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Everything posted by minx

  1. well KKKKK at least you know what I like even if you refuse to climb with me.
  2. Pink, get me a drink
  3. i already did. you were too busy spraying to make up for your inadequacies to pour me a drink. you will be punished.
  4. minx

    Christmas Gift Idea

    Is somebody purposely trying to piss me off today.
  5. you may have passed the bondage duckie in sheer number of posts but you will never master the spray bitch. kiss my feet. pour me a scotch... then scrub my toilets.
  6. You should e-mail BSCX back and say on second thought that if she wants this to happen she needs to have her attorney put it in writing. She can pay for it.
  7. sobo -- don't be a sucker fish, call your shark. put it in writing. tell her to have her attorney contact your attorney. once its in writing you'll agree. it'll cost you a little money but consider the savings in travel expenses and headache.
  8. Sobo- KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK is 100% right
  9. minx

    Where's rob???

    hopefully, he's doing something way better than hanging out with the likes of us. Happy Birthday Rob
  10. sobo-- you know what i think about your BSC X. i'm glad you got it worked out. the hangover begone was nice but dang. i shouldn't do that again for a while.
  11. Hey sobo hope your day is going better today. I embraced the suck with a few too many pendelton's last night. Why not fly out of seatac on the 25th? The afternoon of christmas day is often really good for flying in the following
  12. ugggh! i'm hoping for some change in the car or jacket pocket so i can buy some lunch *sigh*
  13. Kurt -- I agree with that. It is a start and a start was definitely needed but its 20 years old and needs an overhaul. I think having Canada pull out is a good thing. It may be a big red flag to the rest of th world that change to the agreement is needed NOW.
  14. what single twins, half or shoe string? manufacturer? color? do they match your pack? which REI did you buy them from? can you help me tie them together? what about when you climb DC on Rainier or Mt Si? Come on help! I need beta! I can't leave the house with out it! How do I get out of the driveway? where is the obvious approach gully to the Albertsons? seriously, i need step by step instructions.
  15. china is condemning anybody for emissions? hmmmm.... i didn't think they were a leader in emissions cutting.... as much as i want to save every polarbear and hug every tree, i don't think the kyoto treaty is a real approach to solving our environmental problems
  16. ahhh the good ol days.... i miss chaps
  17. well fine then. i won't offer to buy you a beer. or even think of you tomorrow for that matter.
  18. Dru - i think i'd probably have to wear skirts to get you to belay. you can be my ski buddy tomorrow? calgary climbing will have to wait til march now
  19. KKKKKKKK---where were you?
  20. yeah that says more about you than me. i'm not 'merely' anything. just so ya know.
  21. something! like spray
  22. Thanks Flo. Not sure when but Gainsville may happen. This week awas supposed to start the tour de gym in Calgary. However I forgot my shoes and anything to wear to the climbing gym. Skiing however should be great tomorrow.
  23. minx


    duh! b/c we all know that would require magic
  24. I'm actually impressed with Canada on this one.
  25. minx

    Where's Prole?

    Sobo will. Sobo will click anything. True dat! no one's gonna be able to say that sobo's not adventurous. i'm just afraid its a link to the live feed of E-rock's home web cam
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