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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Van Parasites!

    Hey, Thad! I got a nice crack climb for ya: starts on the twin horns!
  2. I would rather sandbag a bit than have my climbs downgraded People will often find an easier way than you did, so err on the cautious side. Split grades work well for the unsure, especially if there is height dependency. Cleaning the cruxes REALLY WELL helps maintain grade consistency My $.02 E
  3. Wish I was going to be around, but I am gone this weekend. Definitely some other time. E
  4. This is great stuff. I am a bit confused by RobBob and Dru, however...
  5. Man, I can't even get Ironman, much less that shizzle.
  6. M A C H I N E. Representin' The USA on the big stone
  7. Not me! I'm tendon-friendly! It's that freak youngster you are talkin' to.
  8. You can get the pass at the hardware store in George. Just down the road, if you forget to get it before. The ticket is expensive.
  9. It's what you get when you don't have 110 degree summers.
  10. EWolfe

    twin ropes

    That's true. As well, it also gets me wondering how they can do an appropriate edge simulation when you are supposed to be clipping the doubles at different protection points. Perhaps the reasoning is that you place two pieces of gear closely and clip seperately.
  11. EWolfe

    Van Parasites!

    Maybe they are "sponsored" by Thule What a bunch of Thules!
  12. chat! Chat, chat, chatterly! Le chat! Chatrobatics! penchat for chat! Don't chatstise me cuz I love lateral thinking!
  13. MAN! I got torn up on IPA that night. Then there's always some jerk who brings out a bottle of tequila at 10:30 Jeff!!!!!
  14. I think it must be AlpineK's birthday? JZ is his friend, and the birthday list shows Kurt's as 5/29.
  15. EWolfe

    Van Parasites!

    Thinkin' about adding a few more, Rob?
  16. O.k, so I got caught up in the onslaught.
  17. EWolfe

    Van Parasites!

    Yep, on Friday. I couldn't resist a picture, it is so classic Colorado. I even checked to see if there were 4, but the hidden side has a cargo basket.
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