! I only did it because he was president and it would have been impolite not to. Greatness...no, Shortness....yes.
  10. My SD Pack Light jacket has wrist zips as well as Napolean pockets. They zip from the wrist to the elbow but still have a cuff so the sleve stays on your arm. They work fine for me but true, pits zips are better.
  11. Well if your talking cheap. Get your T-Nuts at Tacoma Screw and not REI or etc. Tacoma Screw sell them at construction prices and not climbing prices. Big difference. I built my walls out of concrete which makes the texture awesome. I modify the T-Nuts so they are guaranteed not to spin over time. I have tested making holds out of concrete also but they had some problems so I canceled that idea. As usual, everything is always constantly in research and development. Everyone's Ideas are .
  12. If you want, I own E&D Recreational Construction. I can build you a wall with great textures. If you want to check it out. I can send you some pictures of the one in my back yard. Let me know.
  13. The hike to the waterfall was interesting but the waterfall sucked. People had spray painted shit all over the walls and it was just dirty. The resturant on the beach was cool though. The food was good and really cheap. I would say the Bull Fights was cool. Take a walk down the street of the old part of town. That was cool. Hit a Fiesta. Those are cool. We rented a sailboat and went out sailing and diving. That was cool. If you bought a package deal. They should have someone there for you who will schedule your days to best suit you. Beware not to schedule behind their backs. They do not like that. Have fun.
  14. I think this time of year everyone is finding ways to fill cc.com with other stuff other than climbing. You know the weather sucks right now. Anyways, we all fall down (or stoop) every once and a while. I just did it on the last post.
  15. Catbird said: "They said that all people who post regularly on cc.com are assholes. Eveyone is abusive and likes to be abused. We're "all mean". " and double
  16. Anyone heading for JT over the New Year? We'll be down there on the 29th and will be staying till the 5th. Weathers good, climbings good. Everything is good.
  17. Good Job. Did Gardner and North Gardner on a 3 day trip back in 1996. The weather in August was more enjoyable. For you, it would be a shame to go all the way in and not do North Gardner. Anyways, good job and welcome to CC.com
  18. I have twin boys who are 6 now. I was a climber before I met the X. I gave it up when the boys came. Well, I got out at least 1 day a month. Sometimes a weekend. I didn't miss it at all. I enjoyed being home with my kids. Now that the X is gone, I enjoy climbing with the boys and climbing when they are not home. Life works out.
  19. I've been known to never take out my compass. If I have the map and an altimeter, I can usually figure out were I am at. A whiteout on a glacier is a different story though. I do own the Garmin Vista and have learned how to use it but I bought it only for search and rescue operations. Other than that, it would just be one more item added to my pack when climbing, and I surely don't need that.
  20. All in all, if you look at the big picture of transceivers, they're way over priced. You can get most any portable electronic device for under 50 buck now a days, and they do a hell of a lot more than just send out and receive a signal. Maybe it is a liability thing. Just my thought.
  21. Fahq? Is this the correct way to spell fuck on the Climber's Board to keep it from going Spray? Good thinkin'.
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