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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    Is that a 15 meter rope to match your endurance?
  2. Gonna be a rockin' good weekend. Alpinfox and I are leaving Thursday night to down. See you all there!!!
  3. Naw man. This guy walked away unscathed. Not quite. That ain't fingerpaint on his hands.
  4. EWolfe

    Drug testing

    No kidding, eh? I'm so glad I live in a free country instead of a police state. Dood! That's righteous!
  5. EWolfe

    That's my dog!!!

    Dog sex is so indelicate. Did they get stuck
  6. EWolfe

    Drug testing

    I don't need the job that bad! Thanks for the info, special thanks to the one who sent me the link.
  7. I always keep a few smi-retired biners around for just that purpose. I definitely WOULD NOT TRUST FOUND 'BINERS WITH MY LIFE.
  8. And be kind about it. It is the only way they will really listen, and it reminds you that we were all there at one time. E
  9. EWolfe

    Drug testing

    So I had a little herb last weekend , and now I think I may have to take a drug test for my new job. Anyone got any sure-fire short-term fixes?
  10. I was going to say "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out", but I realized something more succinct was required for the infamous Necro, so: If you must part ways with us , my searing savant, please know that deep in our hearts we really will miss your comments on ball-gags and nun-sex. But alas, all things must pass, and it has become obvious that "Mr Doolittle" has evolved from that nasty l'il Necro. Growth pains are difficult, and it is a rare and sublime moment when one can step up to the plate as you have done, and shout out for all to hear: "I am human, I am growing, and sadly, I find myself, in the clutches of this growing pain, to look with honesty at the past online being that I m no more, and bid it fair adieu." Brave, sensitive soul, you have come clean in my book, and I no longer resent you for all of the baseness you have shown in the past. Be free, little bird.
  11. And you're NOT hiding your pre-pubescence?
  12. It's a blessing, I'm tellin' ya. Canadian beer still sucks need to some good US micros up there
  13. Nice pictures, Matt! It was good to see folks again and meet new ones! Random notes: Beck TOTALLY looks like John Stewart of "The Daily Show" (Thanks for the ScoobyDoo paper towels ) I heard NOLSe got FOUR speeding tickets on Saturday going from Mazama to 11Worth and back. Slow that down! Wirlwind did full-body postholing in shorts on Saturday! But got 4 out of 5 peaks with Thad on their enchainment effort. Good to see Flebleb again. Kudos to David Parker for getting an amazing site near the river There was some rotting animal by the cragging area that brought an unpleasant wind several times.
  14. I thought a follow-up thread would be appropriate for pictures, comments and such. What a great time! Thanks for the beer, TG! Damn whoever brought the JD! Went cragging at Mazama both days and had a blast! Here's the crew at the cabin for pancake breakfast Sunday morning: Here's yours truly SENDING BigWig (5.11c/d): Wirlwind climbing a 5.10d: and Rocksanyone sizing up the next moves on BigWig: Good fun, good folks and good bevvies!
  15. EWolfe

    W00t w00t

    w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t
  16. You! Yes, YOU!!! You're one of THEM, aren't you!!!
  17. Watch it youngster Age and treachery will always succeed over youth and enthusiasm.
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