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Everything posted by E-rock

  2. If you follow Erik you might get to clean 3 or 4 pieces all day. Sure makes top-roping his leads fun.
  3. E-rock


    AlpineK you F%*#ing homophobe . I thought I warned you at Pub club.
  4. Hey chuck, It's my birthday too. Happy Birthday! Maybe I'll come out and say hello at 4:30. E
  5. quote: Originally posted by thelawgod: Hey lawgoddess, I've got some extra room in my sleeping bag--what'd say we hook up? I've got a big horsecock I can bring; just tell me where to put it. Mr law god has an unhealthy obsession with his own horse-cock. I don't think the man can be trusted. Unless of course you wanna share with me, big boy.
  6. It's DOOK guys. Please poop with proper grammar.
  7. I wasn't arguing for their objectivity. It just seems that people want to call hypocrisy on the left, when they don't really know what they're talking about. What I consider to be the "left" isn't a fan of Bill Clinton or Al Gore either.
  8. quote: Originally posted by Poseur: No sh!t, Clinton bombed and invaded more countries than I can even keep track of and nary a wimper from the left. I guess it's OK when you're doing it to hide the intern under your desk. There was more than "nary a wimper". People throughout the states protested against Clinton's foreign military policies. Many groups on the "left" openly and vehemently criticized Clinton. On election day Clinton called Pacifica radio to drum up last minute support for Al Gore and got barraged with tough questions about his policies towards Iraq. Edward Herman wrote an article in Z-Magazine during Clinton's term, calling him the 20th Century's greatest war criminal. "Nary a wimper", eh. Those are but a few small examples. [ 10-16-2002, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  9. Looking for a potential partner to climb one morning this weekend in the Seattle area. I have a huge assignment due monday (which I'm not working on cuz I'm fucking around here) and I probably won't be able to go to the rope-up, emphasis on PROBABLY. Therefore, I'm looking for a flexible partner who'd like to crag at Little Si this weekend, preferably someone who can lead/follow hard tens and easy 11's (by Si standards). I have a project that I must send before the weather gets drippy. This would be an early morning trip on Sat or Sun, before I get to work, probably be done around noon. I must emphasize that if I get my work done before Saturday, I'll be breaking plans to go to Leavenworth.
  10. 5.10+ FA's haven't gotten people in the magazines for a long time, unless they write an excellent article themselves and include many pretty pictures.
  11. Awww poor Fence Sitter. Did I hurt your wittle feewings. The truth hurts don't it, kinda like a hook in the mouth, bitch.
  12. quote: Originally posted by Harry Pi: Mr Fence don't know what to talk about. He NEVER does.
  13. quote: Originally posted by sexual chocolate: There's a fellow I know who has a "poop pictorial" of fellow climbers. One series shows his partner in the port-a-ledge before, during, and after, complete with full poop bag in hand! That cracks me up. I'd pay to see that in an art gallery. Are they polaroids?
  14. I'm doing data entry at school for work currently. We're entering old geotechnical data. The next thing I typed after my last post was. 5" brown topsoil [ 10-11-2002, 07:50 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  15. I love poo stories, they're my favorite. One time on a ski tour my buddy took a dump, but he didnt dig his whole deep enough. He pushed and pushed but he was bottomed out. Eventually the log raked across his ass-cheek as the only way it could go was sideways, not down. Page poop... I mean top. [ 10-11-2002, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  16. My building on campus is one of Seattle's famous cruising spots. Apparently, there are mentions of it on the internet and such. So they started removing the doors on some of the stalls to curtail any sort of late-night activities (as well as scrub the phone numbers off the walls, dammit ). Gives a whole new meaning to "Out of the closet pooper". Sometimes an odd person will use a doorless stall, even when there is an empty stall with a door right next to them. Now THAT take guts... or total stupidity. There is also evidence of long-past "golden showers" that the janitors refuse to remove.
  17. I've been trying so hard to keep myself from laughing my ass off in front of my coworkers.
  18. OF course I'll give you a ride. You can even park your car at my house, I'll call tonight.
  19. If I could be anywhere right now I'd be on the road between Salt Lake City and Zion with the girl I left behind in Salt Lake. I dream of the desert every night. Then I'd head over to Moab. Indian Creek is one of the most magical places I've ever climbed at, and the comeraderie there is unbeatable.
  20. It's good that you don't think about it WHILE climbing. You might be more likely to hurt yourself [ 10-09-2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  21. I will not allow my inability to afford insurance to limit my freedom.
  22. E-rock


    Modest Mouse - anything Death Cab for Cutie - Something about airplanes Warp compilation Delarosa and Asora - Agony part 2 Ninja Tunes - Xen Cuts Interpol - Turn on the Bright lights The Walkmen - Everyone who pretended to like me is gone Bardo Pond - Dilate Mirah - Advisory Commitee Stereolab - anything
  23. Well it looks at though Mister-Well-Rounded's well rounded interests are... well only one: rock climbing
  24. ... it's almost monday, and my hands are just beginning to scab.
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