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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Nobody gives a flying fuck about what you want.
  2. Still haven't seen a report about you sending free Numbah10 on lead on gear. Until then, shut the fuck up.
  3. Seriously, without a light AT setup it will be next to impossible to beat current time.
  4. Chip, you have it backwards. The fact I am not joining your circle jerk doesn't make my person toxic, obviously you are totally passive aggressive person, having hard time coping with reality of life. I am done talking to the clowns like you. My advise here is go and climb something, enjoy your life , put up a route, repeat a route, instead of beat your chest in internet. If you or Raindawg can do this route, lead by example, lead it with no bolts. I will remove them after your ascent. Other wise shut the fuck up and start posting in spray, because honestly that is where your reply belong.
  5. Haven't heard that kind of bet since I was 9 years old at recess during 4th grade, or later by adult clowns on cc.com who can't deal with the philosophy of the issues. You obviously missed the point. It doesn't matter if I'm in a wheelchair or can climb 5.18......what I have to say stands on its own principle. I don't really care if it's ever free-climbed, but forcing it by adding a line of bolts next to a crack is disrespectful and narcissistic. Plenty of that around here! P.S. And "Choada-Boy"...enjoy the schoolyard dog-pile....it's expected. Comparing to 9 year old- well buddy, I just called your bullshit, now you are backpedaling like a 9 year old caught lying to his parents. The fact is you said this particular route can be done on lead, free climbed with natural gear, and I responded if you think so, show the rest of us how it's done or shut the fuck up. All you do is spew nonsense, but yet you have zero track record of ability to back up your statements. So if you think Numbah10 is a bolted crack, please lead it (free) without clipping the bolts. If your ascent is confirmed, I will personally remove the bolts and pay you $200 for the ascent. Now I don't want to see more spray on your part and backpedaling bullshit. All I want to see is a report stating you have done so. Otherwise I consider this topic closed, with no further need to waste bandwidth on utterly unproductive spray.
  6. dude, if you even want to be remotely taken into consideration in this exchange, stop posting stupid pictures as a reply, and use written language as most adults do.
  7. I think you are mistaking an opinion in general, with a comment made about climbing style on particular route.
  8. Contrary to your intended statement, this picture actually applies to you. Raindawg is talking shit, which he can't back up with his climbing ability.
  9. The intended shoot is supposed to happen on Eldorado, so yes, the filming will be done in NP, unless they opt to change the location.
  10. No drones are allowed in National Parks. They need someone with boots on the ground. But it doesn't sound like they have their shit together with permits yet. BTW, if I see people "poaching" footage in National Parks I will start turning them myself. It fucking pisses me off, as they totally fuck it up for everyone else. It's already utter cluster fuck while attempting to obtain any filming permits in NPS areas, and illegal activities just give Parks more ammunition to restrict and regulate even further.
  11. Who gives a flying fuck about soccer, when you can watch real sports- like rugby: [video:youtube]TlZyQylOKv4
  12. It's really amazing to see how quickly you tend to excuse high ranking officials from Republican Party, who commit horrible crimes- like child molesters. How fucking easy and convenient.
  13. Raindawg- T-A=0. I will pay you $200 if you free climb while placing gear on lead on Numbah10. And yes, your ascent will have to get verified. Basically, I am calling your bullshit.
  14. hahaha, outstanding individual from republican ranks: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/05/28/410366275/former-house-speaker-hastert-indicted-in-probe-into-3-5m-in-withdrawals
  15. Could have, should have would have. Contrary to what you are saying this is actually science. Parks B.C sent a crew last week to clean up debris from the rockfall zone, and the preliminary report are confirming trees and routing action as a primary cause. There is a geologist scheduled to assess cause and stability this week.
  16. I can agree that trees can be a safety issue. I remember the one on the ledge at the top of GM 1st pitch. Thought it was solid and it came completely off. There's also some scary ones at the top of the rotten section of the quarry. Huge rockfall that landed right near Zoom and next to the road was caused by toppling tree. Zodiac Wall rockfall was registered by seismograph in Vancouver. Over 1000 cubic meters fell off- both events caused by trees and basically roots dislodging huge chunks of rock. Contrary to popular beliefs forestation of these cliffs is rather new event. I do not know if there are any pictures showing Index town walls from way back, but in Squamish you can clearly see these cliffs were free of trees and shrubbery in early 20th century. I think some sort of tree management in these areas is not only good, but maybe necessary course of action to preserve both cliffs themselves and ensure some sort of safety for the future.
  17. What trees can do do a cliff can be observed on the top and bottom of Zodiac Wall in Squamish or in Country sector at Index. Lucky us nobody was killed, but trees growing on these cliffs are becoming quickly a real safety issue.
  18. There's no reason you can't, at the same time, be as environmentally conscious as possible. Sure the modern first world existence has impact, but there's no reason it can't be minimized as much as practically possible. So you are driving a friggin car, on a paved road, use electricity created from dammed rivers or cole, but you are worrying about impact of a few bolts? Sure, I try to avoid shitting on every ledge, or leaving plastic from Gu packages, but fuck sakes let's keep things in some logical perspective. And let's not forget that initial poster wrote it as another cheap shot, shitty-self righteous jab after Dean Potter death.
  19. For fuck sakes, just go climbing and enjoy it. Talking about impacts: you are driving a friggin car on a paved road, emitting mass pollution, use gear produce with huge amount of resources, in a lot situation produced with child labor in some third world country, and you are talking about "doing the right thing"? WTF?!
  20. If you claim to be Libertarian, which candidates did you vote for in 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012? If you have not casted a vote for Libertarian candidate, but voted for a Republican, that makes you Republican. T-A=0, remember? Well, that ideology worked great between 1939 and 1945, didn't it? There is a great difference between patriotism and nationalism, and we know exactly how the second one always ends. Would be a good time to re-think your points of view.
  21. track record also indicates a recession within first 12-18 months from taking the office. Because it's the only end result possible from fleecing of remnants of middle class to support corporate welfare.
  22. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything of the sort. But I am enjoying mocking you, assholekisser. Very much, in fact. Am I supposed to care about your opinion? Life is too short to deal or care about wankers like you. I learned to ignore salty breath faders (like yourself) long, long time ago. Happy trails gerbil spelunker.
  23. Well, that's setting a pretty low bar - at least he's not a truther. While you don't have to be smart academically, you have to be a quick study and be able to sift through the mounds of information coming your way, weight the advice of staff, and make sound decisions. After 911 I thought, maybe, that Bush was in a position of history and that he would quickly grow to meet the demands of his stature. Boy was I wrong. Instead, he fell into the neocon reactionary group and here we are. Biggest foreign policy blunder in the last 75 years. *yawn*. keep living in the past and enjoying your hyperbole. Loser. Well, I think you are the one living in the past, trying to convince the rest of the world about washed up ideology of neo-cons and their fucked economic and military doctrines. Just the fact that in less then 7 years the very ideology managed to wipe out budget surplus and turn it into the worst economic disaster in 70 years shows undeniable fact of who was right and who was wrong. But it's obvious logic and objectivity are not strong suites of people like yourself.
  24. Just the fact some people have positive and some negative opinion shows real value of his impact on climbing community at large. As far as some of his actions- nobody is perfect at every moment of their lives.
  25. What was Obama's GPA? He graduated magna cum laude. He was also a president of Harvard Law Review. That is probably significantly higher, then 77 or C- achieved by Bush.
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