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Everything posted by cracked

  1. I don't care what size, shape, model, color, as long as it's cheap, I'll buy your used Dynafit compatible boots. Please email me at pbelitz 'at' gmail.com.
  2. Kinda true, but after several tweaks it's essentially a different boot. Compare the old three buckle Denali to the Denali TT. Same boot? Not really. I suppose by not altering lasts significantly they keep a lot of customers who know the boots will fit. I know I fit a UK 12, so I can happily mail order the best deal.
  3. The Matrix is stiffer, has a less 'boxy' fit, has about twice the cuff range in tour mode, has continuously adjustable forward lean, and is mo' better. Why not update a boot that's five years old?
  4. Now THAT is funny.
  5. Around here I doubt you'll notice a difference between universal wax and temp specifics. If you're in Montana at -40 you might want a cold wax. In the PNW? Universal will work fine.
  6. Or skin from the snopark. I did it last year.
  7. Don't be so negative cj001f. Anything that will sell is new and good, remember?? Sheesh. I have their original Spectre pullover, and while it rocks, it's not my everyday jacket. I want those pants, though.
  8. Your sense of humor needs recalibration, Pope. Since Dwayner is your god, does that mean you're a pope in the Church of Dwayner?
  9. Luckily Pope still exists to spread the message of the Good Dwayner far and wide. Cry me a river, Pope.
  10. Ok, ok, sintered UHMW polyethelene is sintered UHMW polyethelene. Happy now?
  11. Ptex is ptex. Structurally there is no difference between an AT ski and an alpine ski. Wax em as often as possible.
  12. My IceSack, despite not having a frame, carries better than the frame packs I've used (including the Arc'Teryx Khamsin series). The stiffness of the foam padding and the very stiff fabric make for a pack with a lot of rigidity without a frame. I carry skis and boots on this thing in total comfort, which is pretty much the worse possible load you can put on a pack. I love this pack. But it's a bit big for daytrips, so I plan on sewing a smaller daypack. I am unfamiliar with the CCW pack.
  13. MSR work fine. But snowshoes in general suck major ass. Have fun.
  14. Iain's approach is a whole lot more mature than I care to be. Iain's approach is a whole lot more mature than I care to be. I'm going skiing this weekend, snow bedamned. Besides, I've got a new pair of skis waiting to be mounted right next to me. Now that I've got an official pair of rock skis I can trash them without feeling guilty.
  15. the sensitive and, like griz said, caring nature displayed in Kiss or Kill is heartwarming.
  16. Whippets work great in any snow where a low dagger tool position would work. If you actually have to swing the tool...you're screwed. I love my whippets, though. They make you look very, very sexy.
  17. Not UW. I think it was one of the community colleges. Assholes need to eat a
  18. I am.....honored.
  19. Good call!
  20. I just called the Seattle store, to make sure that they don't have any freerides on sale. A very bewildered guy told me that there was no sale, he had heard nothing about one. WTF?
  21. I paid $200 for Mates to make me insoles, for my ski boots. They work pretty well, but to get to a stance that I'm happy with I had to do some home modifications. They work well in my ice boots, they do a good job keeping my heels in place. Overall, , but worth $200? Maybe. Superfeet did nothing but give me horrible arch pain.
  22. not really. we are only capable of regurgitating the last bit of propaganda that we saw on TV. we can no longer think for ourselves. this is a good thing though because that means we are not responsible for ourselves nor for our actions. we're quite a schizophrenic self serving bunch. principles de jour Wow, that self-loathing must be a bitch. I'm sorry that you have such a low opinion of yourself.
  23. Apparently they can't think well enough to realize that an apostrophe doesn't denote a PLURAL.
  24. So the monster storms that California has been enjoying prove that there is global cooling, right? The past three weeks of cold dry weather prove that there is global cooling and global drying, right? Yep, just two more insolated unrelated insignificant weather events! Global warming is happening. You can't argue with the data. The why is not quite as well known.
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