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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Your figure 8 has 5% more holding power than my Double Bowline . And that is so crucial on all of the factor two falls we take, right?
  2. Don't tempt me.... Listen you fuckin' newbie 15-post bottom-crawler, I'll fuckin' tear out your herpetic tongue and slap you with it!
  3. Gimme a call, I give you a nice paddling, you bad boy.
  4. Oh, for fuck's sake. Just shoot me now, please. CatTurd has found someone who actually thinks he's funny
  5. Shouldn't THIS : be in the NEW CYBER-CLIMBING FORUM
  6. EWolfe

    life ...

    Optimism, positive thinking, cheerfulness, and other scourges of the unaware are strongly discouraged here at spray. Have you been gone or something?
  7. Don't forget to set your clocks back!
  8. I only spent a year there...
  9. dudes here. E-Rock is currently masturbating like a spidermonkey....
  10. Obviously not Below-Average-Joe, or he would've settled right in
  11. EWolfe

    i love...

    so does that mean you swallow? that mean whirlwind not afraid of putting hand or fingers in crack.
  12. EWolfe

    i love...

    ummm yes I believe some do Whew! It's getting hot in here...
  13. Everyone knows how the little fellers play dead when they are in trouble? When I was back in West Virginia, there were dead possoms all over the roads. Out of boredom, and to entertain each other, my buddy and I used to see who could point out the roadkill first, and then say: "Good Job!"
  14. Moscow at Smith is fun, so is Great Northern Slab (exciting exit on slab-3rd pitch). Did you do any soloing on your trip, TLG?
  15. That's a good one K. Thanks for the beta I'll try that next time.
  16. "But as we asked them all to practise before the scan was made, they all succeeded." "The men were also asked to ejaculate within seven minutes. And that was no problem at all either."
  17. EWolfe


    Careful with that thing!It might go off! Why don't you just take out of that holster for me...
  18. Have fun with Bob this weekend. I can't wait for THIS TR
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