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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    I fucking hate

    Trask, you're such a gear-head!
  2. EWolfe

    I fucking hate

    This boulder prob:
  3. read the post again there hot stuff MUFFY NO CARE!!!!!! ICEQUEEN You are STILL the most "Muffyliscious". Icey makes it better. Stalagmite or stalagtite?
  4. EWolfe

    I fucking hate

    Here's Dawes on "The Quarryman" for inspiration:
  5. EWolfe

    I fucking hate

    Really, you are too kind. Shouldn't even mention it. Was that the mental or physical proj, there?
  6. He's also eight-on-a-bight'ing, making one wonder how many others are on that "floss"
  7. EWolfe

    I fucking hate

    What is that ? Spinach-flavored? Who wouldn't kill themselves? Except Popeye?
  8. You'll have to do a few more edits, my Muffylicious friend!
  9. Nice ! A new trend! Shorts over goretex! Gorts!
  10. EWolfe

    New Color of Money

    That increase is LOONEY, eh?
  11. EWolfe

    Don't Get Smart!

    If you are Dave, this thread really's gotta snart.
  12. You get what you pay for, don't scrimp when going to the wild - Bibler.
  14. Dru, you hangin' on hooks for that or is it stance?
  15. EWolfe

    Don't Get Smart!

    That's what Grandpa used to say. One day, tired of hearing it, I said: "O.K., Grandpa, I'll stay dumb." He never said it to me again, bless the old man.
  16. Just bought AdSUBTRACT today, seems to work great...$20 US
  17. EWolfe

    New Color of Money

    The shoulder's look like he's rain man, or usual suspects or sumpin..
  18. The grin sez there is something going on below the picture...
  19. LOL! I saw that on the way to Whistler! Perfect for those 8" X 156" bolts !!!
  20. EWolfe

    oops I broke it

    Trask, you are getting slow in your old age. The hymen...
  21. So....slobber is how these particular shirts get wet, Trask? Is that the message
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