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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. dude, i did it thanksgiving. it's still 5.9. randy is just up to his old tricks. 5.8
  2. Everyone who lives close to Smith is so suck.
  3. Goddamn it, Bob! Get your skinny ass to pubclub!
  4. Christian hunters Nice links, Bill. Got something against Brittany?
  5. "All the great themes have been used up and turned into theme parks" -Christian Slater in "Pump Up The Volume"
  6. So, for those that are interested: Rogue Hero about 7PM, back by the darts See you there!! Mr. Natty?
  7. Useful: Books on tape Oxycotone Plastic flask of booze Yahtzee Useless: Cast Iron Skillet Glassgowkiss non-alcoholic beer 14 mm rope
  8. yeah that's my excuse as to why i climb 5.suck_minus and i'm stickin' to it... so what's your's? I call BS, Rudy. I know for a FACT you are climbing 5.suck_plus!
  9. I give up. I am not going to try organizing anymore 'ham pubclubs.
  10. Probably taste about the same when you got it...
  11. Wirlwind is gonna be back in town from Cali on Tuesday, thought a little welcoming gathering might be in order. $2 pints of microbrew all night at the Rogue Hero! Who's down for some ?
  12. Saturday: breakfast out, cleaned house, nap, played yatzee, watched Ghengis Blues, went out for beers and darts Sunday: slept in, built box/drawer for Glassgowkiss' van, built kitty coffin, buried cat, shopping for week.
  13. Another Anasazi fan. An awesome all-around shoe. They seem to be stiff enough in the sole for foot jams (although a bit thin on the top), and very good on thin cracks and edging. My only complaint is that the heel box is a bit narrow making hooking a little tenuous at times.
  14. Plus it's the coolest bowling ball ever!
  15. I don't have a "shreader" , and I am always worried about someone getting a hold of the credit card solicitations in my name, so I usually rip them up and put part in recycling and part in the garbage. I like the idea of returning the stuff Even better (if it works) is writing "please take my name and address off your mailing list"
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