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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. like you do? better go and fuck a pig.
  2. Like I've already told you, GGK; I have no interest in your chubby, squealing wife. it's not my wife, it's your mom, btw tell her i'm busy
  3. you might be mistaken about "catastrophic insurance" policies, or you have looked at policies which i am unfamiliar with. most of these policies i am familiar with have a high deductible, a certain percentage copay for hospital visits or other procedures, with a cap on maximum out-of-pocket costs for policy holder (always(?) under 10 grand). correct me if i'm wrong. $186/month gets two of us 5k deductible, 20% copay thereafter, 10K maximum out of pocket per-year, two million lifetime coverage. Our primary goal is to limit the maximum costs of a medical catastrophe, not enroll in a pre-paid monthly plan that costs considerably more than the health care that we're actually likely to use in anything less than a catastrophe. Ergo it might not be for everyone, but it looked like the coverage that made the most since for us. The premiums are calculated primarily based upon your age. For anyone over 40 you'd have to pay over $200 per person. plus read the fine print. they do not cover medications the way you think. the meds are going towards your deductible, but you have to pay out of pocket. ergo if you have any serious illness you are fucked regardless. one chemo tx will run you over 5k a pop. new tx for RA costs 3K and you have to get injections 2 times per month, that's 6K- can you pay that much?
  4. you might be mistaken about "catastrophic insurance" policies, or you have looked at policies which i am unfamiliar with. most of these policies i am familiar with have a high deductible, a certain percentage copay for hospital visits or other procedures, with a cap on maximum out-of-pocket costs for policy holder (always(?) under 10 grand). correct me if i'm wrong. yes u are wrong. if u look at fine print usually none of the medications will be covered. you have to pay for them out of pocket and they go towards your deductible. Usually nowadays the max out of pocket is 50K with these policies. btw these policies only cover generic drugs and nothing else. so tell me again what is it supposed to cover? it's a fraud and creates a false sense of security.
  5. STFU, you are a government employee, with full medical benefits and you don't friggin pay a penny for it. So when you are on your own, live in a REAL world, paying REAL bills then you'll earn right to speak punk ass.
  6. You are an obvious example how limited helps meds really are. Your complete lack of logic shows your two brain cells are beyond any help by anyone. now do us a favor and suck some repubifuck shlong or just plain piss of clownpunch.
  7. First of all what "catastrophic insurance is a complete bullshit. It usually includes at least $5000 deductible and no medications are usually covered by it. So what is it supposed to for? So called "catastrophic" insurance is a complete fraud. If you really need any medical treatment it will not pay for 75-90% of your bill. So if you have even 50 grand in medical bills it won't make any difference in the amount you have to pay off. Second, 47 million people did not "opt" to have no insurance. It's a choice between housing and food vs insurance.
  8. Radio broadcast and air time aren't free either, so if you like it so much you better support it clownpunch.
  9. Oh, gee choice? You don't have choice, you have lists of providers. Regence closed the lists for independent providers in Whatcom County in 1999, even though there was almost 5% growth during last decade. As the matter of fact they closed for the whole Washington State. Regence is the single largest provider in this state. So your only choice are medical providers who have contract with Regence. For cockroaches you don'tneed to go to London, all you need is a trip to any eastern seaboard city.
  10. No, he will get it, while in the nursing home, waiting for a shower for 16- 21 days.
  11. I see the future...... I see a pig running.......
  12. By landslide........ right
  13. Oh please, enlighten us oh mighty mind!
  14. Shall I escort you to the dock? To see your mom? Did not know she works there.
  15. You are greatly mistaken. The food market is way more regulated in Europe. A lot of countries implemented their additional regulatory measures. One is GM foods, but in Germany beer sold can't have any preserving agents in it. What are you saying? That HFCS is good for you? I don't think you even have a basic knowledge of human physiology to voice your opinion. Maybe according to you cigarettes are harmless too? You might want to open a book from time to time.
  16. Really????!!!!! No you already did sacrifice, by voting for bush you dolt. Often heard. Never backed up. I think the only backup is in your cornhole as the turd is pushing on your pee-wee brain.
  17. oh please, make an ass out of yourself more. Like in Canada there are no surgeons who know how to operate. Quality was fine, so was the final result. She is still in the rehab, as shoulder do take longer hen other joints. It was about 3 month between Dx and the Tx, so the same as here.
  18. Really????!!!!! No you already did sacrifice, by voting for bush you dolt.
  19. ? I think people in countries with socialized health care are pretty happy about it. Not true. Great Britain's system is in utter turmoil right now. And in the US isn't? A friend of my had a shoulder replacement surgery in Vancouver BC. Her total bill was $280. My wife has an ankle surgery and even we pay close to 300 bucks for her coverage a month, we still have to dish out close to 1500 for what Regence did not cover. Oh, also check your policy. If you have more serious illness you'll run out of coverage before you die. So you hated Medicare might be your only option to continue treatment. Most of policies will only cover up to 2 million per lifetime. It's not so much if you have MS or a cancer, where you'll use about 250K in just meds per year.
  20. your mom? or you after your "birth" asseye
  21. What this country needs less? I think last November showed rather clearly. How is the pig fuck going? Predicting landslide again? Oh, btw you also call Switzerland, Japan, Germany, Taiwan or England socialist countries? I do have an American passport, so fuck off with your immigrant rhetoric. The number is 47 million (one in six) with no insurance. Additional 51 millions are under insured. The numbers are from the US Census Bureau.
  22. glassgowkiss

    Health care

    As usual the republifuck's approach- do nothing! While almost 50% of working people have no insurance or close to no insurance they pretend it's so fucking dandy! And no, you can't see the doctor of your choice now anyway, if he/she doesn't have a contract with your insurance company! Flame away right wing retards. That's all you are good at- empty spew, and no solutions!
  23. On the contrary his son would be in mid to late 80's
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