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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. To what capacity is she working in a "medical field"? A lot of unlicensed, essentially clerical jobs claim to work in "medical field" (receptionist, billers). Unless you have to carry a license and work directly (CNa's, RN's BSN's, RT's, Pa's, MD''s to name a few) or indirect care (lab techs, Radiology tech and such)- which all are part of state licensing structure, anything else is just a friggin job. A friend of my works as IT for the hospital, but his job requires zero patient direct or indirect care. Administrative positions will not be effected, as they work on 40 hr/week schedule. Who will also get effected is Paramedics and Firefighters.
  2. I don't like the sound of that one bit. Well, get used to it, as this change will most likely mean exactly this. What do you get, when you start cutting people's pay? Better and more dedicated workforce? NOT!
  3. At least he lowered the risk of getting shit stuck behind his nail while talking a dump into a bag on porta-ledge.
  4. Yes, sounds more like the correct name. As far as I remember you have to do Central Pillar on Lower Wall to call it Weeping Pillar. Daggers are an issue on that wall and using these caves for belays is a good strategy. I went up 2 times (Teardrop and Pillar) and both times I returned from climbing pretty banged up. Second time, our rope cut a snow slab at the top and falling wet snow almost took my head off. It knocked me upside down, and my head and neck were sore for a couple of weeks.
  5. Uh, maybe they will because the marketplace needs these skills and will demand it? Isn't this why businesses offer benefits in the first place? Can you give an example of an RN working 36--32--even 24 hours weekly who isn't offered medical benefits? My wife is in the medical field, and anyone working over 24hrs/week gets benefits. You are one stupid tosser, proving once again you know absolutely about the subject matter you are discussing. So let me enlighten your backward thinking sorry ass. After Reagan signed into law, anyone working 30 hours or more is considerate full time employee. Nurses work on mostly 12 hour shift schedule, so most of them work 3x12 hours=36 hours. Under current law, they have to receive benefit as FT employees. People who work now under 30 hours can receive benefits, but the contribution will be reduced. So what it will mean for me and my wife is simple fact, that republifuck assholes will force us to pay more then a double rate for the health insurance. So it's not about receiving benefits, but at what rate. May your waits be long, and injections painful.
  6. Here you go ... Republicans type of Law and Order.... "Last week, the House of Representatives passed the Save American Workers Act of 2015, H.R. 30 which would change the current definition of full-time work under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), raising it to 40 hours per week from the current definition of 30 hours. The American Nurses Association (ANA) sent a letter to the House of Representatives opposing this bill because the legislation would negatively impact those in jobs where full-time work involves less than 40 hours per week. This would include the 1.69 million RNs and APRNs who are employed by general medical and surgical hospitals, other specialty hospitals, and psychiatric and substance abuse hospitals. Typically, RNs who work in a hospital setting work a three day, 12 hour shift, with a workweek of 36 hours. If enacted, employers subject to the employer mandate would no longer be required to offer health insurance benefits to those working the regularly scheduled 36 hour workweek." BTW it will not only affect RNs and APRNs but everyone (99%) in most hospitals that works less then 40hr.
  7. Wayne, to call it a Whipping Pillar, you have to do a Central Pillar on LWW.
  8. Well, definitely NOT working. Well, i understand where you're coming from. I mean there is no sheep backed up against a cliff's edge and all. How could it be funny? Don't you be talking shit about my girlfriends.
  9. so what the fuck are you trying to achieve with your boo-foo fucking climbing videos.... i'm assuming you want someone to look at them... or are you one of those ass wipes who get tattoos and claim to get them for themselves but every chance you get get ur like " wanna see my TATT" go back to EU ya fucking fagg My New Year resolution is to avoid pointless discussions via internet with certified wankers. Happy trails clowpunch.
  10. Amazing ascent. Too bad hype killed it for me, kind of 19 days of insane hyperspray. If I had a dollar for every asswipe asked me about climbing in the past 2 and half weeks, I would be driving a Ferrari to Squamish. Kind of like this headline: http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/international/two-idiots-climb-big-thing-for-some-stupid-reason-2015011594457 Turning climbing into some pseudo spectator sport makes my stomach churn. I can see a whole bunch of wankers lining up at the base of ElCap this spring, because they were inspired by this media circle jerk. One should be careful how they market themselves. Climbing is an utter, completely pointless waste of time. Media making them some form of heroes is a bad joke. Want to be a hero, go teach kids at a school for 30 years, go to Western Africa and risk your life fighting ebola. People like that are inspiring, and actually do something good in the process. Climbing is fun, when you are doing it, kind of like punching your clown. But like with the later, not so much fun to watch.
  11. Condolences to the families. I might add, that what most guides will do is short rope. The rope should short enough, that in case someone slips, they can be stopped before generating momentum. The most experienced team member should be always as the highest member of the team (lead on the ascent and last on the descent). Other good option is just doing running belays. BTW Marc- congratulations for stellar ascents earlier this winter.
  12. This is why there should be licensing for camera and gun purchases. The scary thought is this "IT" (I mean is it guy or a woman? Pat from SNL?) could walk into a store and buy a firearm. And btw, these vids are just moronic.
  13. You are just one hypocritical retard with a memory span of a peanut. Iran-Contra sounds familiar? NSA was formed under Bush, and Congress under Republican leadership passed Patriot Act, which allowed NSA for spying without any supervision on US citizens. In 2003 I argued that Patriot Act will lead EXACTLY to this sort of situation, but you bought into fear mongering of Bush administration and agued for it. So now, please SHUT THE FUCK UP, because it is you and your voting record for re-electing Bush for second term sealed the deal. It is how law is written, so you have to choose which one you want- dictator, or president following the law? You want laws changed- make sure you vote accordingly, or SHUT THE FUCK UP. on this one- you have ZERO credibility.
  14. according to you then unemployment is high, the economy is shit and basically we are fucked under this president. Oh, wait, that was Bush…..
  15. Are you better off or worse off than you were when B-Ho took office? I'm better off :-) So explain me in logical terms why most of your posts are agains the current president and his policies then?
  16. So for six friggin years you righties were complaining how Obama was not doing anything, and now he does a couple of executive actions, and you call him a dictator? wtf? get your friggin story straight. and get off them drugs fw- it's fucking up your memory.
  17. That's how an empire works. You know, like if when Poles made FA, it would be First Russian Ascent and/or First German Ascent FWA- Poland.
  18. Actually I worked with mexican climber at EP in 1990. If you hire climbers, don't make a mistake and give them flexible schedule.
  19. La Pierre: ""The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Well judging by what happened today in NYC, this pretty much is proven bullshit right wingnut lunacy at it's best. The same lunacy that led to zero result producing torture. Torture, which will lead to endangering US citizens traveling abroad. So republifucks pretty much wrecked the economy, producing the single biggest economic crisis since the 30's. The same crew of joker fucksticks stripped this country of any international legitimacy by falsifying threat of WMD's, invading Iraq, destabilizing the region and torturing people. WTF? Every single thing that these assholes touch, they just FUCK IT UP! Why don't you just fucking crawl under a rock and die!
  20. glassgowkiss

    Everest FA

    Not like it matters, and I think all this nationalistic bullshit about who climbed first should be a thing of the past. But…, can anyone explain to me, how can Britons claim FA of Everest, when it was done by a Kiwi and Nepali?
  21. Absolutely. Political Correctness. Thanks American libs! And righties are sooo not guilty of pc as well. Try to make a joke about cheesus….
  22. not much skiing right now. btw, climbers make for one of the worst employees, I can attest to that. I worked for 3 climbing companies- my advice- hire a bunch of mexicans. After working as a production manager at Franklin Climbing Equipment, we basically stopped hiring climbers, as totally unreliable work force.
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