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Everything posted by RobBob

  1. Okay, I've got a serious question. I'm considering the idea of hiring a specialized sales employee, but I don't want to advertise the position. (It'll have to be the right person, and unless I find him/her, I don't want to rock the current organization with news of a job opening.) I want to search resumes from a nationwide database. So my question is: Which service is best these days? I've never tried Monster, and at $1,000 for 2 weeks of access to their nationwide resume service, that's a little strong. Any of you goobers gotten a job or made hires from online job sites?
  2. RobBob

    Climbers Board is

    hey chuck...I think you are being the chump here ( ) if you don't understand that the Digital Music thread is evey bit as much Spray as this thread is. What part of that don't you understand?? What you should have said, I guess, if you were being intellectually honest, is that that you are sorry that I can't understand why some can spray in Climbers Board (if it's milqtoast fare) while some can't. For the rest of you, sorry that it had to be broken down into such painfully basic fact. Carry on with your fun. Oh, by the way, Chuck, I did offer suggestions to Jon and got a nice reply back, thank you.
  3. RobBob

    Climbers Board is

    huh...I shoulda known this would get moved to spray. capricious moderating I'd hafta say. pusswipes.
  4. RobBob

    Climbers Board is

    the new soft rock version of Spray. With threads like Silly Mountain Names and Digital Music, we now have spray at the top of the cc.com site, but somehow it all just feels kind of...
  5. This thread begs the question...can we change the name of this forum to Spray and have it at the top of the site, where it belongs? trask still sends emails out of the blue sometimes. usually some wacky shit that makes me laugh, or a fake promise to log on to cc.com tomorrow...
  6. favorite big handgun scene (wav)
  7. not to be a stickler, but it was her tits
  8. Time to post 'em. Here's one (not cube-safe): wav file
  9. “I once had an incredible encounter with the most enormous buck — I don’t know, 16 points or something. It was just huge. And I failed to pull the trigger at the right moment. I was hunting down in Massachusetts, on the Cape.” ---cj, I'd say this fellow's the one not letting facts get in the way of a good story.
  10. What's Necro up to?
  11. I don't want the person who utters either to be President.
  12. No shit, an hour ago a biz contact returned a call from earlier in the week. This guy retired from a Democratic job in our state some time ago. He said "I'm calling you from a deer stand on the eastern shore of Maryland." This guy is the most intense hunter I know. Whether it's deer in Carolina or impala in Africa, he loves hunting it. I said, "John, before I forget it, settle an issue for me. John Kerry claims he almost bagged a 16-pointer in Massachusetts. Have you ever seeen or heard of a 16-pointer on the East Coast?" He burst out laughing. "Rob, the brethren in Massachusetts have a long-standing history of exaggeration. I don't think the man who got a 100% rating from PETA ever saw a 16-point buck." Unfortunately, the fucker ended the call abruptly before we got to business...he hissed into the cellphone that a deer was coming in. He must've got it, 'cause he hasn't called back yet.
  13. RobBob

    Pyrate Pics

    argggh, ye arsedudgers better hold yer tongue lest ye want to be keelhauled afore the sun goes over the yardarm. Only birds fer me, whether in hand or bush!
  14. Harpell, everybody here's silent about the Boston marathon deal. It touches a nerve, 'cause every one of you hardmen/women here knows that it's true: If you trained for and ran a marathon/climbed a big mtn/etc., you would be able to remember some facts about it pretty damn clearly. As for deer, I live in the East way out in the sticks. This is hunting and farming country, and I'll bet I see whitetail deer almost every morning or evening. Started deer hunting 36 years ago (I was 8; gave up deer hunting but I like to observe them). Willstric is correct---in several states you can use shotgun or rifle. But I have never seen nor heard of a 16-pointer on the East Coast. Ever. Kerry's pulling a -!
  15. RobBob

    Pyrate Pics

  16. RobBob

    Pyrate Pics

  17. RobBob

    Pyrate Pics

    Arggggggh...Post em if you got em
  18. Was in N. and central Italy last week. I thoroughly enjoyed driving the piss out of a rental car on the autostrada, but also got caught in a couple of major traffic jams. The kind where you stop and sit in one place for an hour, while they clean the teeth, hair, and car parts off the highway somewhere far up ahead. Since returning home, I've thought about how fundamentally different the behavior in these jams was from what it would have been in the States. After a few minutes, people stopped their cars and many got out and started visiting with others in neighboring cars. Hundreds of cigarettes were simultaneously smoked. Who knows, maybe somebody managed to get hooked up afterward. Eventually we began moving again. I guess it didn't dawn on me initially that no horns were blown, nobody looked wound-up about being caught in traffic. It kinda flew in the face of the vision of Italian drivers giving each other the high sign and pushing each other off the road. The other thing that struck me as cool was that the back roads were filled with cyclists (just like here) dressed in their bright duds...but I'd guess that more than half were over 50. Aging ex-jocks still living the dream. Viva Italia!
  19. we need a good cougar-fest
  20. RobBob

    Breck Girl

    "Lawyer: One skilled in circumvention of the law." Ambrose Bierce
  21. RobBob

    Breck Girl

    Frickin'-A, this is priceless. Has anybody posted this vid of John Edwards getting his girly-boy makeup? MSN link
  22. Richard Moser, now there's a source of Vietnam expertise.
  23. RobBob

    Round 2

    on Tuesday. This will probably be the best debate...which dingleball will win?
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