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Everything posted by Buckaroo

  1. Buckaroo

    Big Wall

    Any wall that takes more than a day to climb by an average climber. Any wall that requires a bivy on the wall.
  2. I've run laps on the Tooth with a bunch of mounties on it. It's good training for objective hazard.
  3. but you can't get into the details of why. Why do you disagree. You stand on the side of the corporate warmonger government but you can't defend the details. Once the facts and figures are presented you are nowhere to be found.
  4. All E-rock has is personal bashing. He hasn't contributed one iota to the actual debate.
  5. Uhh hurr durr, that's exactly what you did, name calling without arguing any points. Unless your point is to name call the individual. You surely haven't addressed any of the points I made.
  6. So tell us KK, who own's the internet? Who controls it? I can tell you who owns and controls the TV. you are laughing at your own ignorance.
  7. ""big bro is watching you on the internutz, Buckaroo!"" merely being observed has nothing to do with independence. the Orwellian prisoner can observe the free man 24-7. Doesn't do jack crap. So what's your "point"? (LOLZ!) still ZERO hard evidence presented by the Orwell TV theory promoters
  8. ""and NSA monitoring (not to mention what happens abroad), and ISP and application provider 'throttling', and...."" monitoring is not even remotely the same as ownership like the TV. Monitoring doesn't change anything, it's just monitoring. Throttling is a problem but it's not fully instituted yet and will never be until there is one world government. Too many independent countries for that to happen at this time. still ZERO hard evidence presented by the Orwell TV theory promoters
  9. ""The innernutz is independent like public access TV is independent. We used to love watching the evangelical preacher with a light case of Down's Syndrome on that channel""" so because there are nuts out there means everyone independent is automatically nuts. I can't follow your "logic" Seems like all you guys have is ad-hom. When the going gets tough that's your go to strategy. still ZERO hard evidence presented by the Orwell TV theory promoters
  10. attack of the strawmen ""funny...seems like half the folks posting in this thread are living in their parent's basement"" the information on the internet is independent, the individuals involved have nothing to do with this discussion Of course all you TV sheeple have to try to make it personal because you have ZERO argument when it comes to the facts. still ZERO hard evidence presented by the Orwell TV theory promoters
  11. Haven't seen one single post on this thread where a supporter of the governments conspiracy theory has posted one single piece of hard evidence supporting the Orwell TV's story. the distinction between the TV and the internet is huge. The TV is wholly owned by only 5 defense connected corporations. The internet is independent.
  12. LOLZ!!, something like 75% of the CIA's entire operation is disinfo.
  13. yeah i think there is a real issue with the first question. first it was reported he had an ak 47, then his wife was armed, then no one was armed? truthfully, i haven't been following the story all that closely, but it seems there have been inconcistencies with the official narrative. I think the military is throwing Obama under the bus. The White House also said they watched the whole operation in visual real time and they released the photo of the WH meeting where everyone was watching. Then the military came out and said the operation was blacked out for 40 minutes during the most relevant part where Osama was killed.
  14. Please give us a link to the admission of guilt
  15. some kind of fruedian slip going on here, LOLZ!!! So Jim, or any of the others on this thread who believe the Orwell TV. Please give us a link to the evidence that proves that Osama was killed by the seals in Abbottabad.
  16. No but you can get your PC to perform a lot better by taking a very large magnet and repeatedly dragging it over the hard-drive.
  17. "ex CIA interrogator stating in his low profile NYT op ed last week about how torture doesn't work?" A minor point, there are internecine battles, there is also something called "limited hang-out". Admit the minor points to protect and distract from the major ones. Clue, you will NEVER see ex CIA in the NYT saying there is no evidence connecting Bin Laden to 911, although they will say that in smaller venues. ""Typical need to be the smartest kid in the room."" Jealousy? What's wrong with being in the top 10%? "Their disagreement with your kooky ideas is evidence for that, not against." No, their disagreement lies in not having studied the topic closely for the better part of 10 years. Until this thread did you realize the depth to which the Bin Laden vids have been analyzed? Be honest. We are off topic Tvash, sidetracked with personal attacks. Since you take care about where you get your info, show me the info that backs up your stance. We can start with some real evidence that they just killed Bin Laden. See if you can come up with just one piece of hard evidence. If you can do that then go on to trying to tie Bin Laden to 911, good luck the FBI couldn't do it.
  18. There is a real war going on the environmental front, and money is the easiest way to help if you don't have time I would think the planet is sort of important to our survival maybe you take the right wing view that man is not capable of doing substantial damage to the earth? you can always gauge an "argument" by the level of personal ad-hom attack
  19. Your entire "argument" is against me personally you can't won't argue any of my points can you identify "bin Laden" in the last vid? BE HONEST 90% of the populace does get their "news" from the TV, I'm not talking about you personally, I don't know you, like you don't know me. have you noticed it's not even hard news anymore? like who won the lotto or American Idol, like what little blond girl got kidnapped. Like 100 yards of killing a patsy figurehead without 1 inch of real evidence. "It's a disorder." attack the messenger when you can't counter the message """At first the truth is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, and finally it is accepted as self-evident."""
  20. I don't let it run my life, I think it's been like this since time began so who cares? I just think truth is stranger and more interesting than fiction. It's more fun gazing down the rabbit hole than following who's winning on American Idol or Dancing With the Stars. ""Why bother addressing the obvious, visible manifestations of oppression?" who says it's all that difficult?, everyone can play a part, from donating to worthy causes like environmental charities to arguing the points on the internet. "Typical white people bullshit." yes, we are all a product of our respective environments
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