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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Mother Hen

    MayLou, you are a real pain in the ass. Oh, I forgot
  2. "....and just before he snapped, the little stuff was really getting to him..."
  3. Minxtor, the Banninator, banninating the people! Minxtor!
  4. Go get' em, Banninator!
  5. EWolfe

    I will

    If you take Brian off, Is there room for me on that card?
  6. Would that be the 35 to 55 crowd?
  7. Maple Leaf ain't the only thing we resent, Cheesers
  8. It is a good metaphor , regardless of the reactionary bullshit .
  9. In the days of yore in Japan, Samurai swords were tested by how many servants they could slice in half with a single swing. A five-man sword was considered an excellent sword.
  10. EWolfe

    Got Parasite?

    I've developed Cracked Intolerance.
  11. EWolfe

    I say we ban...

    This one time at banned camp...
  12. If you think that, Somebody's been smoking Cracked!
  13. EWolfe

    StuPiD LaWS

    WASHINGTON State Law: --All lollipops are banned. --A law to reduce crime states: "It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town." --It is illegal to paint polka dots on the American flag. --People may not buy a mattress on Sunday. --All motor vehicles must be preceded by a man carrying a red flag (daytime) or a red lantern (nighttime) fifty feet in front of said vehicle. --It is illegal to pretend that one's parents are rich. --You are not allowed to breastfeed in public. (Repealed) --One may not spit on a bus. --When two trains come to a crossing, neither shall go until the other has passed. --You cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday. --It is illegal to attach a vending machine to a utility pole without prior consent from the utility company. Furthermore, if permission is granted, the vending machine may not be less than twelve feet from the ground. --No person may walk about in public if he or she has the common cold. --Destroying a beer cask or bottle of another is illegal. --It is illegal to entice girls away from the Maple Lane School for girls. --X-rays may not be used to fit shoes. Local Law: Auburn: --Men who deflower virgins, regardless of age or marital status, may face up to five years in jail. Bremerton: --You may not shuck peanuts on the street. Everett: --It is illegal to display a hypnotized or allegedly hypnotized person in a store window. Lynden: --Dancing and drinking may not occur at the same establishment. Seattle: --You may not carry a concealed weapon that is over six feet in length. --One may not spit on a bus. --Women who sit on men's laps on buses or trains without placing a pillow between them face an automatic six-month jail term. --No one may set fire to another person's property without prior permission. --It is illegal to carry a fishbowl or aquarium onto a bus because the sound of the water sloshing may disturb other passengers. Spokane: --TV's may not be bought on Sundays. Spokane County: --Strippers may not come closer than four feet to any customer. Waldron Island: --No structure shall contain more than two toilets that use potable water for flushing. -San Juan County Ordinance NO. 7 -1995 (Passed June 7,1995) Wilbur: --You may not ride an ugly horse. source
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