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Everything posted by Minus

  1. Oh yes Ade, I remember it well......
  2. If interested PM me. Got to be back in Seattle by 5pm. Have transport. Just looking to do lead some easier stuff (to 5.9-5.10).
  3. Sorry tsken so long to reply. I'm in Seattle at the minute. PM me if interested in getting out.
  4. Missed out on getting out this weekend, so looking to get out on some rock or alpine and get something done on tues and/or weds. Any takers?
  5. I'm looking for people to get out with this weekend and/or this next week. Pretty easy about where, just keen to get more stuff done. Also, I will probably be in the French Alps this summer, and looking to get a group of contacts together. If at all interested about either options, let me know... Stu
  6. Stupid thing to do Tim. Why didn't your partner pick it up eh? S
  7. Looking again for partner(s) for weds, thurs and fri this week coming. Will be at the picnic on tues (in climbinfo T-shirt) but want to get something sorted before then if possible. Looking to get some more alpine stuff done, but not on Rainier. Had enough of that lump! PM me or e-mail me stootaylor@hotmail.com
  8. I've got most of next week off (and the week after etc...) and looking to get something alpine and cold done. It looks like the weather is returning to normal next week, so things are probably going to be shaping up well. PM me or reply here if at all interested. Stuart
  9. Other option is if you have grivel tools you can get plastic picks for the tools. Can just use them on any old holds (except soft wood). Don't know if anyone else makes plastic picks for their tools...
  10. I was out running about 6 weeks ago with a mate of mine who was doing his first run for 4 years after breaking his ankle. He had pins in, then part taken out (bits snapped off when they were taking them out) and is just getting back into it gently. The point of this is while we were running I went over on my right ankle (only sprained it though, it turns out) heard a crack, and it swells up like a balloon over the next couple of days. Still swollen etc so sympathy all around. My mates advice was 1) have as little done to it by doctors as you are comfortable with 2) keep it moving GENTLY when not loading it. all the time. Good luck with the rehab. Oh yeah, and when crossing the road, remember that you can't run to get out of the way of that oncoming car. Still catches me out.
  11. As of today, still 300 yds short of lower trailhead. Not much snow really, so not too bad to walk up to Stuart trailhead at all. Took us about 20 mins from car to trail head on foot. PM me if you want details of the trail.
  12. If you're interested in getting out PM me.
  13. Anyone any ideas where I can get some? Checked SEA REI yesterday - no luck. Cheers
  14. On the web site it seems open, but that may well mean dick all...
  15. I remember doing it at the wall, and heard a little crack. Have completely rested it for 9 weeks now and the stupid thing still hurts when doing just pull-ups on a bar or pressing hard on the middle of the finger. It's not the joint that hurts. I've hyperextended the finger 10 years ago, and had it strapped for 4 weeks way back, but that got better much quicker than this. Is there an end in sight? It's getting beyond a joke now. Any half sensible ideas appreciated. PS I have one of those hand lumps associated with the middle finger on my left hand too. Some Doc friend told me to ignore it. Doesn't give any probs except on enourmous sharp holds that catch it.
  16. Me and a mate from the UK are coming over at the beginning of April. He has only got 10 days (8th onwards I think) and would consider a third in the team. Looking at one of the Ridges or Gib ledges. If interested PM me.
  17. Anybody out there looking for a climbing partner this weekend? PM me or reply here with any offers and we'll talk. Cheers
  18. Anyone up for getting out tomorrow give me a pm NOW or try and find me at the Pub Club. Went up to see Pyramid and Colonial, and I reckon it's been too cold for the North Face routes to be reasonable (Diablo Lake has frozen surface), but lower altitude/further west should be pretty good.
  19. All the above is good advice, but would add that washing it in a liner bag or large cotton bag thing so that when you come to take it out of the washing machine to put it in the dryer, you don't touch the sleeping bag/down. I've heard from various sources that you can damage the down/get down stuck together, and then even the tennis ball trick won't stop it being clumpy.
  20. My experience has been that so long as the bivvy bag is kept propped away from your face (rucsac in hood area works ofr me) and you've left a little hole for ventilation, condensation isn't too much of a problem. My bivvy bag is a Mountain Range goretex bag. Probably can't get these overe here but try needlesports.co.uk and go from there.
  21. I've had a pair of terminators for a couple of years now. Love 'em. Spent about 3 weeks raving about them to my mates after a trip to Scotland and a couple more mates bought them. Pros - Can change setup to vertical mono (off set or middle), dual, or a flattened horizontal mono supposedly better for mixed, but haven't used it. Gives you something to take apart and put back together again when weather is pissy. Cons- no anti-balling plate, but can buy one for another $35 I think. Better get one 'cos without it they're attract snow from around 3 feet to the base of your boot. Don't know how heavy they are, but I'm no muscle man and have coped so far.
  22. Give me a pm and if you can understand the accent I'll teach you all I know (in about 5 mins)
  23. There must be someone out there who wants to join me in getting out this week and hacking the crap out of Eldorado?? I've got time this week and transport, but no-one to hold the ropes. The above is all weather dependent of course.
  24. I'm over from the UK for a couple of months, based in Seattle, and looking for other people equally sick in the head who actually enjoy winter climbing. Any kinds of routes considered, so give me a message. What have conditions been like recently?? Feels like Scotland here in Seattle and there's some routes over there....just about
  25. I'm in Seattle for the next couple of months. I'm looking for stuff fairly close, possible day routes but also any multi day stuff. Anybody out there got some ideas on good early season routes? Any suggestions gratefully received
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