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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Yes it is. If we made it easier for everyone there would be a fucking wheelchair ramp on el cap by now. Climb the mountain on the mountain's terms; not yours. If you don't have the skills stay in the gym. that's why you were aiding on free pitches on girth pillar? fucking hypocritical wanker!
  2. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    well fuck it. join us mattp talking about "what's for dinner"
  3. you mean- he is leaving some fresh tracks on the back of the bowl?
  4. speaking of braces.... that give a whole new meaning to carpet munching.....
  5. scottish foreplay= "brace yourself lassie"
  6. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    no, this one is:
  7. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    i am not the one putting anything up anything. that's your field.
  8. i think you always look from down-undaaa.... at least that's what i've been told
  9. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    no he just lost another gerbil, it's going to stink tomorrow...
  10. camel toe or beaver. to pelt or not to pelt- this is a question.
  11. no crying...I'm pretty sure she's a girl!! girls go ice climbing= chicks with p®icks
  12. your obsession with gay sex acts and jizz indicates otherwise are u hitting on me? my salt lick outfit is at the cleaners, but it still didn't change my interests
  13. i think it's your cup of tea, not my. maybe not a cup of tea, but a cup of something-something. i'll stick with the sheep....
  14. glassgowkiss

    how funny

    all these hard core republicans are turning into whining ass biatches as soon as the things go wrong. newsflash- they should have ask questions in 2000 elections. a bit late now assholes, don't you think? just shows for character- whichever way the wind blows. go and fuck yourself- now we all have to live with conequences of our fearless furer and here is to razor sharp brain of republican supporter Trask and like him fellow patriots: wow, while the rest of the world was able to figure that out in about fist 5 minutes of the first televised debate...
  15. no reason to go there. it's obvoius to me trask and instigator (read gregw) are into felching
  16. yeeeeeehaaaaa, ridem' cowboy!!!!!!! high boos and velcro gloves. quick to the cliff
  17. hold it, let me get some popcorn and grab a seat. this should be entertaining. Be careful whose seat yer grabbin no shit. Crazy Polish Bob is in the house, and he's talkin' about gay porn! is it how your eyes looked like when you shoved a gerbil up your ass for the first time?
  18. i don't really know who arse-ennema is. all i know she is talking a lot of shit (just like most of us). but in real life i bet it's some hairy dude who has a gerbil canon and dual headed abeney power kong for extra pleasure. thank god for rechargables - keeps the cost down.
  19. hold it, let me get some popcorn and grab a seat. this should be entertaining. as mauch as watching gay porn.... of course if it's lesbians it should be vagitarian
  20. always ready for a good fight. bring it on
  21. When you get hammered, all you get is nailed that's the funniest thing i saw all day. in her profile she says she wants to be membered
  22. glassgowkiss

    Bush on TV

    well somehow the topic changed from 9/11 to iraq. now can anyone tell me what is the connection. and somehow he really didn't even mention bin ladden, a man who directly attacked united states. yes, thewe were a couple of bigger names cought in the past few months, but no bin ladden or taliban. so the message is sent: it's ok to attack- nothing will happen to you. just like attack on uss cole and a lack of response was a direct invitation to attacks on 9/11.\ so let us see the track record of this administration. economy is in the dumpster, dollar is pretty much all time low, we have the biggest budget and trade deficits in the history. on the top of that we just had the biggest goverment expansion since ww2. any questions? maybe some of the republican supporters can explain a logic behind huge tax cuts while country is at war? and don't use economy- as i just showed you the shape we are in.
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