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Everything posted by Distel32

  1. lots of rocks...but no car to go there (about 80kms away). Pad/shoes in the states. I could go out there is a mini-van for pretty cheap, but it is really more of a hassle than anything else. If I had some pads and my shoes it'd be a different story for sure. PROUD boulders too, most are 15-25ft, with slabs to 45deg. Yeah they only have like "13 official" cases of HIV, which is probably about 1/4 of what it really is. Prostitution is still a really frustrating problem here. I just watched a live news show titled "Can Mongolians protect their freedom?" I mean at least people are noticing and caring that they are getting screwed over. Actually I think I can safely say it is becoming spring here, Weekend day temps of -6C and nights of -15C. Another couple of months and it'll be WARM!!! OPEN INVITATION TO ANYBODY WILLING TO FLY HERE seriously
  2. you should come up here, only a quick 3.5hr flight away! Would love to show you around or help you do whatever you want to do if you come!
  3. most of the guys on this site are searching for just that.....dusty gonzagas
  4. Distel32

    29999 forever

    if dru leaves....cc.com is doomed and might actually turn into something useful.....the horror!
  5. horse meat isn't weird at all 130 for a sheep!? holy shit, I couldn't afford that haha
  6. 20-30$ for a goat is gettin' pricey.....but hey, MGL has 10 times as many heads of livestock as it does people
  7. WTF? where is the "I slept with Mike Layton and all I got was this shitty tank-top" wife beater?
  8. yeah I'm with Kix.....I remember what he wrote, but I can't remember what I wrote.... oh yeah, for Kit: EAT SHIT AND DIE!
  9. haha, thanks for all the nice PMs and posts here. Her dad is actually really psyched, he is also the director of the Mongolian Language and Culture School at the National University here, but is teaching in Japan now. He tends to take better care of the two of us than he does his other children, haha. Yeah nay baby born to an American citizen (no matter where in the world) is an American citizen....divide and conquer. Alarm training, yeah shit I better get on that. I've actually been thrown up on quite a few times by babies, so that will be no big surprise. Diapers.....I got to find out what those things are..... The prenatal care here isn't that good. But we are having the baby at a private hospital that is basically inbetween a hospital in the states and the public hospitals here. At the last ultrasound the baby's heart was fine, the bones looked good and its head was down, so hopefully things will continue in that manner. Pre-natal vitamins here are $40 for 2 months! haha, but don't worry my dads brining a few bottles when he comes in April.... Shit I was a tough child, I know how much trouble I put my parents through, so if our child is like that, then I deserve it! But I'm psyched = )
  10. Thanks for all the well wishes. We had all the paper work done and the money to go to Guangzhou for a finace visa when we found she was preggers. Now we are going to get "married" here (all you need is a certificate and some forms) and then apply to petition for her to come to the US this coming winter, and hopefully we'll be able to go during the summer. My best friend here is a lawyer who has a mongolian wife and kids in the states, so he is helping. The baby is automatically an american citizen, which is great, we just need to go to the embassy after the birth to get the citizenship document.
  11. this is Ariunaa:
  12. haha, anybody have a friend in the state department to give her a visa right now???? if not, then summer 2007 we should be coming home.
  13. Thanks Oly, I'll let you know! can't believe it took almost an hour for a response.......
  14. there was a pic posted awhile ago on b.com of a large wave wall near rosario.....I can't remember where it was... plus there is some stuff on erie, the goliath boulder is small, but has 4 of the best problems in urban NW WA. Plus if you drive an hour and half to Bald mtn, your options are limitless. The goliath boulder goes from LtoR: v0, v1ish, v8, v7, v10, v5 stand w/v7 sit, then a v3 mantle. not bad for little ol mt erie!
  15. Cass and Hite come to mind.....hahahaha
  16. I'm going to be a father.... My gf and I are pregnant, expecting July 12-14th. We'll find out in 2 weeks if m/f. So anyway, we're excited. shit, anybody want to donate a good baby carrier....? To all the dads and moms on the site, I know having/raising a child is the most important thing you do in your life, and I'm excited to start that journey thanks guys
  17. How did you play DD with your 12 sided die on the bivvy ledge?
  18. there is tons of bouldering around you, just wanted to let you know.
  19. plus you can have your way with them afterwards
  20. FUCK no.....when I rock my glitter I wear the hat too that girl with the pack is great....looks like she clipped everything she owned to the outisde
  21. get a PDA and cover it in climbing stickers just like your helmet....done and done
  22. you mean you don't like 3 in 1 insta-packets!? haha
  23. well, if we're all here now we can started with the important stuff, flaming noobs and bragging about the advantages of living where we do..... the horse meat in my freezer is definitely some of the best quality meat I've ever eaten in my life, but pricey at $1.35/Kg
  24. Do you ever screw corpses at your school??? Are you single? Is it true you had sex at the top of exasperator?
  25. yeah for the sport climbing rope go for some beefy 10.5mm now, and you won't need the dry treatment if you're only going sport climbing for now. Then when you start climbing 2-4 number grades harder get a nice skinny line for redpointing
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