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Everything posted by Dustin_B

  1. Dustin_B


    But on the bright side:
  2. Yeah, I noticed that has changed too and I like the old way when you just see the most recent threads responded too, not every single post to said thread.
  3. Your assumptions about snowboarders are gay. If I snow shoed up and you dropped my line as I was takin a break cause you don't think I'm qualified to make turns to your liking, be prepared to have 2" paddle marks imbedded in your back when you're "touring" out. Fuckin holier than thou skiers. And Bobbyperu, you're a wank! What makes you think you will ever catch a skier on yer snowboard or snowshoes?
  4. from here That is just poor judgement. They crossed through a recent avalanche path on a high avy day!!
  5. I'll start by saying I'm a newbie to bc skiing. I don't know what the big deal is about going into the bc on a high avy day. More importanly it is the terrain you are on and the terrain above you coupled with the high avy danger. I don't think it was stupid to be out on those days, but maybe it was stupid to be out on certain terrain on those days. I was out in the bc on both Sat and Sun all day! We had no problems. We took a safe route, dug pits, and were aware of the snowpack. And we and picked out route accordingly. We had a blast and we stayed pretty damn safe too. I had 1.5 feet of new snow on my car after we were gone for 6-7 hours. PS - I guess it should be mentioned that the reason I was in the bc was for an avy clinic! Learned lots.
  6. Is that a typical time for the opening for the gate? What time does is close at night? Can you park overnight in the Paradise parking lot in the winter? (never been up there in winter). I know nothing...
  7. Can't wait. Too bad I'm not registered to vote in Texas anymore where my vote really counts ...
  8. Yeah, I forgot to mention that place. It is a bit of a bush whack to get to though.
  9. Olympic Sports across the street from the east side of Northgate Mall. Pretty good deals for daily rentals.
  10. You are under the mistaken assumption that people on this board actually climb When I'm not working/spraying, I lift weights, run, do yoga, or gape.
  11. I just got my first AT setup and I was trying it out on Sunday at Stevens. I was skiing with a friend who had never skied before and we were doing laps on a green run . I tried skiing with my heels free for a run and tired to force a couple of tele turns but it felt dumb and I found it much easier to just parallel turn with my heels free. I think when you are on a moderate slope like that parallel turning with your heels free seems very similiar to heels locked. Maybe I wasn't going fast enough though. Had I not been with my friend I would have probably still tired it just to see how it felt and to see if I could do it.
  12. reeeeealllly? yes really, this is what I got
  13. That was what I tried first, no dice.
  14. GOOD GOD you have less to do in your life than I have in mine Need I remind you that I am at work? PS - I didn't try "every" combo, just like 4 random times picking conservative answers in different variations.
  15. Okay, I call bullshit on this test. I tried every variation of answers to try to get conservative to come up and it is not possible to get in that corner. The test is rigged. The furthest right I could get was near the centrist/conservative line but in the centrist square. that test is crap.
  16. Goddammit, I am not Ban Toast, cc.com will not harbor terrorists.
  17. your test is broken, says I'm more liberal than conservative ??? (see attachment)
  18. As funny as that sounds, its true. There is so little climbing there that any one in the climbing department will have beta.
  19. PS - don't miss a drive by the Governor's mansion and Capital building downtown so you can see where our great leader started it all....
  20. Although I'm from Austin, I didn't start climbing until I moved up here (except in the gym) so I can't vouch for any of these places in particular. I'll just tell you what I've heard when I was there. But your best bet is to find someone in the climbing section of REI there, or Whole Earth Provisions, or one of the rock gyms (South Austin Rock Gym, on the web) and ask for info. Reimer's Ranch (1.5 hrs outside Austin) has 1 pitch type stuff (could be 2 pitch but I don't know), not sure whether it is bolted or trad or mix. Barton Creek Greenbelt (in the city limits) has some 1 pitch bolted stuff (limestone). You'll need a guide for either of these (cause I can't give specifics), which you could pick up at REI or Whole Earth Provisions. Enchanted rock (granite) as mentioned, has the goods. I have a topo map with routes and ratings for Enchanted rock I'll scan when I get home if you PM me and remind me. It's the same thing you get at the park visitor center when you go there. I don't know of any other climbing there but there are books about climbing in and around Austin. I think there are numerous little bouldering areas but you said you weren't interested in that. Let me know if you need any other info on Austin in general.
  21. Mods - can we move most of these posts to a new thread in the climber's board forum titled "what's wrong with dirtbag climbers?" Maybe starting with thelawgoddess’s first post. Tis a good topic in its own right and my original thread is starting to drift. Thanks.
  22. p.s. Bush sucks. I think Beckey has a 'job'. He has authored several books, obviously, he is also consultant to the UW for something (I think) among other things. So my original statement still stands.
  23. dirtbags = no job = can't pay rent (they are also stinky ) I resent that Toast - I'd hardly call you a dirtbag climber. You have a job, pay rent, have a car, shower on daily basis (I think). Plus if you were a dirtbag you'd climb a lot more than you do!
  24. dirtbags = no job = can't pay rent (they are also stinky ) Some I know remember to shower at least once a week. Also dirtbags have their priorities straight. They're not chasing that all american dream handcuffed to their cubicle and the 8-6 job... They are living life. Here's to dirtbags... Thread drift... True, but many 'great' climbers who are "living the life" also have their priorities straight and have jobs, own businesses, get married, have families, etc. and still climb a lot and climb hard. Twight and Boskoff come to mind. I don't know many dirtbag climbers who grow old without a job. PS - that doesn't change the fact that I *am* handcuffed to my cube, but I work 7 to 4 dammit. Different stokes for different folks.
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