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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Props, John. It's avbout time you got some recognition for your efforts...beyond the PNW, I mean. Geez, I can't believe you fooz actually tried that monster...
  2. The Monkey Face Alien Dirt Ridge The Mace The Totem Pole Bridalveil Falls Elsie The Cow
  3. Tvash: Sorry about your camera, but thanks for the tent!
  4. Rounds are super cheap in Nevada. My buddies got their stuff for 20-30 cents a round. I got a real Nevada welcome!
  5. I don't own a gun. Did you even notice the subject line?
  6. We set up a couple of tables outside of Reno, and laid out the toys: Here's the set-up: Mark getting his AR dialed in: Minerals and I going Scarface on the targets, I am shooting an AK, and he has his sweet new .308 FAL: Say Man, You missing a Chevy Blazer? A nice sunset on the way back in after many hundreds of rounds: And a final look at the customized .308 FAL (this thing is so sweet, hardly any kick at all, and what a punch!) What an awesome day. Thanks to Mark and Minerals for a great time!
  7. I think it's cool. Only people who climb will see this wonderful totem. I am sorry I missed it on my (earlier) ascents - it would have been a nice infusion of exclusivity. May future parties choose to see that.
  8. Anyway , we had lots of options from the safe: and then there were the targets. I knew when i saw the 1/4" steel I-beam we were in for some serious shit.
  9. Maybe come down here and make me, Internet ToughGuy. Could you be more geeky on a cool gun thread?
  10. Well, it was actually quite fun, once I got used to 12 assault rifles and their respective loading/firing patterns... TR forthcoming. Damn, I got the newb cut on the Baby Eagle.
  11. EWolfe


    Jesus, Man. That was last weekend in Reno with Mark Miller and Brian Law.
  12. LOL The Gorilla tape works excellently for those tough route-defining tags. I was obviously off-route. What a sketchfest, TR when I recover.
  13. Excellent tHread drift. Really. One of the best. YOU FUCKERS FORGOT TO MOUNT EERIE!
  14. That's a total sandbag - it's at LEAST 5.5a That stainless stuff is expensive, the has-been nuveau-riche must be at work again....
  15. EWolfe

    Where were you

    August 16th, 1977...hmmm... At Seattle Prep, hating life in private school, drinking communion wine (blood of Christ), probably stealing pot and alcohol ( Jebbies show you right!) from my dad and listening to their John Wesley Harding and Holy Modal Rounders albums that they seemed to have on to all the time
  16. I think everyone who has met her has gotten that look at some point. Plus, it was easy. Jens and ML always show up at events together....
  17. It's the glass half-gallon whiskey and wine jugs ya gotta worry about these days
  18. There's also a Geo-caching site on the east side of the bluff just below the upper parking area.
  19. Intense!!!!!! "It's a fuckin' wall of granite!" Brilliant!
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