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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. Huh...I guess I'm not the only one...
  2. To Thomas Crapper and National Thomas Crapper Day. The article is rather lengthy, but indeed an important and rarely told story in human history. "The chamber pot under the bed was an indispensable feature of homes in colder climates because it removes the need for a freezing nocturnal trip to the outdoor privy. Chamber pots became very elaborate and often had likenesses of enemies of the owner at the bottom. In England, some carried a portrait of Napoleon in the target area. " "Flush toilets came on the scene in the 19th Century, but they were in-efficient....." "INTO THIS MESS LEAPT THOMAS Crapper. About 1870 the British Board of Trade put the word out that it needed a more efficient flush toilet, and it was Crapper who came up with the best solution. You can still see it today in the comfort of your own home: a float, a metal arm and a siphonic action to empty the reservoir. "Crapper wasn’t content to sit on his laurels. He had many other inventions, including an automatic flushing urinal and the self-rising toilet seat, designed to offset the problem of splashy males. He was commissioned to install the bathrooms at Edward VII’s new country home at Sandringham, and his firm was granted three other royal warrants."
  3. I made a specific trip down to the showbox today to get tix. I got 4 of the last 50 tickets. Lucked out.
  4. I would argue that cc.com is become MORE like a "community" than it's early days as a "club". Go back and read some fo the first year threads and you'll see what I mean. More people post now about more diverse topics.
  5. I switch between that and TV on the Radio's "Young Liars" EP compulsively. And once in a while I listen to "Oh, Inverted World" so that I don't become too one track minded.
  6. I have to PAY 20 bucks to KEEP my old plates, but I don't if they issue me NEW ones? Do they mail me the new plates or do I have to run another errand? Anybody know how this shit works? Your help would be appreciated.
  7. I'm so jeoulous right now I can't even take it. I spent sunday driving back from Baker because it didn't snow up there Sat night and my friends didn't want to tour on Sunday. Wish I had been at Stevens Pass instead. Alpine K's pick of Jove Peak in the other thread TRing that day makes me drool. I made the wrong choice this weekend. Nevermind what am I saying? Saturday was my best ski day of the season. But I'm still jeoulous of ya'll.
  8. Lummox, do you only have smart-ass responses to thought provoking posts? Snow-science does not save lives. It can only help you decide to stay in or leave the mountains. Once you take the risk of being there, everything comes down to route selection and your party's ability to limit exposure. Avalanche experts die all the time. Get a clue. Edit: Interesting ploy, Lummox. I'll remember to quote you next time.
  9. Could someone make this a sticky?
  10. HaHa HaHa HAAAA HAAAAA HaHa HaHa HAAAA HAAAAA NyaNya NyaNya NYAAAA NYAAAA NyaNya NyaNya NYAAAA NYAAAA By the way the powder was fuckin' sweet this weekend. Better than expected. Skiing is so much cooler than being banned.
  11. Eddie, I'll be up in Glacier for the weekend. Possibly staying through Monday. You going that way?
  12. Getchusum this weekend beeyotches. Freezing levels to 1000 feet in the North by Sunday.
  13. Thanks ya'll for the commentary on Mudede's review. Which pissed me off when I read it the other day. I feel better now.
  14. E-rock


    Jesus Christ, why would anyone continue to start one of these ridiculous threads? So what? He's banned. If you don't think he's going to be back, you've lived in this internet fantasy land for far too many hours of your life. Just like Trask.
  15. I don't read threads that get stretched out beyond the width of a page
  16. Yeah but Atlanta now has the best quarterback in the NFL
  17. Hey man, it's okay, like your sister says, life has to go on. Maybe medication isn't such a bad idea, huh?
  18. Yeah, I know E-rock, I feel your pain. If my father hadn't made me watch the super-bowl with him in 1981 when I was 6, I might never had been afflicted with this disease of suffering.
  19. I know it was destiny and all, but I thought maybe they would make it to the big show while I was still young. The PI was full of Philly ex-pats last night suffering through another god-aweful defeat. I called my sister during the game and she said Pinkston can suck a big dick. She also said that she knows she has to go on tomorrow, she has to find a way, but she might need medication. Seeing McNabb sidelined had to be the most heartbreaking moment I can remember in Eagles history. Here's to another 25 years of losers in Loser Land. Drink hard Philly, it sucks to be the losers we are.
  20. Don't know specific directions but check out Durrance. Don't waste your time with Galena Summit. It ain't worth it.
  21. If you're interested in making a long weekender some time next month I could be convinced. I've been there before, but the weather was socked in and didn't get to ski above tree line. I'd really love to hit it when Avalanche is open for touring. That looks like the most impressive, steep powder run in North America.
  22. E-rock

    Cloned Human?

    Going back to Scott's "scientometric(?!) study that proves 5-10% of all scientific data is fabricated" 1. Here's what it REALLY says: This estimation does not mean that only 5-10% of biomedical researchers fabricate data. Obviously, every research paper usually contains data from several different types of experiments such as Scatchard plot analysis. So, the percentage of articles with fabricated pictures at least for one of them should be several times more - that is about 20-30%. Then, every researcher participate in writing more than one article during his lifetime. Therefore, the conclusion is that: MOST LABORATORY RESEARCHERS IN BIOMEDICINE FABRICATE DATA FROM TIME TO TIME. 2. No methodology in obtaining this conslusion is explained, other than counting several "pictures" in a handful of articles from a peer-reviewed journal, that he CLAIMS are misrepresentative of real data. 3. The article only pertains to ONE type of plot, in ONE very specialized field of research. 4. The article sites no references and is not peer reviewed. 5. This article is an example of "scientific fraud" 6. One needs only to skim this second article by the same author to be fully convinced that this man is a crackpot. I especially enjoy the argument in his email to the "Office of Research Integrity" claiming that "ORI committed financial fraud requesting public money to solve the problem which was already solved earlier by me" 7. Find some reputable sources to build your arguments with. 8. If you can't see that "Dmitriy K. Yuryev" is a crackpot conspiracy theorist merely by reading his articles, I suggest you compare his work with other internet crackpots, of which there are many. 9. "SCIENTOMETRIC" IS NOT A FUCKING WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. E-rock

    Cloned Human?

    That's because you get your science from the mainstream media instead of from primary scientific journals.
  24. I'm brewing up another cuppa right now because I missed my short poo window this morning. I start to feel parastalsis some time before my first cuppa and then it peaks usually around the time I have a few sips left. Sometimes I wait for one reason or another, perhaps to spray a little bit on cc.com, perhaps to respond to email, and I miss my window. If the second cuppa doesn't work, I'm stuck with a full colon until tomorrow morning.
  25. There's some great hotsprings on the East side of the Steens Mountain as well. So you get to soak after you ski. BTW, the "c" in "bc" stands for "country"
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