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Everything posted by minx

  1. but decided its not for me. That and my pack and rope disappeared so I'm formally announcing my return to spray. have a nice day
  2. looking for suggestions. random few days coming up. 1) not red rocks 2) not moab 3) something beautiful in the southwest 4) camp sites are a plus 5) climbing is a perk not a requirement 6) few to no people besides us 7) planning to spend 3-4 days.
  3. minx


    don't fuck with sharks dude...don't you people watch shark week???
  4. minx


    sorry, can't i really hope that we can change all this negativity into positiveness. can we all have a group hug now?
  5. minx


    Again...it is all about ME!! Attention whore ------->Minx There's no I in (attention) Slut, but there is a U (summit chaser)
  6. minx


    this thread is about ME! my son is awesome. probably more awesome than any of your kids
  7. minx


    hmmmm...when my son rolls his eyes like that i wanna slap him into next week. when summitdoucher does it i want to stab his eyes out
  8. yeah...safe sex is a bad idea at any age
  9. minx


    you were imagining things. i am berry slow. i like rob too
  10. Pink is my friend Summit Chaser and the all of us are Bastards/Bitches If any of you can lasso anything, I'll buy the beer
  11. minx


    and please note, it tooke less than one page to get there, and w/o any female involvement. a situation, i'm sure you're all familiar with. have a nice night boys.
  12. I found the cam. I wuv you guys.
  13. YAY....happy dance
  14. bacon wrapped pork roast
  15. Rob, i count on you to be less predictable....step it up. this was the perfect spray thread. you're ruining it. think windshirt....neutrino....
  16. no, only to summit chaser. however if you really feel the need to ropegun the full N. ridge PM me. i could probably afford to buy the pabst
  17. dude....i am NOT a dude. i don't need porn.
  18. This is the perfect thread! *sigh* thank you
  19. minx


    tvash...not yet..
  20. minx


    i have definitely not been climbing, not been out having fun, not been out riding my horses,haven't been enjoying the scenery of the mountains, not hiking, not traveling, no climbing thats for sure, not shopping for someplace new to live, not hanging out with friends, and not absolutely have not been climbing, haven't been on coloradoclimbers.com, haven't been at the crags, haven't been doing anything and most of all i haven't been climbing
  21. minx

    Nalgene D**k

    well i for one think this is very important research and valuable information
  22. i'm not sure if i agree. at least i've found bacon. true love, well thats another remains to be seen
  23. yeah yeah it was me, its a shame that i'm built like a pear. archie is super legit.
  24. minx

    i need to retire

    there is nothing for me to spray about. anyone wanna go climb (assuming i can ever get day off?)
  25. minx

    Poor Dick

    you guys are mean, dick is my friend
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