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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Thanks for all of the information! Sounds like it might be cold, we will be prepared! TR to follow...
  2. What are these PM things and how much outdoor ed experience do you need to formulate an opinion on them?
  3. The beauty of the one-peice windsuit is the lingering odor around your neck after a nice fart! They don't call them windsuits for nothing! I am qualified to speak of this cuz I worked for OB for 2 years, as well as REI for 6 months, so you all can show props!
  4. ...and your boss hooked on synthetic heroin!
  5. Saturday: 1/2 days work, spring (?) cleaning, planned trip to NE Wa for next week, watched "Miracle", went and saw Living Daylights Sunday: Slept in 'til 11, phat breakfast, watched superbowl at casino on 75 foot TV (it seemed)
  6. Thanks! Any additional cool sights/sites would be appreciated as well! Erik
  7. Dammit, Man! It's all about the windshirts!
  8. I am planning a three day trip out to the Pend-Oreille area next week with my GF, and am curious about climbing/bouldering in the area. I have never been to the NE portion of the state, and perusing the gazeteer, found some interesting stuff: Manresa Grotto: Glacially formed above ground cave, altars, spectacular views. Used for ceremony Devils Well: Perfectly round pond, depth unknown Gardner Cave: 2nd longest limestone cave in WA Roosevelt Grove of Ancient Cedars Any help would be appreciated! Erik
  9. EWolfe


    I wonder if he's done the third flatiron in those skates...
  10. You all are so lucky to have such opportunities! I only get offers for free laptops.
  11. EWolfe


    I am so sorry to hear that, Eric. Thanks for the reminder to cherish those close to us.
  12. Agreed. Some descents off of the domes in Southern Yosemite were absolutely brutal. For my money, the most shredding, impassable plant around
  13. Q. M10 must be really hard, I've seen the pictures in the magazines. You're just a freak. If you can redpoint endurance 12b/7a+ you can redpoint any M10 with work. Do it with spurs/trickery and if it's steep it's probably M9.. You'll just have to learn how to use the tools and develop new strengths and muscle patterns. Until you learn the techniques M9 can feel really hard even if you can climb 5. 13. I am a freak.
  14. It kind of weird. We just got this sun conure, and they are supposed to live for 25 years, so just the other night we were figuring out how old we would be in 2030. I WILL be old!
  15. EWolfe


    Hey, Ed. Love your show! Yayyyy!
  16. You'll be watching it through your pop-bottle lenses, and your depends won't last all night anyway, although your arthritis keeps you up.
  17. EWolfe

    Racoon sex...

    As long as you didn't get a stiffie from it
  18. Are you talking about the US or Iran?
  19. Moderator, please move to the NEW BOLT-WHINER FORUM
  20. EWolfe

    Send it!

    No kidding! When he finally sobers up, he will be aghast at what he has written lately. But that would also mean he has to face all those years of sport-climbing... so... Party On, Rudy! Yayyy!
  21. Eat what nourishes your body, and damn the detractors. much ado about munching!
  22. shipping'll kill ya, though !
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