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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. looks like Robson St on Sat evening to me
  2. yur a dumass. fuckin best time of year is in the summer. climb at night by headlamp swim in the river and scam babes during the day. yea, if you climb 5.4 and you're a total poser don't tell me it is better to climb in 110F then in 65F clownpuncher as far as "scaming babes" it's obvious to me you have never climbed in France, Italy, Czech Republic or Poland. A lot of topless chicks with proper body fat ratio (in comaprison to overweight cali-fucken-fornia-women with bad attitude)- so who is the dumbass?
  3. I may be mistaken, but I believe copyright is owned by the creator of a picture, or other work, simply by the act of creation... you don't need to "copyright it" to own copyright. And just coz others go to these places doesn't mean they took pictures. A bit of attitude methinks. actually pictures belong to whoever is the owner of the film and the camera
  4. it's going to be HOT!!!!Summer in yosemite sucks! it's hot, large crowds of rv type wankers and in general the place is a zoo. even (semi- friendly) park rangers are complete pricks. so why bother. go there at the end of september/ october. november and winter is very nice on sunny days. place to find climbing partners is camp 4 (sunnyside camp) or mtn bar room. be on the lookout! high theft ratio during that time of the year
  5. Where is the logic? the area is an old quary, has a tunel drilled. busy railroad tracks run 100 ft from the part of the lower wall and there is a gun club every saturday! i remember 4 or 5 years ago greg did a great job cleaning and scraping around tunel vission area. a lot of people enjoyed climbing there for a while. i climbed a couple of routes there last summer and it sucked- blackberry bushes everywhere higher on the wall. Now someone wrote about dirt and moss as a part of the climbing experience. well maybe to YOU because i go to Index to train. besides the views on Mt Index the whole place has estethics of a run-down industrial park meets trailer trash haven. i don't think even land managers will care if you trim some shrub. do a good job, thanks K
  6. plenty of floor space here - bring your sleepingbag Royal with cheese? maybe they have a mullet night?
  7. Wed. Jun 4 beer drinking, maybe 20:30 or 21? "Da Beaver"???? on State St- a chance for some sleazy college chicks with some big fake .....id's . For anybody wanting to kick my ass- here is your chance.
  8. hey, how about june 4? maybe "the beaver on state st? cheap, stinky and some college trim.....
  9. Gaston_Lagaffe said: Speaking of the Grand Wall, how many hours (including waiting for slower parties to finish before you etc) has it taken you folks to climb to :1) to Bellygood 2 hours 45 minutes in 1992
  10. so what about hubers? they did more on el crap- the wholly grail of trad climbing then ALL other americans combined. and don't pull that "lynn hill nose in a day"shit. because my argument will be scott burk and his nose abortion ascent. and don't tell me salathe' was done by piana/skinner. everybody in the ditch gives fa to hubers. anyway, climbers from europe did more in the past 5 years then all of the dope smoking pseudo hyppies in the past 20. and don't tell me about all the aid lines, since you need a fitness level of a truck driver to do that. and alpine- there is a 30 ft run-out on el ninio (protected by old knife blade) on some 13c pitch- by the way also done on sight by some lads from the old continent(was it leo?)
  11. what kind of stupid topic is this? sport you clip bolts and trad you place gear. what is the fucking problem? grades will reflect how much effort it takes to redpoint a pitch. usually people who suck at climbing and their inflated egos can't handle it will say trad is much harder. a complete bullshit, since they will suck ass on harder sport pitch. somehow they will say trad climbing is harder in order to boost the penis size. 5.10, 11, 12, 13,14 or 15 is the same weather on overhanging limestone or granite crack. type of climbing and technique will differ. of course there will be sandbag pitches weather sport, trad or alpine. but in general the only difference is how you place gear- other wise you'r full of shit and i will straighten you right the fuck out with a good shoe up the ass or kick to the balls
  12. yes, but it wasn't your mom's but yours and not a house, but bunghole and it wasn't me, but 6ft
  13. yes indeed it did. but before it did i gave it to your mother
  14. Nobady wants to drink with that crazy honyak crazy polish dick...he's gay oh yeah trask! you'd know that. i remember you saying his dick tastes like shit...
  15. wrong! in both cases routes are rated by the hardest moves and how much energy it took to redpoint a pitch ( and it should be a consensus). I've done enough trad to say: some of the routes (like Daily Planet, Iron Horse, Jap Gardens) are rather easy for a grade. Some of them (like Big Slick, Split Pilar left) are pretty much right on. Let's face it- most of the trad is done on flakes or crack systems, hence if you suck ass crack climbing it will take toll on you and it will feel hard. I just remember a friend of my from Calgary on Split pilar (5.10b). He is an exeptional alpinis/ice/mix climber. he did several hard limestone routes in the Rockies and can redpoint up to lower 13's. He was hanging all over that pitch though. The reason was he sucked ass climbing hand cracks. The point is if you're not good at some type of climbing it will feel hard. But just because it feels hard TO YOU, doesn't mean it is hard in general. If your fingers are weak and you don't climb pin scars something like City Park will feel impossible. If your forte' is pimping nubins at Smith any cave style route will be impossible. I said again and again and again- what it all boils down to is if you're strong or not. Hubers were climbing 10's and 11's during the first couple of weeks in the ditch. A couple of weeks later they do Salathe. I think trad climbs in many cases are much easier to deal with. You can put as much gear ( most of the time) as you want to, while doing sport routes you have to take multiple whippers above the bolt. yes, some sport crags are bolted like hell, but if you go to places like Verdon or Frankenjura taking 30 or 40 ft fall is a norm. Don't tell me that something like Darkness at Noon at Smith has bolts close together. And if you don't agree with me I'll straighten you right the fuck out
  16. oh give me a fucking brake!! what kind of drugs are you on? and what 5.13 did you actually REDPOINT? 5.13 is 5.13, wether trad or sport.
  17. testpiss 5.9 blahblablahblah testpiss5.10blablabla....testpiss5.11blablabla- what the fuck are you climbing on? Are you just a bunch of punters. FuckingA! (better fucking O- it's easier) stop sitting in front of the computer and start cranking! what's wrong with you fat slobs? let's get a story straight: 5.9- you suck ass 5.10- you suck ass 5.11- you suck ass, but keep trying 5.12- you suck ass, but there is hope for you 5.13- don't get your panties bunched up, you're not there yet 5.14- you're ok
  18. you'll get way less tired carying a light pack and cut the total trip time. please don't get too concerned about MY climbing. wtf is this all about??? what it boils down is taking peronal responsibility for actions and the consequences.
  19. why pack? bring everything on your harness!!!! if things don't go your way, you can ab from the top of pitch 5 in 30 minutes. we started 7 am, on the top 3pm, back to the car at 5. the only aid we did was above the roof (about 3 rp palcements and 3 shitty bolts. don't know where the grade V is from? The rest goes up to 11+ with majority of climbing in 9/10 range.
  20. Hey Mike, sorry to hear about your injury. after the cast is off free treatments at my office pal. ciao- r
  21. hey Rudy, i am off to europe early july- poland, slovakia and italy- dolomites are calling my name again. i'll be back on this side of the pond in late august and going straight to bugaboos and rockies for 2 weeks. pretty much i said fuck this work stuff and i am starting my dirt bag days all over again. managed to onsight a few 11/low 12 and by the end of the summer should be back to 13's again- feels good to be back ... ciao- have fun on your trip
  22. rudy, some of the routes are ok, but shit compared to Astroman! another very good one is "Good Book". Do astroman, rostrum, moratorium and don't bother with enything else, well maybe add nw of half dome in a day. this should make your week.
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