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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. hum, although u make a point, that was not the case here, he was with another person, and there were severeal others around. also climbing up is the more phyiscaly demanding activity and good training, skiing down is not only fun but alot faster, so in fact they are saving money by getting off the mountain faster. hope dude heals fast.
  2. its probly cause of the fact that she was embzinging money for personal trips and family expences, and the hole state trooper thing probly was about to calapse on her head, , if she ran for pres, the gop would lose once again. if they want a chance to win they will have to find someone with atleast half a brain.
  3. did ya find a parnter? i might be able to get down there. i have gear, and can lead belay not sure i can lead anyhing there other than the stuff on the GNS right now though.
  4. well, for one if our medical system wasn't based on profit, maybe the Dr's would treat the problems that cause bad health rather than using proscrition drugs and surgies to cure the pains and deficintcies caused by poor diets and lack of exrercise, and these same drugs also have side effects that cause, often times more problems, than the origal.
  5. bump** also, most of my xp is craiging. was climbing 10b trad before i got caught up on the grind stone. looking to climb 5.0-5.9 atm will follow whatever.
  6. well, i havent climbed in awhile so would have to ease into it. i do have the next 2 weeks off for sure, after that i dont know. down for basically anything, i have climbed alot, just not in the last few yrs. whats up? whirl
  7. yeah and if you try to steal home, you go to prison,
  8. if you try and steal secound base, sometimes you get throw out...
  9. plenty of people climb sqam, this time of yr you can go up and find a panter while ur there, there is a climber board at the campsite and a good grear shop for hook ups.
  10. i live in bellingham. here in about a week im gona have a month or so off and would like to get back into it, down for most anything moderate, as i havent climbed in awhile. i still do have alot of gear, and will have alot of time here real soon.
  11. i sec the sewing up part.. or atleast try to put in two pieces where there is a high fall/run out potinal. and defiantly 2-3 pieces if your plainging on a jump.
  12. ill go
  13. whirlwind


    Someone should kick your face in. I absolutely agree with this one. for once i agreewith fairweather too.
  14. im down , no boat but ill pitch on gas/ rental for sure
  15. whirlwind


    and i do hope the best for you and your "co-workers" btw, and when you get back ill buy you all the beer you can drink.
  16. whirlwind


    just two things man. no one called any of our soldiers in iraq anything, other than what they are, brave men and women stuck in an unfortuinate situation. it shouldn't be glorified as the lose of life by them or an human being over there is simply a waste. the war is pointless, poorly concived, and based prodomantly on lies you cant try and justify our ocupation there by any means. We destroyed an entire culture, with roots far deeper than ours. we've killed 100's of thousands of people, displaced god knows how many more. and created a hotter more volitile enemy makeing america less safe and in fact less free. and weither we leave now or in 20 yrs the situation will be the same other diference is the longer we try to hold off the inevitable, the higher the causulties to us and inicent iraqi's. is there a good withdrawal plan, probly not, but thats what we should be working on as of late, not sending more troops into the oven.
  17. ok but that proves nothing, you could do the same thing with temp and have 80 degrees be your >4 and most the world would be the same color, it be intresting to see what countries are 5 or 6 or what ever, ie broke down farther
  18. well now i know i can probly call in my weekly unemployment claim from there.. thanks what great beta..
  19. posibly the 6th throught the 10th maybe up till the 12th.. i prer trad, easy stuff for now would be good. road trip? got gear and an fairly reliable car.
  20. to anwser your question; the reason the us and sadia arabia wanted the Iraqi oil was not to drill it and increase supply that wouldn't make sence cause then the oil they own and pump out is worth less, the resaon for Bush's invasion.. stop suply. the iraqis were practically giveing oil to the seria, not counting what they sold to us and other nations, the more oil availible, ie the higher the suply, the less each barrel is worth. you think there is any corraltion with the fact that this is the Bush admin last little drain before there out in 6 mounths? ya summers ussaly brings and increase in price due to an increase in demand, but what other than the lack of supply and or increase in demand brings up the price of a product? so simple attck iraq, saction and "protect" their oil fields so no one gets any. there by increaseing the price of whats available. and as a side note its not to hard to blame those with the most to gain from this action, especally when they are in a position to make it happen. Load of extreme bullshit above. piss off you merly proved my point that suply and demand are the reason for price increase. so the lack of suply from iraq along with the increase in demand from china and else where equals, higher price. and who still benifits from iraqi oil being controled and for the most part off the market. maybe i was wrong in the claim that the recent price was due to the Bush admin wanting to go out with a bang, but i really dought that it isn't atleast part of the reason. so before you call it a load of bullshit maybe you use your "superior" intelct to prove it wrong rather than giveing the asertion more ground on which to stand.
  21. to anwser your question; the reason the us and sadia arabia wanted the Iraqi oil was not to drill it and increase supply that wouldn't make sence cause then the oil they own and pump out is worth less, the resaon for Bush's invasion.. stop suply. the iraqis were practically giveing oil to the seria, not counting what they sold to us and other nations, the more oil availible, ie the higher the suply, the less each barrel is worth. you think there is any corraltion with the fact that this is the Bush admin last little drain before there out in 6 mounths? ya summers ussaly brings and increase in price due to an increase in demand, but what other than the lack of supply and or increase in demand brings up the price of a product? so simple attck iraq, saction and "protect" their oil fields so no one gets any. there by increaseing the price of whats available. and as a side note its not to hard to blame those with the most to gain from this action, especally when they are in a position to make it happen.
  22. if drugs were leagal, wouldn't crime go down hasnt this been proven in other countries?
  23. i supose i should secify easy... not too easy but probly 5.10 something max
  24. open to where ever but looking to do some easy climbing. as this is my first trip in awhile. got gear, car and gas. peace WW
  25. i got the day off, anyone from bham wana hit it up?
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