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Everything posted by minx

  1. run w/scissors
  2. still snowing at my house
  3. rumr the new 2003 nostalgia visor is also available pink for whiny pussies and avocado green for those who couldn't get enough living in the past with the gold version.
  4. where do i get that wrapping paper???? seriously....
  5. 1. it's all about location...location location location! 2. i dunno but i sure the heck wish i did!
  6. One of my partners lamented to me once while we were sport climbing, something to the effect of, "This is the reason why I like to climb with other women: That guy on that route over there has a really hot ass. I can tell it to you, but you won't appreciate it. With other women around, we can all relish it." this is a great point! but this doesn't require a women's climbing group just a female climbing partner. i have admired several asses climbing and shared the view with my women partners. one of the nice things about climbing is scenery i like to climb with some of my female friends, i enjoy mixed company on trips. on occasion, i enjoy all girl trips with my friends. i've never needed a women's group to make these things happen. it's interesting to read some other perspectives.
  7. stunning...absolutely stunning even this migrates to a bolt debate
  8. junebug, i want to make it clear that i'm not bashing you or anyone who participates in the group. i'm just saying i don't get it. from your post, i can see some advantages for you. if it works for you then it's a good thing. women definitely interact differently in a group of all women than they do in the presence of men. i guess if a person gains from this then it's an appropriate setting for them. have fun w/the ultimate frisbee tournament!
  9. minx

    Ever notice how

    that a lot of us posters have potty mouths? Fuck, Minx, I mean fucking shit what the fuck are you fuckin talkin about? I mean fuck, really. oh for fucksake, fucking shithead, you fucking know exactly what the fuck i'm fucking talking about. i mean fuck really get a fucking clue you fucking wanker fuck.
  10. so you're saying that you'd take erik not trask?
  11. i didn't want to post this under the women's thread posted by junebug b/c i don't want to encourage spray on it. personally i don't understand a women's only group. they have a well put together site but i haven't found any info there that i haven't seen on other sites. before i started posting on cc.com i had a few female partners to climb with. now i've been lucky enough to find a couple more whose company i enjoy when climbing. i have also met a a couple of male climbing partners who are high on my list of favorites partners. it's not about the gender it's about the person. there's plenty of women that i wouldn't want at the other end of my rope for any reason, and plenty of men too! and honestly, a room full of women so often turns into some awful hen session that i have a hard time seeing that a group of women climbers would be any different. agal made a nice point on the other thread but just not one that i relate too.
  12. minx

    Ever notice how

    that a lot of us posters have potty mouths?
  13. i just went through this with someone a couple of weeks ago. it was good for both of us. it made me think about each thing as i set it up, knowing that he would ask a ton of questions. he did ask a ton of questions and made a mess of his first belay but was safe the whole time. we went to index and did GNS. something both of us had climbed before and were absolutely comfortable with. i led the whole thing the first time. brought him up and let him check out the belays and ask questions. then he led each of the pitches. read some info, climb with an experienced partner and try what you think is the best system. For bolted anchors i tend to be lazy and just use the magic x thingy. i generally choose to clove hitch my rope to the anchor and use a sling girth hitched to my harness and clipped to the anchor.
  14. whoa lummox! actually i agree with you...but agal actually provided a thoughtful answer so she gets the i've never understood the need for women's groups but i am a sample of one so i appreciate the comment from another female.
  15. ok- i think this is the biggest myth out there! buncha climbers complaining about not getting laid...it has nothing to do w/climbing. there's plenty of you who are getting some...the rest of you just can't close the deal. get over it!
  16. thanks for a thoughtful answer agal. equestrian sports are dominated by women (in the US). when i was teaching we never had discussions of needing a women's group so i guess it never occurred to me that this might be an issue.
  17. i want to hijack mike's thread and ask the following: why do we need gender specific climbing clubs? i offer no opinion whether this is good or bad. just asking
  18. i love that this thread went from discussing a coven women climbers and why that isn't necessary to defining coyote ugly guys
  19. i prefer to let the gentleman who bought it remove the cork for me. ...or turn the spicket on the cardboard box
  20. minx

    Big Baby

    this is what happens when a keebler elf gets elected
  21. we have this holiday giving thing at work. i'm sure a lot of you do. there's a card w/christmas wish of some anonymous kid. i don't mind this type of charity at all. BUT in this case, there's an opportunity to help someone who is a part of Sisu's life in a small way. I don't have a lot of extra money to help but I have a little and I can probably survive quite nicely w/one less cam this year. I also have time and a few skills. Maybe I can help. Maybe the group of us can help in a more substantial way in a combined effort. I don't know about any of the rest of you but at a specific time in my life, a small amount of kindness from a few strangers made a big difference. It directly affected the outcome of a tough situation. Indirectly, it kept my spirits up enough to keep me away from the edge of the rough of a tall building. Instead of helping someone totally anonymous, this is an opportunity to help a specific person with particular problems. Maybe the kid could use something as simple as a ride to some appointment or maybe you can help with the more complicated legal issues.
  22. sadly you're right. unfortunately i'm not a nice enough person to try and help them all. in this one case, one kid has affected one person enough that he's trying to help. it's small but it's all i'm up for...trying to help one kid who has a raw deal handed to him.
  23. i'd be happy to help and organize if we end up w/some concerted cc.com effort.
  24. there's this much snow at alpental
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