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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Gulf Sream needs to pay more attention to it's place in the World. There is just no excuse for that.
  2. Still has the best cragging in the continental US, so ya can't knock her too hard.
  3. EWolfe

    The Ghost of DFA

    Now where'd I put those pictures from the 2004 Spring Thing.... Mwahahahahahaha!
  4. EWolfe

    Truck ads...

    Is Distel performing an "unduckling" move?
  5. EWolfe

    Truck ads...

    Need some Viagra for that, Pal. If ya wanna finish.
  6. Ah, hell. I missed it. I already quit.
  7. EWolfe

    EDK rappells

    Like you ever need two ropes.
  8. EWolfe


    Wanting of course to jump on the bandwagon of the new lexicon, I find myself worried about the "in crowd", and how I can be one of them. It vexes me to think that once I have climbed "outside" I may have tainted my standing. Can I make it up by climbing 95% at the gym now for a commitment of no less than 1 year? Anxious
  9. Blake has his aspirations, just like the rest of us.
  10. OK, Wednesday. Not as good, but I'll show up for a little less time than Blake.
  11. EWolfe

    EDK rappells

    For different diameter ropes with the EDK, a simple overhand in the rope end could be the solution.
  12. I am curious about this new "napproach ski". Sounds intriguing.
  13. Yeah, I'm going bald too. Quite an accomplishment, 80's-style notwithstanding.
  14. Getting drunk and dancing to techno all night is great leg training.
  15. EWolfe

    Truck ads...

    "These Here Wheels Represent The Enormity of my Genetalia" :
  16. And a humor entry: Suzi and Wrecks, Grasslands Peek, Smith Rock Link to bigger Picture
  17. EWolfe

    Truck ads...

    My favorite is the quad-cab 4WD with duellies that's been lowered.
  18. This is my Best of the Year: Mike Leading Out Pitch 20, Devil's Club Link to Big Picture
  19. It's coming tomorrow night and Tuesday!!
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