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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. I'm outta here in 3 hours for yosemite...FUCK WORK...those bastards asked if i could move my trip!!! rolleyes.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


    Guess what i said???? Kiss my moon.gif


    "Do you have a cell phone?"---->NO, too bad, i'll see you next week...

  2. Hey Chuck...


    The quarter ticket is the dealio! He can spend it on the spot or save it as he sees fit cuz he earned it! He usually blows a few of them right off and then wants some to put in his bank. So off he goes for some more laps!!! Man, i can't wait till he and his brother are like 11 and 9...its gonna kick some butt until they get tired of the old man slowing them down!!!!!



  3. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    RuMR said:

    He's starting outside climbing this summer...GNS and stuff at Squamish.


    To rap, i clip him into my harness and then rap down w/ him...Mom doesn't like this, but its safe and controlled.


    I breath a little easier when my guys have a helmet on. Becuase kids have such a high center of gravity, it is easy for them to flip upsidedown when they fall ( or so I have been told) we often use the all purpose bicycle roller blade helmet. grin.gif


    Helmet's the ticket...the full body harness keeps drew pretty much upright. He also has the "walk your feet down the wall" thing down, so he doesn't scrape the wall as he lowers...

  4. We should hook up w/ the kids!!!!!!! wave.gifwave.gif


    There is a group of kid climbers all under 4 1/2 that usually meets at the seattle gym. Once summer rolls around, we all will probably be venturing outside as a group. wave.gif


    It works well, cuz there's enough adults around to keep eyeballz on the kids and so everybody gets climbing.


    One other thing...BUY A HELMET FOR HER. its easy for them to tumble at the cliff bases cuz of boulders and what not. and dropped gear or falling rox mean nothing to them. I bought Drew a hockey helmet, cuz it protects the back of his head better than i thought bike helmets did.

  5. kitten said:

    RuMR said:

    Hey Kitten...


    How old is she?? BD sells sit harness for kids that you can combine w/ a chest harness if she's old enough. Trango sells full body harnesses as does Petzl... The vertical world carries them. And you can order them off the web from Barrabes.com


    She is only 3 1/2 years old and weighs about 33 pounds.

    She is an 'itty- bitty' like her mom. I figure we can strap a few slings or something Jamn' recommends to keep her safe. We will only start on anything small and safe.



    Don't strap her up w/ slings, it'll be uncomfortable. Plus, kids have a weird center of gravity and these harnesses are designed for that...and they grow pretty well w/ the child, so they should last till they are big enough to get into a sit-harness. $30 to $40 is a small price to pay for her comfort (and yours).


    my boy is about 30lbs flat and was born in august, so he's a little over 3 1/2. He really really digs it and climbs quite a bit in the gym...gets a quarter each time he tops out on a route, then hauls ass over to the Mike&Ike candy machine and collects his booty. Guess he's a sponsored climber now!!

  6. Hey Kitten...


    How old is she?? BD sells sit harness for kids that you can combine w/ a chest harness if she's old enough. Trango sells full body harnesses as does Petzl... The vertical world carries them. And you can order them off the web from Barrabes.com

  7. Sphinx said:

    For once, Dwayner, you elitist horse-cock snarfing sport poser, you say something to which I agree. Congratualations! For some reason, though, your sport-climbing quips are getting old. yellowsleep.gifyellowsleep.gifGet something else to whine about, and people might forget how many brain cells you lost while slogging up some high-altitude choss heap. yellaf.gifyellaf.gif

    HAHAHAHAHAHA yelrotflmao.gif

  8. Jerome said:

    No need.


    Have fun in Yosemite!




    Cheers Jerome!


    Yo-so-mighty is gonna kick some ass!! Hopefully not mine...we leave wednesday night at 8pm



    Take care,


    We have to hit squish some more this summer...


  9. Jerome said:

    lummox said:

    Jerome said:

    The Sword is harder technically, but the Split is much harder. The Split is the best crack pitch I've ever lead.



    you need to get out more often.

    i think the sword is a cooler lead. the exposure is more. but the split pillar is way cool, too. like comparing olde english 800 to king cobra: it all fuckin works. bigdrink.giffruit.gifbigdrink.gif


    I do need to get out more! Got any money for me?


    And the Split is a cooler lead. cool.gif



    Jerome, you tool, there's no bat shit or bird guano on split...how can it be a cool lead for you???? rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  10. yeah...but he's certifiably insane...better watchit!!!!


    Plus, you won't be able to hurt him cuz of all the painkillers...a regular Jason is my guess...


    Plus he picked up some bug in a gross ow and you wouldn't want to catch that now, would you??? wazzup.gif

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