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Everything posted by Dustin_B

  1. A friend did a little more research and here is what he found: The first link is quite good. Ignore the correction he mentions, it looks like they fixed it.
  2. You're never at a loss for creative, descriptive words. Do you have a dictionary by your computer or some random-word-generator software? I wonder if someday your dialect will be recognized at a separate language, kind of like ebonics? Then you would be able to claim English as a second language, and hence be bi-lingual!! Good luck.
  3. Good afternoon Trask, thanks for playing along. Please stop holding back your feelings and tell us how you really feel. It's not good to hold stuff in. But I can see that the 2+ years of therapy you've invested at cc.com is starting to work, hang in there, we'll get through this. Thanks for sharing. I do spend way too much time in artificially lit rooms and I am very pale, but our computers are only 2 years old. I would love to go outside but I am at work, which I thought was clear from my post. That will have to wait until the weekend (like most of us). My brain started rotting long ago though so it is too late for that. Oh, and I'm single so I'm not pussy-whipped. As for the other stuff, well that's just plain mean-ness. I truly expected more from you. I've got a hand full of something you can suck on though.
  4. How did you waste time at work prior to cc.com? Did you just surf the web, chat with coworkers, sleep, email, post to another board, or did you, perhaps, actually do work? I think I probably just surfed, talked, and emailed. I may have actually done more work too! Have you become so addicted to bulletin boards that you now post to others besides cc.com? Please share, I'm running out of distractions. For you sprayers that don't post from work, why in the hell would you waste your free time spraying??? This is a mystery to me. PS - has there been any thought into creating a 'skin' for cc.com with a Microsoft theme, perhaps based on Outlook? That could really help me out as I am a cubicle jockey and people often see my computer screen.
  5. Not laziness, not having to remove your pack to extract your second tool boils down to speed, efficiency, and safety. But what the hell do I know, I'm a newbie.
  6. thought that was obvious, hence the I meant he should have thought about getting the flu shot when he realized he had no sick leave.
  7. Where did you get that coupon? Is this another round of 20% offs going on now? I don't think REI carries the brakes to be able to swap them out but you might try emailing BD, I bet they would do it for you. Call REI in Seattle if you can't get through in PDX. good luck.
  8. This sounds like the best idea yet!! Although I have often parked at Exit 38, I haven't been violated yet, so I don't have the motivation to get involved. good luck.
  9. Also, if you want a quick release type thing to remove your tool while your pack is still on your back, you can put a clip in the straps (where the ice axe head rests) that come on most packs, and this makes for a quick release system. Haven't done it myself but a friend's mountainsmith pack has this (no tool tubes) and he can remove a second tool with the pack still on his back. pretty cool. This wouldn't work to well though if the handle is much bigger than the shaft (or has a pinky fuck thing).
  10. I second the CCW packs. I have the valdez and it rocks. They do free custom mods so you could order the Chernobyl (which comes with tubes) and have them use the attachment system of the valdez (straps). Awesome stuff. Take advantage of the free custom mods and 'design' your own pack.
  11. Some people don't like their names 'published' on websites, as apparent by all the avatars.
  12. I checked my spreadsheet OP 24": 524 g Yates 24": 346 g like you said, a noticable difference.
  13. This may have already been posted but I searched and didn't see it anywhere so here is an email that I was forwarded. I deleted names to protect the innocent but you can probably find those out from their job titles (thought those were important so I didn't delete them). I apologize in advance if the authors didn't want this email posted on such a forum but it was a mass email and this seems like a good place to spread the word on this issue. 273445-2003 public comment2.doc
  14. I had one that I bought a year and a half ago or so and then sold it cause it weighs like 6 oz more than a yates. So to answer your question, they are not that new. Too damn heavy if you ask me, and hard to drive into firm snow without some kind of point on one end.
  15. The guy we (I was with Toast) passed in July on Challenger who did it in a day didn't post a TR and didn't chestbeat, at least not on cc.com so I'm thinking that was not his justification for doing it in a day.
  16. Thank god we don't have to worry about that. whew!!
  17. Marmot weighs lots of their gear and they have a scale in the store that is pretty accurate you can use (and they carry the boots you are talking about).
  18. I just bought a pair of the new Lasers (thermo-fit liners) and weighed them on my digital scale at home. They weigh 3.51 kg (7.74 lbs) for a size 11. My scale is quite accurate.
  19. Yeah I was thinking about this more for ease of cutting than saving money (not much price difference $126 vs $132). But, alas, BD doesn't make 100 mm wide skins so I will have to go for the 110 mm and trim it all. Thanks for all the info everyone. I think I'm be doing more ski-mountaineering type stuff than touring so I'm going with wall-to-wall carpet.
  20. I just wrote up a similar question/post with the exact same title and was about to post it then I found this one! What a coincidence!! So I'll just post part of my original question now. I just bought my first pair of BC skis (profile is 107 / 75 / 98 mm). From what I have read on Black Diamond's website, you want 3mm of each ski edge showing. So you buy a skin as wide as the widest point of the ski and trim the rest. But it seems to me that it would be fine for me to buy a 100 mm skin, which would leave 3.5 mm of edge showing at the tip, and I would cut the rest down. Is this standard practice to buy a little narrower skin if appropriate? Is it easy to trim the skin? Who makes these shaped skins and where can I buy them? Also from what I have read, it seems like I can't go wrong with the BD ClipFix skin? Thanks.
  21. I did fix it, look at the post above this one You spelled it Brodeck but its spelled Brodek. Like I said "if you want to be anal about spelling"....
  22. Its actually Tony Brodek (7th, men's novice), if you want to be anal about spelling, and he is not dbb. (he is non-cc.com). Twas a good time. Tried the leashless thing before the comp and it was way hard (maybe it was the safety leashes). So maybe leashes are aid
  23. Dustin_B

    you go girl

    Next time you think about going on one of those reality TV dating shows remember this article... from here Transsexual Surprise Holds Up TV Show Fri Oct 31,10:25 AM ET Add Oddly Enough - Reuters to My Yahoo! LONDON (Reuters) - A reality TV game show that tricks a group of men into winning the affections of a beautiful "woman" who is actually a man -- what could go wrong? British pay-TV company BSkyB and independent producer Brighter Pictures are facing a threatened lawsuit from six contestants on the show, "There's Something About Miriam," who are trying to prevent the program from being broadcast. The contestants are challenging the consent forms they signed before discovering that Miriam, a male pre-operative transsexual, was not all that she seemed. "There is no transmission date fixed at present," said a spokesman for BSkyB. "We have received a letter of complaint." In a recruitment advertisement for the show, whose working title was "Find Me a Man," Brighter Pictures offered "the adventure of a lifetime" with a 10,000 pound ($16,940) prize to men aged 20 to 35 who "want it all" and are "fit and up for everything." Reality shows increasingly rely on duping their contestants. The show "Joe Millionaire" depicted a group of young women who thought they were wooing a millionaire who was in fact a construction worker. Another U.S. show, "Boy Meets Boy," featured a man courted by other men only to discover that some of his suitors are heterosexual. Brighter Pictures is a unit of the production company Endemol, which created such reality shows as "Big Brother" and "Fear Factor." A spokesman for the company declined to comment.
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