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Everything posted by NYC007

  1. yeah I went to a slide show on the trip looked pretty sweet hard aid a lil ice, bad weather...AND Skeletor!!! Dave is a NOLS inst. I saw the show at the ICF in lander, WY.
  2. yeah that 10b on Condor looks nice, might have to give it a try...see ya there Saber.........
  3. getting shorter
  4. I will be there May 4-27
  5. NYC007


    Or maybe NE Slabs on Sunday?
  6. anyone what to get on something, like TC, NBC, Northeast couloir, open to suggestions. Have sat-mon off..
  7. The headwall wasnt any better I got beamed with several softball sized chunks, We to headed back to the saddle. And amungst the hords on the slopes..
  8. How about we just leave it at that. I think we own it to him.
  9. Actually the climb was Pumping the Pigeon, a Chossy 5.8 Crack climb. The fall happened closer to 2:30.
  10. 68 at Vantage, looks cold to me...
  11. warmer than anywhere is in WA....
  12. looks like a Vantage weekend
  13. yeah it looks to be good come sunday.
  14. yeah sunday maybe, depending on cond. Why looks like crap?
  15. Looking for someone to get out w/ maybe Reid Headwall or something else, open to ideas. PM me or email...
  16. HOOD.
  17. Will anyone we there in May? WIll be there most of it...
  18. I will be the month of may if plans change.
  19. probally not to much
  20. Well I will be there in May.. If your there I am game..
  21. NYC007

    NF Hood

    Anyone been up the NF lately. looking for condtions??
  22. thanks joe, hows shyt going MAtt
  23. Anyone got any beta on Copper Falls in Northern Idaho. anything will help, directions, # of pitches....
  24. I am new to the area and not sure where the area is...???
  25. if you want to do alpine or have small hands dont get the rages. I personal hate them . I have the alp wings and love them they are light and the wieght is in all the right spots unlike the heavy rages.. RAGES SUCK
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