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Everything posted by Billygoat

  1. Oh yeah. Damn short term memory I guess you two aren't compatible in an international diplomacy kind of way. So what did you two have in common?! Bouldering
  2. Damn! I was hoping you two guys would hook up
  3. Finally! Thanks Dood Just curious tho, if I was a brit I would be a little concerned by your signature line...
  4. Exactly, what a bunch of cattle
  5. Hey seriously, what do people think about this angle? Those in Washington DC will not see it as you describe; all they will see is that their constituents are voluntarily consenting to more governmental control and higher taxes. These are the only things they care about, because it is what keeps them in power, which is what they want. Government is the WORST thing to put your faith and money into. Ever Notice how the "Right" and "Left" wing extremes start sounding the same the further "out" they get?!
  6. Finally, some one else is noticing that the Saudis have alot more to do with things and that Saddam is just any easy target
  7. Beautiful pictues guys! I'd been spraying so much I almost forgot this is a climbing site Thanks for getting my head out of the clouds
  8. Right on Trask! I thought she was hot too
  9. I just don't want to end up like some monkey masturbating under a 25 watt bulb inside a cage!
  10. Ya mean yur not into knockin' a few back with one of the guys. We could toss the empties out over the lawn and blast 'em. I bet deep down you're a regular guy. You need to get away from the wimmin every once and awhile, do ya some good...
  11. Say, You don't live near Bellingham, do you Trask?
  12. Well that's been the problem, hasn't it!?
  13. I can really feel you feeling my pain
  14. Sure you don't have a time share up in B'ham?
  15. Yer back, where ya been
  16. It appears I might have to actually climb with some of you before I get any serious couch surfing privileges
  17. ooooooooo..........
  18. Grrrl fight!
  19. Good one dog! now if you had got that post in by 4:20 it would have been outstanding
  20. What happened GD?
  21. Is that pose for real
  22. It's not the same as he lists on his posts but it is in the same style
  23. It's Trask, look at the location
  24. yeah man, I may just have to go that way. I'll probably end up in the parking lot of the Black Cat
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