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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Yep! It's that time of year again! Lodged mercilessly between tick season and mosquito season, you will be wanting to cover your legs and arms as protection from these viscious beastsfor the next few weeks. Gaitors on legs and arms are the preferred method of protection. The Mazamas are way ahead of the game in this regard. The drooly ones with the wild eyes and heavy breathing through bony chests are the ones to give wide berth to when encountered in the wild. Locator maps for this years "bad spots are mapped out at www.rabidsnaffleseason.com, as well as links to gaitor and glove distributors. Be careful out there.
  2. EWolfe


    Nice E!
  3. EWolfe

    W00t w00t

    w t! w t!
  4. , Youngster! Awesome weekend! Saturday I got to work alongside Texplorer and Alpinfox, as well as a couple of old friends from Bend. We all worked on rebuilding the Bunnyface area. Pictures to follow Good food and good beer on Saturday night. Timmy O'Neill was his usual hilarious self all evening! Met the elusive DFA, as well. Climbed with Muffy and BadVoodoo on Sunday (very hungover Lotsa Prana babes and sun all weekend!!! WooHoo! Great work to all the volunteers for doing $28,000 of labor (calculated by Ranger Dave) IN ONE DAY!!!
  5. O.K. Pad is for sale again Also, I am heading through Seattle and Portland TODAY, and will deliver!!! Did I mention I still have the Soloist, too?
  6. Hey, your parents push you hard and somethings gotta give!
  7. Those constraint may not exist with four more years
  8. He still posts occasionally, but he spells like Muffy now.
  9. **BUMP** We still got room for a couple more! Leaving Bellingham today: 4PM Leaving Seattle: 6PM Through Portland: 9PM
  10. THOSE are some sweet anchors. A guy would have to be independently wealthy to put those up on all his routes, though.
  11. EWolfe

    My Puffy

    There's one in the yard sale right now...
  12. Dave Schuldt Beck Greg W
  13. Agree or disagree, it's nice having someone on the site for the eyes overseas.
  14. EWolfe

    My Puffy

    'At's right!
  15. Oh, wait! He IS a pill!
  16. Man, I wish I could give five stars to just that paragraph. But I can't, so instead:
  17. Just an additional note: Shoes like the anasazi and some others are made of "cowdura", a synthetic leather and stretch very little. So be sure and check the material, as well. BTW? We are going to bolt DFA to the churning buttress this weekend! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
  18. Wouldn't that be case scenario vs case scenario?
  19. I am very afraid to open that attachment
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