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Everything posted by cracked

  1. Ok, E, let's see some more bird pics!
  2. North Fork of the Nooksack Wildlife Refuge Duh. Try Google.
  3. Yeah, but Bush/Cheney look better!
  4. It IS pretty good, I guess.
  5. Ugh.
  6. cracked

    fuck this weather

    "skiing rules" You finally wised up!! Wanna go skiing? Yesterday was fun, next week will be SICK!
  7. cracked

    fuck this weather

    This is a smart man.
  8. cracked

    fuck this weather

  9. I skied fresh on Baker today. LOTS of fresh.
  10. I'd be prepared for quite a bit of new snow. The Newhalem cam shows significant fresh up high...
  11. If it were a German traffic jam everybody would get out of their cars, pass around the schapps, scowl, and bitch about it.
  12. Both?
  13. You are a divider, not a builder Aye. But once it's sawed into little pieces I get to build a bigger stronger shinier better one, and the tank will finally be fixed. Stupid engineers who are too lazy to test their designs piss me off.
  14. They won't raise prices. But the dividend that I recieve each year will go down. They won't become less competetive. REI has a solid customer base for a reason, despite their problems. If you return a product that you didn't buy at REI, you are stealing. Period. It gets murkier when you return stuff that you actually bought there. I don't sleep well if I do something inethical, and if I return gear after trashing it in the mountains I feel it is inethical.
  15. Biotch, I spray on my own time. Go build a bridge, Rudy. Today at work I sawed iron beams apart. No computer down in the basement. biotch.
  16. OMFG
  17. Have you seen the Paradise webcam? I can't sit still after looking at it. The Snow Gods are pleased.
  18. Yeah...we know.
  19. Sil is way slicker than coated nylon. I think less snow will pile on a betalight than a betamid. But, I have yet to test my B-lite in snow.
  20. What the hell kind of a fucked-up rationalization is that?? "Stealing from this store is fine because I don't identify with their clientele." What. The. Fuck.
  21. Unless you can get a government job? In which case you can spend all day spraying....
  22. Hey, do DSLRs also have shutter lag like digital point and shoots? It's the only thing I dislike about my S50.
  23. I've got camera envy whenever I see someone with a big-ass DSLR (philfort this means you ), but it's such major overkill for my purposes. Enjoy it.
  24. It's normal, don't worry about it. And don't listen to that ashw_justin dude, he's way fuckin' sketchy.
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