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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Phillip, a 75 YO semi-cascading juniper. In the rough, on Saturday: After first pruning (approx. 1/2 reduction of needles): Some additional work still needs to be done on the errant short cascade to accentuate the crown.
  2. Jesus, Snoboy! You must have some sleds!
  3. I just wanted to get E-Rock all hot and bothered.
  4. EWolfe

    Favourite cocktail

    Forties and Fatties!
  5. EWolfe

    Favourite cocktail

    This guy loves his shakes!
  6. EWolfe

    Favourite cocktail

    I'm with ya on the single-malt. I still like the "electric iced tea" for a good whack.
  7. I used to love that show! The Ren and Stimpy collection comes first, though.
  8. Geez! The only thing I ever gave my teachers was forged notes from my mom...
  9. Don't you know? They ALWAYS get their man!
  10. EWolfe

    Depth Charges

    You use that that for gargling?
  11. EWolfe

    Depth Charges

    I thought this was going to be about farting under the covers then leaving the bed.
  12. Thanks. I didn't know the name. Basically an overhand knot slid to the side until the sleeving is done: It ends up being an sleeved waterknot. No, Ted. The knot won't come undone. That's the point.
  13. EWolfe

    Crampon Lube

    Quick-drawers cleaner?
  14. There is a trick with the 9/16" tubular that takes care of the tails and "supposedly" decreases the slippage. Tie a single water knot and move it away from the bitter end. Then, open up one of the tubular webbing and sleeve the other end into the open hole. Be sure you have plenty of "tail" both inside and out, before you work the waterknot back over the sleeved portion. Check by feel to insure there is extra webbing inside, as well as visually inspecting the outside tail. I have climbed on this setup for several years without any noticable slippage.
  15. See? the more you drive the less intelligent you are
  16. EWolfe

    Crampon Lube

    tri-camisole remover?
  17. Alaska: The new Pacific Northwest!
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