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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. yes, after reading your shit i must admit your are most definitely one of them......
  2. the tests done by BD some time ago showed that strength of the screw depends on the angle of the placement and the quality of the ice. also turns out that 13 cm screw held the same as 17cm. one might argue that the energy absorption by the screamer is achieved by lengthening of the fall, hence not real energy absorption is happening.
  3. you voted for him, didn't you? so stfu cunt now. you lost your right to speak on this topic whinny beotch. letting bush win once - maybe you can call it a mistake. let him win twice- plain stupidity!
  4. Think biofuels and corn prices. think all time high budget deficit, think currency in a gutter 2 wars (with no end) and pretty much most of the production moved to your friendly china. do you think corn or biofuels have anything to do with this? btw- during this administration there was the biggest single increase in government hiring in the past 50 years! how do you explain 18billions a week on a war nobody can win!
  5. This was published several times in magazines. this pole is kind of silly.
  6. Last weekend it was t-shirt climbing in the sun!
  7. i don't know what gives you this idea? granted there is still some snow on north side of the Chief on some ledges, however freezing levels are waaaay above 2000m!
  8. Older model od Scarpa Freney (leather) size 41. They were used for several seasons, mostly in winter. Sole is 50 worn. They were treated with wax several times. The usual scuffs and scrapes, but over all plenty of life left in them and no cuts on the rand. I simply have another pair for now, so I don't need extra boots before moving this year. I will post some pictures later on this weekend. Shipping will be about 8 bucks or you can try them and pick them up in Bellingham. contact me via email: muscletx at yahoo dot com, please don't contact me via pm, since i don't check my box here all that often. also you can call 360.778.3721
  9. maybe your mom is into this kind of shit. that would explain your behavior asseyes !
  10. yeah, you are one of them
  11. Rudy, one more thing. your thinking is friggin selective. a lot of photos posted here on this site are posted without author's consent (violating copyright laws). second, i am sure you as most of the posters here obtain permission to shoot pictures abroad, in the native language, right? so get off your high horse. it reminds me a friend of my (aspiring photographer) who was explaining in detail, how important it is to obtain permission to take a picture. yet when in china he was shamelessly shoving lens of his camera into locals faces without any communication (even he said so). total double standard. i am sure simon and his hippie girly always asks abroad about taking pictures in the native language of the country- NOT.
  12. first of all my wife would most certainly say something if she did not want her picture taken. secondly she would not ask me to deal with this situation. and third of all- she has more common sense then to behave like a dumb-ass hippie and do yoga in a middle of a crowded crag. Bob is right and I won't add anything. If I have days I don't like my face and my ass he knows I won't agree for taking pictures of me. No exceptions. so...miss piggy, let's play some Extrapolation...let's suppose that I take your pic and unbeknownst to you, post it here and start in on the lewd comments...whatcha gonna do?? why are you calling me a dumbfuck- i think you are one not catching things how they are. you asked what my wife would do and she answered your question in person. pissing and moaning like a 10 year old never will gain my sympathy. I am calling you a dumbfuck cuz you are making a mountain out of a molehill and you can't keep your piehole shut... i did not start a pissing vinegar sissy fit about one friggin photo and a couple of wise guy cracks. mountain out molehill is the pansy ass cry me a river reaction by a couple of clownpunch hippies, who act like 10 year olds, who's toys were taken away. like i said- my advice is- grow up! life is tough, deal with it.
  13. drury looked like shit. turning into mushy white and right side of the pillar (pretty big chunk already fell off. looking at the temps for the next week or so is also not promising any changes- maybe the season is over?
  14. glassgowkiss


    hope you are treated the same way this country treats immigrants.
  15. first of all my wife would most certainly say something if she did not want her picture taken. secondly she would not ask me to deal with this situation. and third of all- she has more common sense then to behave like a dumb-ass hippie and do yoga in a middle of a crowded crag. Bob is right and I won't add anything. If I have days I don't like my face and my ass he knows I won't agree for taking pictures of me. No exceptions. so...miss piggy, let's play some Extrapolation...let's suppose that I take your pic and unbeknownst to you, post it here and start in on the lewd comments...whatcha gonna do?? why are you calling me a dumbfuck- i think you are one not catching things how they are. you asked what my wife would do and she answered your question in person. pissing and moaning like a 10 year old never will gain my sympathy.
  16. Collin's route on Chewawa Peak and East Face of Pyramid (Ain't over motherfuckers).
  17. what's so hard to comprehend? is it the concept of personal responsibility?
  18. well it the same type of people that need a pad on the back for showing up to work and doing their job. go figure- like the paycheck is not enough? it's the same mentality and logic.
  19. Rudy- since when voicing your opinion that you don't like something is confrontational? i think waay more confrontational is releasing your guard dog boyfriend 3 days after the fact. my advice for both of them is just to friggin grow up and act like adults. shit kickers i can deal with. it's the wining little clownpunchers that are real gem to deal with. hippies are not funny- they suck! and this whole issue is just your proof.
  20. first of all my wife would most certainly say something if she did not want her picture taken. secondly she would not ask me to deal with this situation. and third of all- she has more common sense then to behave like a dumb-ass hippie and do yoga in a middle of a crowded crag. did your fucking balls shrunk with old age Rudy? life is life and one has to learn to deal with it!
  21. what are hobbies you and the tormented geeks had when you were juniors in HS? better then whatever your deleting ass was doing at that time!
  22. well, i find it "lame" when this whole topic just vanished. the point was: 1. when you don't like something why don't you say something then? (instead sending your guard dog?) 2.can you expect privacy at the popular/crowded crag?
  23. glassgowkiss

    The F'ing Man!

    ??? did you get your period?
  24. no i mean is what is the deal with access to the cliffs? or is there any right now. (there is simply less simons in canada)
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