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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    ahh it seems as though the question needs to be posed back at ya. hey asseyes- i lived it- have you?
  2. glassgowkiss


    do you really think chinese government gives a flying fuck what western countries think? plus they know for fact all the fuss would end on empty rhetoric. thanks to bush and his stupidity we have a resurrection of soviet union. so here is the question: when the fuck are you people are going to get a clue what communism is all about!?
  3. glassgowkiss

    Gas prices

    wrong- brilliant bush economics and strategy. a lot has to do with level of dollar. oddly enough in canada the gas did not go up all that much.
  4. nomic simply forces you to carry a hammer. imo it's another thing to mess with. i also think lack of hammer on nomic is a huge draw back for other wise an excellent tool. is the terminator wall picture from this season?
  5. nomics should be renamed gimics. how are you supposed to pound pitons with them? this tool might me good for craging at ice park in colorado. a lot and i mean a lot of routes in ranges like rockies need pins for pro. the idea of making a tool without a hammer is a big miss on part of petzl (i like most of their products and they treated me very well over the years- thanks Dave!). quarks are a great tool, so were ergos. new vipers are a very good choice for a price too. i like the swing of nomic, but they are pretty much limited to craging.
  6. wrong, 14% doesn't even offset B/O tax in WA. plus you don't have stupid city tax. plus their L&I insurance is much lower. even with 5% in sales tax difference at least they have roads you can drive on in winter. what we get in return is jack and shit. not to mention better health care.
  7. oh just fuck off! at least they don't fingerprint you when you enter the country. americans are "well liked" in many parts of europe, right!
  8. glassgowkiss


    "Mountaineering, and trad climbing to some extent is the opposite." yeah, right. leaving oxygen bottles, fixed ropes and other garbage on tall peaks was a norm from day one. not to mention garbage left on the nose and such routes on el cap or half dome was a domain of the climbers stemming back to the late 60's and early 70's. it took a new generation of climbers to clean your shit up. besides- aiding routes equals PERMANENT chipping of the rock. somehow you don't list fixed pitons to your list of environmental offenses. just friggin' climb something like outer space and see how much so called "clean gear" is in this crack. "The environmentally unfriendly part comes with the attitude that "sport-climbers" have the right to install artificial permanent alterations to the landscape whenever and wherever they please. In my opinion, people should strive to climb "clean" and bolts should be RARE." so according to you it's ok to place bolt on alpine routes? and who decides when? is it when a run out is too much for your small nutsack and puckered asshole? "You'd think that by now outdoor-oriented folks like climbers would understand the "leave little trace" philosophy but "sport-climbers" seem to be one of the worst offenders. You might (maybe) pick up your granola bar wrappers, but you leave a permanent mess of metal affixed the crags." not to mention ski resorts, atv users, mountain bikers.... right?
  9. glassgowkiss


    the fact of the matter is that a lot of posters here doesn't even know what hard climbing feels like. just a bunch of angry monday morning arm chair quarterbacks..... and even if she gets recognition- don't think it's her motivation. it's the satisfaction when you clip the anchor stupid....
  10. http://mounteverest.net/news.php?id=17097 sometimes it's hard to separate climbing and politics. looks like another "friendly gesture" of a "democratic" government
  11. glassgowkiss


    5 months of rehearsal doesn't. Not so. There is a pattern to my discontent. Much of it involves environmentally dubious "sport-climbing" and secondly, it's stylistic practices, some of which have been incorporated into trad-climbing(e.g. hangdogging, seige-climbing - like the above 5 month exercise ). 5.14 trad crack...nice effort; siege climbing, however, doesn't impress me. really- the matter of fact is who cares what this wank stain has to say. most likely he is just some fat fuck, who can barely get his sorry ass up slabby 5.6. his incredible finger strength was developed through rigorous regime of typing endless number of most stupid posts on this forum. i am sure his climbing resume includes several free routes on el cap as well as several 5.14 on sight and gear protected. the truth is that this piece of shit wanker didn't even earn the the stripes to voice his opinion on this topic
  12. Rafal Slawinki, Rob Owen and Ian Wested managed to do first winter ascent of Greenwood-Jones route on Mt Temple N Face. Details are unknown, since the party was on the top of the peak as of last night. it's dr. Slawinski's 3rd FWA on N. face of Temple.
  13. no, the point is not to invent a sport and pretend you are good at it.
  14. glassgowkiss


    fyi, most likely it is a cutting edge in this type of climbing. but this post just shows you are jizz gurgling fuckface. my advice: go suck some dicks- don't bother writing about the subject you have no clue.
  15. how come US team totally sucks donkey cock in biathlon? not only they can't skate worth a crap, but they can hit targets! wtf?! for a country "based" on gun ownership it's pretty lame. even Canada has a better team!of course all the trigger happy rednecks on this site can come up with a long list of excuses. just a reminder: 1.in sports second is as good as last 2. excuses are like assholes- all of them look the same and all of them stink 3.T-A=0
  16. yes, after reading your shit i must admit your are most definitely one of them...... Fortunately for American citizens, your green card won't get you a permit, tool. hey jizzface- i have a us passport, so suck shit through the tube and enjoy it wanker.
  17. Mark- as far as I know REI, MG and MEC- 2 of them the biggest outdoor/climbing gear retailers in North America discontinued selling Aliens some time ago. And for a good reason. After yet another accident, where under force of a small fall it basically fell apart REI and MG conducted independent testing. The results were down right frightening. Some of the units tested at random fell apart between 800-900lbs. The most serious problem was inconsistency of the numbers. These things were discussed on rockclimbing.com for a while. Also astonishing was the initial response of CMH, which treated the reports of accidents as a bunch of people kicking shit up on internet without merit. I know I am partial to Metolius gear, but let's have some objectivity! "i have used the new metolius cams and i agree there good, i just don't think they're a finished product yet that should be on the market."- oh, give me a brake! like Aliens are finished product??!! And let's mention the triggers! like the one on Aliens are that great? Most definitely CMH and their death-toy Aliens should not be on a market. I don't think they still implemented ISO 9000. I know there is a reason why they are not UAII certified.
  18. http://www.metoliusclimbing.com/master_cam.htm I looked at them last afternoon while at Metolius shop. They look kick ass, first units are being shipped to REI and other outfitters in the next couple of days. I hope once and for all they will finally put a nail in a coffin for CMH and their garage production of Aliens.
  19. what? what are you trying to say? I read in the AAJ about these big ice fifi hook things used by Russian, Polish, Ukranian climbers for ice and frozen turf. I wondered if you'd ever used them and if so how they compare to Spectres etc? no, it's rather ancient method. There was a vast use of "jedynka", which is a rock piton, similar in character and use to birdbeak. I don't know why russians are in the same bag as poles? anyway- i think as far as gear it's bit of misinformation.
  20. kozak- your depth of knowledge about central europe equals the "expertise" of Rice. pretty much you both know 2 things- jack and shit and jack left town
  21. this is the biggest bullshit i have read this week. plain untrue and dangerously stupid.
  22. Oh, and illegal immigrants are of zero importance beyond serving as Karl Rove's 2008 stand-in for Gay Marriage and Abortion - illegal employers are the heart and sole (literally) of the problem and if you could do the tally you'd find hypocritical, but nonetheless patiotic republicans are the vast beneficiaries of illegal employment. in 2006 US granted 50 work visas to Mexico. Average wait for work visa to the US is about 18 months. After getting married it took "only" 13 months over 1100 bucs in fees and 5 trips to Seattle to get her a greencard (in the meantime of course she could not work). there are cases people wait 3 years for the FBI background check, which is necesary for citizenship on permanent resident status! immigration office is a friggin joke. after making an appointment with CIS we drove do Tukwilla from Bellingham. it was friday morning, only to find out (after talking with an officer there) that people with decision making power work mon- thur! wtf!
  23. Pushing it back? WTF are you talking about? NATO is still in place and expanding into eastern europe, and the EU is expanding there as well. So what are you referring to? Democracy in Russia is a joke, I'll grant you that. But they've certainly been defange in terms of expansion into Eastern Europe and beyond. are you THAT stupid or just pretend to be. what friggin democracy in russia? like the last elections in ukraine were not a "probe" how old methods would work again? maybe think Gazprom and their constatn threats of cutting gas off to central europe? how well nato is doing we can clearly see in afganistan.
  24. "This war" did not divide our country. Our country has been divided for 30 years. I think most Americans would like the Iraq occupation to end, the question is how to do it. Most "dialog" on the topic is all about blame, recriminations, and attacks, include this thread. Just look at the jackass glassgowkiss for a prime example. In any case, back to the topic at hand. I don't think the war in Iraq is the primary cause for our higher gas prices and cost of living - it's about the dynamics of the evolving world economoy, peaking of gas supplies/production, and shifting trade dynamics, and our lifestyle. How will we address these moving forward? By harping continually on the war in Iraq and Bush, and namecalling? Please. hey asseyes- first step to fixing things is to admit that mistakes were made and analyze them- something this administration is still not willing to do. btw there is big difference between making a mistake and acting in a bad faith, which in a case of this administration we are talking the second option. it's not name calling you politically correct bastard- it's saying how it is. and by casting your vote for this group of people 4 years ago and now whining about it makes you simply a cunt.
  25. and which administration is pushing it right back in?are we talking Reagan or bush? i think this administration did everything possible to reverse the gains from the early 90's in central europe. as well as undermining every military alliance us had.
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