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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Hey, look, J_B! Trask didn't post right after you - I guess that takes care of the stalking issue. However, Trask PM'd me that he wishes you would quit sending him nude photos.
  2. Hey, the first three end in "-land". Maybe if we change to U.S.A.Land, we can improve our ranking...
  3. EWolfe

    Work Related Story

    Yeah, If you're so proud of your puke where are the pics i maxed out my mem card taking shitty landslide pictures Spot any new crags while you were up there?
  4. Go to this one, please!
  5. EWolfe

    Work Related Story

    None of it was snow up there, eh? Too bad... no! super bloody warm up here hey, e-mail me those pics from smiffy eh? I loaded them on a computer that I sold to a friend Now, I gotta try and get 'em to burn them onto a disc for me. I will when I get them. Hope things cool off for you, have fun playing Monopoly!
  6. Quick-draw McTrask, we call him...
  7. EWolfe

    Work Related Story

    None of it was snow up there, eh? Too bad...
  8. EWolfe

    Work Related Story

    Driving home from work in Ferndale, water is up to the edge of the freeway on the Nooksack - lucky the built it elevated. Water has flooded farms, and a huge backup going into downtown Ferndale.
  9. Wouln't it be funny if Marysville flooded and after all this time, school was cancelled?
  10. EWolfe

    Tori Allen

    Necro, you'll have to trim the puppy ears a little, but that'll be the least of your worries...
  11. That's pretty interesting. Hey, Drul, you should be proud - Canada rates 10th...
  12. EWolfe

    Boom or bust

    Bring on the good times! Ba-Da-Boom!
  13. (Like your autosig MaryLou )
  14. EWolfe

    Hey Fairweather

    I was trying to find some AM weather today, and heard Rush Limbaugh spouting about "how the continued existence of a Burger King restuarant at the Saddam Hussein airport was proof that people in Iraq supported the U.S." His logic was that if they were displeased with our country, the restuarant would have been ransacked repeatedly. He went on for quite a while about this.
  15. Bureaucracy sucks!!!!! I hate bureaucracy!!! Oooooo! That rascal bureaucracy!!!! Whew! Good call! I feel so much better!
  16. here's an e-bay link to a similar unit.
  17. Make that ten bucks, a beer and listen to my drivel for an hour..
  18. Man, you really need to work on your feet if you can't do that static.
  19. It was a good night of spray, you snartasses
  20. EWolfe


    There's always the shoutbox at the entrance...scroll all the way to the bottom of the page...
  21. EWolfe


    I couldn't get in either...
  22. If you like to be on top, then I "MITE" be below you... etc...
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