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Everything posted by j_b

  1. j_b


    this is what Trask had to say in private mail: "Everybody hates you. Get a clue-you fucking suck. SC gone, you next." just so everyone can partake to the 'fun'
  2. j_b


    don't run away fleb, you were doing so well
  3. j_b


    I suspect it's as good of a time as any to take a good measure of everyone here ....
  4. j_b


  5. j_b


    and who's going to make me shut up? you and your argumentative power?
  6. j_b


    wow, you guys must be some pretty cool dudes .... I suggest working at it a little more, it's getting a little repetitive.
  7. j_b


    well thank you. Anything else I can do for you? (come on make it a good one and dig the hole a bit deeper)
  8. j_b


    well frankly, I am already embarrassed to have acknowledged scanning some of that stuff. I seriously thought it might be worthwhile to some of you to hear a different perspective. oh but I forgot, it's 'humor'
  9. j_b


    has the content of spray ever been this dumb? I could not even dare say that it now appeals to the lowest commun denominator among us. Have fun
  10. j_b


    You should just ban his crude ass once and for all. He doesn't seem to appreciate what we've got here lately, anyway. Bon voyage to questionable refuse! a reasonable alternative is to not answer him. he'll go away when his trolling attempts don't get the attention he craves.
  11. j_b


    Orizaba is a much better climb anyway so you did not miss much. I know these volcanoes 'are quite stupid'!
  12. j_b

    Which 4WD SUV?

    hilarious and clever too! I really like #4 & 5.
  13. j_b


    apparently a team of German experts said he does not have body doubles. Or at least there is no evidence suggesting he has doubles.
  14. j_b


    the only impossible outcome is going to crime court. I should add this is quite unfortunate.
  15. j_b


    I read somewhere, a few month back, it was officially closed but I don't really know. Perhaps Glen had some pertinent info on how active it is at the present time.
  16. the gates are open and the trolls are flooding back in now they don't have to address the issues. Typical. and yes rob, you are partly right, there are some situations in which I find no humor whatsoever.
  17. j_b


    let me amend my previous post because Popo probably sees more traffic (it is a fav. of the locals) but the lack of a huge international basecamp at the base of the standard route like at aconcagua results in a less crowded experience (especially mid-week).
  18. j_b


    come on SC don't go. we need your presence even if it means not tangling directly with the meatheads.
  19. well, it's grand of you to finally dissociate yourself from the abuse. I am sure you know that justifying the abuse (or even cheering on the abuser for some) is only one step removed from performing the deed itself. good posts Chuck
  20. it has nothing to do with gender? so why the sexual abuse?
  21. let me rephrase this for you: "we really have no ground to abuse you but we like to pick on women who dare talking back. What do you expect from us take your side against another male?"
  22. Dude according to the rules of Yo Mama you totally lost the fight. Why should I respond when I defeated you. hey! no insults? did you reread the moderator handbook or something? is it that your acting up reflects poorly on this site? i am not sure which fight you think we are having and what you won, but should I point out you respond to tell me you are not responding .... huh? just so you know: you are cute when you get mad.
  23. j_b


    Aconcagua. there are 3 prized mex. volc. (popo, orizaba, ixta. in order of popularity) versus one Aconcagua and the climbing season is longer in mexico. if you want to avoid most of the crowds on Aconcagua, stay away from the normal route. The Polish glacier is less crowded and is equivalent to an easy/moderate volcano climb in the NW in terms of technical difficulty.
  24. yeah, I was hoping for AlpineK to come through and exhibit some more of his moderating skills but I suspect he won't oblige us tonight.
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