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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. " If I wasn't doing this, I'd just be doing something else"
  2. Man, this thread is getting weird.
  3. A trip down memory lane, when the seahawks were awesome: But, yeah. Go Hawks
  4. The Nashua IS superior, and it is celebrity endorsed:
  5. Don't you have a local board where you can post your out-of-state drivel?
  6. classic. This has got to be the climbing equivalent to a girl fight... a boulder/sporto pissing match (only RuMR can't pull Mr E's hair ). You both can shine my bald spot w00t! 5000 posts!
  7. Frelard is closer to I-5 with the ease of access Fremont affords but without the Fremont facade. I am a Montlake Cut man, myself.
  8. Watch it, or I'll hafta drop-kick ya again.
  9. EWolfe


    I think I be Ill, Mitch.
  10. Post deleted by jon
  11. He can drink a proper english cup of tea now, though, pinky extended. Sorry to hear it, Luke.
  12. I have a 4.5 and a 5, and I seek out climbs to use them. I use them maybe 8-10 times a year. They're nice for chimneys that constrict in the back. But I'm weird.
  13. The owners, Steve and Pete, are friends of mine. They run a solid guiding company, and I have climbed with a few of their guides in the past. All good people and strong climbers.
  14. Sounds like fun. Just not the same weekend as ski-in. That's a great spot on the eastside! w00t!
  15. Ummmm. If you were there, wouldn't you know
  16. Bob had some stuff a few weeks ago that really rattled my uvula...
  17. especially since Trogdor has been there...
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