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Everything posted by minx
you see Lamebone, Kevbone filled in for you quite nicely in your absence. come on Bill, there's only enough room in this town for one bone. yep and lambone was around way before you
i can't justify a hybrid. they don't get much better highway mileage than my mazda does. heck my 1989 nissan sentra got 44mpg on the hiway. don't know why cars can't get that today. the expense of replacing the battery at 100,000 miles negates any fuel cost savings and raises the question of what the heck are we going to do with all those. i think its BMW that's announced that they'll be producing a hydrogen fuelled car soon. it'll be interesting to see what that actually turns out to be.
2. that i can make some money donating some of my ass for implants
shit--sorry i missed. even in a car, my aim sucks.
no you aren't. so there. btw: you aren't getting any from me because of this am to! yeah--like i wanted any from you in the first place. yech!
POPE--it is all a matter of degrees and appeal. I agree with you. I don't want to see anchors added mid crack on a long crack climb. H/E in this case the anchor is already there. Doesn't matter how or why it got there. It is. I have not advocated added any anchors but i'm going to be wicked pissed if I get up there and the anchor that's been there for many years is gone. You can't undrill the holes in the rock. Leave it alone. I haven't encouraged the addition of any new hardwear. Just dismissed the implication that removing an existing anchor will somehow improve the asthetic. If you don't like it don't use it. I admit it seems like it wouldn't make sense to put it in there. Too Late. It's already there.
ummm...hello, allow me to introduce myself. i'm the moderate climber you bad asses so readily dismiss. i'm never going to get better than moderate. i don't climb enough. i'm never going to climb enough. some years i'm more moderate than others. guess what? i like to climb cracks. that lower portion of jap gardens is a favorite of mine. i personally don't consider those anchors anything other than anchors. don't use them to protect the crack, i use them to get off the damn pitch. sorry the "pitch" is too short for you. sorry if i'm in your way. i'm not taking all day on the climb. i'm not hanging out all day TRing. i'm looking to enjoy some moderate pitches. wait a few minutes and i'll be done. go climb something else. i'm sorry if moderate climbers are ruining your bad ass index experience. i wish i could climb harder. i don't. that sure the hell doesn't mean i shouldn't get to enjoy a day of cragging. i agree...don't bolt a damn crack. however, there are anchors all over the place at index. sorry if that anchor doesn't suit some of you but that's what it is. an anchor so some of us moderate climbers have another option at LTW.
what if (in my case) the other cheek is just as fat as the primary cheek????? not a problem...don't paint a bullseye on either cheek. and for dog sake, take the fork out of your mouth and do some pilates or something
oh kevbone, you so do it to yourself. how/why do you think you're a marked man on this site? (hmmm...persecution complex eh?) b/c you get more shit flung your way than some folks? you open the door...people walk right through. self inflicted misery is just that...self inflicted. we are an unbiased spray machine. we just hit the biggest, most obvious target. take the bullseye off your ass, or turn the other cheek and it'll fall someplace else
wahoo! congrats -- sounds like your world is about to get interesting
you've got to kill one of us to open up a seat at the much lauded moderator's table. even then you may not have what it takes. you will have to wow us with fete's of bravery, wit and climbing prowess. one z-clip on an over bolted sport route and your out! one poorly placed cam and your chances are nil. you'll have slash harmless posts with in .4 seconds of their appearance, ban at least 3 avatars with more than 1000 posts w/o remorse, and berate and delete at least 6 posters for their grammar/spelling errors within the first hour of gaining moderator privileges. only after that will you be granted the keys to the uber secret moderator chalet in the N. Cascades. Despite the fully stocked fridge, keggerator, and annabelle hanging out in the hot tub, it's not all fun and games. You'll then be expected to attend regular meetings where we plot ways to ruin the all of the fun ont he board.
i don't think there's a research project out there doesn't involve brains. using archie's theory of testosterone, perhaps we can now substitute men for in research. i think the lab techs would probably get less attached.
hawkeye--i had no part of the fun and games with th OS deletions. this place will remain the madhouse it usually is. every now and again things just get a little over the edge. a little moderation takes place and then we go for quite some time with out having to do much.
this is up there pretty high in the "hind sight is 20/20 what was he thinking?" scale. BUT i've seen lots of people solo up that little bit of rock if it's the one i'm thinking of. it probably looked simple enough to him. heck maybe it was and it was just a freaky slip of the foot or hand that lead to the fall. it's sad no matter how/why it happened. we've all done dumbass shit at some point. and you can bet someone talked about it after the fact. smart decision or not, it still sad when someone pays this kind of price. my condolenses to the friends and family of this young man. i'm sure that the reasons don't matter to them.
are we talking about the little bit of rock where that easy kids type route is on the left? like 2 bolts?
damn! i will not ban small shoes but i should ban myself. First---Fifth.....they both start with F---then again so does Fuck up. D'oh!
excellent point wopper. the pace is definitely lagging! kevbone. there's a pinned post in the spray forum about my general thoughts on spray. i don't tend toward banning people or even deleting very much content. each moderator has different personal ideas about what merritts banning or post deletion. we try and be as consistent as a large group can be. sometimes these things are discussed beforehand, sometimes not. some bans are temporary some are not. nearly everyone who has been banned for any length of time has had at least one warning. it is difficult to set up concrete "rules" for what will get deleted and won't. it's just too difficult to cover all the possibilities. a mere shmidge of common sense and the smallest bit of consideration should cover it. we've had big discussions and debates on the boards before about what should and shouldn't be banned. it's been beaten to death. we're not going there again. you will be warned. probably repeatedly. if you don't have the sense to figure it out then deal with it. you'll get banned.
kevbone, i'm not going to get into a mudslinging thing w/two again but NO THE FIFTH AMMENDMENT DOES NOT APPLY HERE. This is not a freedom of speech or expression issue. this is a privately owned website. not the press. no one is going to be jailed for anything their opinions expressed on this site either. however, it is a PRIVATE site. the owners and admins have the privilege to delete any content they'd like and ban anyone they want.