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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    Ron Paul

    Under the bill, federal regulators could order that automatic shutoff valves be installed on new pipelines so leaks can be halted sooner Why does the federal government have to order this? Why doesn't the company do it? Seems absurd. Because if it was not for such regulations we would not have any air or clean water. I don't know why is it so hard to comprehend! I know that smoking weed makes your memory go to shit, but remember Bellingham pipe line explosion back in 1999 read this before spouting nonsense
  2. glassgowkiss

    Ron Paul

    Ron Paul and his son are dangerous crazy:http://news.yahoo.com/senator-blocks-pipeline-safety-bill-principle-070809432.html
  3. yes, hope getting fat, so they die sooner then later from obesity related illnesses.
  4. They are busy getting it up the ass from the very same people they support. While busy with gay bashing and wrapped up in American flag, "defending" the country from non-existent enemy, they are getting their ass rimmed in form of pay cuts and wall street bailouts.
  5. Fuck yeah, Ron Paul! Fucking retard said people who don't have health insurance should be left on the street to die. Spoken like a true MD, I am sure his idol is Dr Mengele. The whole debate it's some sort of cerebral midget wrestling.
  6. JayB, when 50% of the Congress makes over 1 million per year, while the median income in the US is about 50K, it would not be a stretch to say we are lacking proper representation in the legislative branch. Judging by how quickly mighty soviet empire fell, I think the social, political and economic day of reckoning is much nearer then you think. People who start lacking tend to become desperate.
  7. Our judicial system isn't bad, it's just totally and utterly FUCKED. It's not about right or wrong, it's not about justice, it's about winning or losing. Not a single shred of physical evidence was introduced. He was sentenced base only on eye witness testimony. Cop died, someone had to pay- so they killed who might be innocent. So maybe it's not as bad as in Iran (or Persia, how it should be called properly), but most likely looks like it's heading that way.
  8. "Taken as a whole, the US tax system is probably somewhat progressive — but not as much as you might think, especially at the upper end, and very erratically. There are a lot of rich people basically free-riding on the system." Now this doesn't even go into much, much bigger problem of tax loop holes for a lot of large corporations.
  9. sure (though not fewer loopholes, but ALL of them) -- and only if you increased the long-term capitol gains tax as well. 15% on an unlimited amount of income is RETARDED A massively simplified tax code without any deductions, loopholes or subsidies in exchange for lowered rates across the boards sounds pretty good to me. He wants you to kiss your mortgage deduction and child tax credit good bye. Of course I do.
  10. Thank god the "Smoke Crack and Worship Satan" autosig is back. 1. How did the tax breaks wreck the economy, in your opinion? 2. What qualifies as rich? 3. What percentage of the total tax burden should the rich bear relative to their income and the total tax burden? Useful data: http://www.cbo.gov/publications/collections/tax/2010/graphics.cfm the basic question goes unanswered: if tax cuts lead to job creation, why did unemployment go in the crapper and stay there for 3 years despite no real change in taxes? i'm hardly an economic historian, but it seems like big tax cuts did go hand-in-hand with an orgy of real-estate speculation which did eventual resulted in the meltdown of '08 that still hasn't worked itself out today. Democrats are now arguing that the stimulus spending helped stop a *worse* recession than we got. You could make the same argument about the tax cuts. Democrats are on the same shit wagon, just look at the donations from the corporations: AT&T donated 3 mil to GOP and 2 mil to DNC in '08. The whole system of 2 party rule outlived itself about 40-50 years ago. My whole point is that the top earners are able to hide assets and earnings through numerous tax loop holes, same goes for private parties and for corporations. And I am sick and tired of hearing don't tax "job creators". while maybe they create jobs in India or China, they did rather piss job of creating them here. If corporations make billions of dollars a year, but don't pay any income tax (GE) i think there is something totally fuck here.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/rep-john-fleming-field-criticism-over-600k-income-153305241.html GOP argument is you can't tax "job creators". They had all sorts of tax brakes for the past 10 years in the form of bush era tax cuts- so wtf are these jobs? surely not here. so if with all the tax brakes they pretty much destroyed the economy what makes the teabaggers think they will start creating them now?
  12. it's like watching intellectual midget wrestling.
  13. I need a ride to Squamish Friday night. If someone is driving from or through Bellingham after 7pm I need a ride. I will chip in for gas and I will need no room for gear except for 1 medium bag. I will need ride only one way. Pm me here or call/txt 360.927.4861. Thanks in advance- Bob
  14. Music was written and recorded by my friend Bill. I could not use copy written music, so I had to go with what I was able to use. Recently I started collaboration with a local composer, so things should be improving as far as score goes soon. I should have another project finished within next 2 months. Let's hope you don't need a line of coke to watch that one!
  15. Looks like I will be hitting 10K viewership soon on my first trailer: [video:youtube]HWxiMM-z9i4
  16. it's obvious you an "expert" on sizing people up, and it's obvious you have never met Greg. Your "logical" explanation is air tight.
  17. just don't drop any c-bombs your mom
  18. Selling my Laser screws 1x10cm (BD express) 1x13cm 7x16cm 1x22cm They were professionally sharpened last season, there are some dings on them, but they still go in ice really easy. I am selling them because I simply can't ice climb anymore. $220 plus shipping if not picking up in person. Contact me via email or phone only: rogozrobert at gmail or 3609274861. Paypal or cash only
  19. I have 2 pairs of AT skis for sale: The first pair is Volkl Snowwoolf 170 cm long with Silveretta Carbon bindings. The story is that a friend of my bough them, mounted some bindings and then decided to sell them, so I had to re-drill the holes for Silverettas. The set up allows mountain boots and ski boots, so they can be used as approach or regular ski.It's super light and I am adding a pair of crappy skins in the price. I am selling them for $375 plus the cost of shipping if I have to ship. I live in Bellingham, but I frequent both in Seattle and Vancouver BC. They were used less then 10 times total, there are no scratches on the bottom. Second pair is Atomic Congur 170 cm with Fritschi Diamir Freeride Titanal III bindings. I am also including a pair of skins cut for these skis. They were also ridden only a handful of times, there are a couple of little scratches on them, but over all they are in very good shape. I am selling this setup for $325 plus shipping if not picking up in person. Paypal or cash only. Contact me via email only: rogozrobert at gmial or phone 360.927.4861
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