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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. sobo said:

    RuMR said:

    sobo said:

    Blew off my FORTRAN 77 final exam to go climbing. Didn't pass the class, took me three more tries to get the grade and graduate. My response to the prof was, "I'm gonna be an engineer. If I had wanted to be a computer programmer, I would've majored in Computer Science." He wasn't amused... rolleyes.gif


    Professer Crittendon? That guy was a DICK!


    Was it Crittendon? He was on old WWII vet with an aircraft carrier for a haircut, and big black-rimmed Buddy Holly style specs. If that's Crittendon, then it's him. I hated that fucker!


    Nah...different guy...your prof have an accent? I'm trying to remember who that guy is...was he out of the ESM dep't? Or the E. Fundamentals?

  2. sobo said:

    Blew off my FORTRAN 77 final exam to go climbing. Didn't pass the class, took me three more tries to get the grade and graduate. My response to the prof was, "I'm gonna be an engineer. If I had wanted to be a computer programmer, I would've majored in Computer Science." He wasn't amused... rolleyes.gif


    Professer Crittendon? That guy was a DICK!

  3. Szyjakowski said:

    RuMR said:

    Szyjakowski said:

    RuMR said:

    I think he understands what you are saying as he has repeatedly asked to be taken out trad climbing. I'm still not sure why everyone's ripping him a new one for bouldering?? WTF, he's having fun w/ it...

    i didn't rip in too him... i ripped into SHERMAN! fruit.gif


    According to what i gather you are saying, we oughta just do away w/ all ratings then?!?! smirk.gif


    and i fail to see how bouldering is a "stupid" pastime.

    don't read too far in between the lines.

    Boulderin ratings are Dumb

    Boulderin is a stupid past-time when I can't climb real BIG rocks that require ropes, gear, gumption, etc.



    Well...i've been reduced to bouldering and plastic due to family...I agree that it sux big time compared to getting on big stuff, but man, if that's all you got, that's all you got and you'd better be happy w/ it, or you'll go crazy


    Regarding boxing_smiley.gif, anytime...i'm always up for being the devil's advocate!!!!! hahaha.gifhahaha.gif

  4. erik said:







    Can't...got into an argument w/ my wife and put my hand through a door madgo_ron.gif...now, i'm fixing (actually replacing) said door cry.gifcry.gif. Got it hung last night, now i'm taking it down to sand/stain/polyurethane it to match...got to get it done before i'm off to yosemite next week or I'll never hear the end of it and will wind up breaking something else madgo_ron.gif...man, i got to sign up for some anger management classes or get more climbing in!!!!!! madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


  5. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    Sphinx said:

    CLIMBING is a stupid pasttime. Spraying, on the other hand, seems much better accepted.

    I've currently sprayed at a 5.15c/d level and am in training to reach the vaunted 5.16 barrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif


    YOU ARE NOTHING!!!!!!!!!


    I FREE SPRAID PITCHES AT WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So you're saying that you are a spraying free pitch bitch????????????? AHHAHAHAHAHA


  6. Sphinx said:

    CLIMBING is a stupid pasttime. Spraying, on the other hand, seems much better accepted.

    I've currently sprayed at a 5.15c/d level and am in training to reach the vaunted 5.16 barrier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.giffruit.gif

  7. Szyjakowski said:

    RuMR said:

    I think he understands what you are saying as he has repeatedly asked to be taken out trad climbing. I'm still not sure why everyone's ripping him a new one for bouldering?? WTF, he's having fun w/ it...

    i didn't rip in too him... i ripped into SHERMAN! fruit.gif


    According to what i gather you are saying, we oughta just do away w/ all ratings then?!?! smirk.gif


    and i fail to see how bouldering is a "stupid" pastime.

  8. I think he understands what you are saying as he has repeatedly asked to be taken out trad climbing. I'm still not sure why everyone's ripping him a new one for bouldering?? WTF, he's having fun w/ it...

  9. Fence_Sitter said:

    who cares?!?! if they have fun like that...more power to em... its all about fun...as soon as you start to take yourself too seriously, you are losing the war brotha... bigdrink.gif




    Your kid in your profile pic?

  10. AlpineK said:

    Yeah and folks who dress up in Star Treck outfits and go to conventions are having fun too. rolleyes.gif


    Ok...well enjoy your next convention... rolleyes.gif

  11. Distel32 said:

    Then let's go climbing Alpine!!!!! I don't know why you haven't responded every time I say that. Let's get out there and you can ropegun for me!? Show me you're the real deal!!!! thumbs_up.gif


    He's busy w/ that sit start!! Can't get his butt off the ground, but that's all good...that way he won't trash his knees... hahaha.gifhahaha.gifhahaha.gif

  12. JayB said:



    In my mind, someone who can crank V5 = someone who has much greater finger strength, footwork, and body position than the average climber. By far. This is very likely someone who will be able to put these skills to use when climbing cracks if they choose to do so, and if they choose to do so they will most likely pick up the physical part of crack climbing fairly quickly. If they stick with it they will get the hang of placing gear, and will most likely climb harder crack routes than folks who cannot handle the average V3 boulder problem.


    Climbing alpine routes is a separate issue and obviously involves much more than just finger strength and technical climbing skills, but having said that I can't see how strength and skill will ever be a detriment to anyone, on any route, anywhere, at any time.







    I think JayB is on the money here.


    Funny thing is: V5 is basically about 11+/12 and isn't sick (I think decent bouldering really kicks in at V8 or higher) and is quite common. So, I guess the questions become...are you good technically and are you good at judgement and the more "cerebral" aspects of climbing to be considered a "good" climber?


    Having never climbed w/ AlpineK, GregW, etc., i'm still going to venture a guess that they are giving Distel a hardtime about the other aspects of climbing than the strictly technical side of it. Fair enough...but in his defense, these are things that only come from experience...and experience takes time and initiative to gather it. I don't think he's lacking in the "initiative" side, ie. he, on several occasions, asked to be taken outside to go trad climbing w/ FenceSitter and AlpineK...


    But I'll venture another guess: He will become "bored" w/ only the "plastic"/bolt side of things and will start venturing into other aspects of climbing and then he'll start picking up on the mental side of climbing. He is what, 19 and has been climbing for a couple of years? Talk to him when he is 25 - 28 years old and I think you folks will be eating a bit of crow. I can't count the number of times i've seen a really enthusiastic young climber just start sending HARD (and I don't mean 5.10's and 5.11's) trad routes after a start in sport climbing.

  13. Distel32 said:

    check out the bouldering gallery.


    AlpineK- Why don't you like sit starts? can't get off the ground, no offense but is that why? And comparing bouldering to synchronized swimming, c'mon now, you can do better than that. The problems may be short but let's go bouldering and see how you do and I will gladly attempt to go jam any crack. wave.gif But please don't say stupid shit about things you can't do, I can't climb 5.10 crack without hanging, so I don't say shit about it. If we go bouldering and you climb well then it's all good, but don't trash shit you can't do. wave.gif



    Very succinctly put!!!!!!!!!! Can't for the life of me figure out why someone has to trash someone else's fun even if its stupid according to their "opinion"...

  14. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    erik said:




    Some sickness i have no biz being on since i'm old and fat... cry.gif








    Shoot young-in', i've got you beat allaround. I'm short, fat and old...you've got NO excuses...

  15. Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

    RuMR said:


    Not meaning to hassle you, but that would be repelling as opposed to repellent, wouldn't it??? fruit.gif




    See #2 in the first definition. And make a note to your smart self: Don't fuck with DFA unless you damn sure you know what you're talking about.


    Toodles! wave.gif


    Truly an obtuse definition!!


    Plus, repelling is a much more active verbal form-and caveman can be very *active* at repelling people, no?



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