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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. lummox said:

    "tall people reach. short people climb."



    OH Yeah!!


    You know what cracks me up?? When a tall person says it all comes out in the wash...


    I've never heard someone say "Ohhhh if i was only a couple of inches SHORTER!"....hahahahaha


    Lynn Hill and Scott Franklin are my climbing heros...man, they just figure out how to get their short asses around stuff like nobody's business...

  2. Ahhhh...its been a loooooooong time since i threw a good wobbler...a very long time...


    Those wobbler's usually came right after i fell off of something that i'd literally given everything i had on, over the course of several seasons...things that i specifically trained for, then drive 6 hours for a single day of climbing then got beat down on...In a single definition, toooo hard for my suck-self...


    Don't climb that way anymore...just don't have the emotional mojo/energy/time to really focus on that stuff now...soooo, if it doesn't go down in two or three tries I MOVE on...more 'bout getting out w/ buddies and just having a great time


    ...can't wait till my sons are ramped up on it...we'll see if they dig it...

  3. lummox said:

    RuMR said:

    ...its still interesting, particularly the comments about the "American" approach to top level climbing...

    i clicked that fuckin link and quickly experienced mego. couldnt read the whole thing. its all so much navel gazing stained further brown by nationalism. moon.gif


    Nationalism? WTF are you talking about?? The guy that wrote it is ITALIAN and is talking up the American approach? That's your definition of Nationalism???? It had German, Spanish, italian and american climbers and routes...so, exactly what was nationalistic about it??


    No comment on navel gazing...not as much fun as grazing...


    TAh TAh

  4. Distel32 said:

    RuMR said:

    Distel32 said:

    Yeah dude for sure, at 7 when it's cooling down a little (yeah right) we should hit up mountain home road. I haven't been out there yet and I don't want to be in the middle of day.


    Erik: I bought a pair that wasn't too tight, and they did stretch! Even though they are synthetic, they still stretch, and these shoes attest to that. I dropped down to the next smallest size and there was quite a large difference. But now that they are stretched out they aren't blindingly right anymore. I hear ya about foot surgery, but the bigger ones really did stretch much more than I imagined. Sportivas are too loose in the heel also.


    I think you have my cell # szyj..?? hahaha.gif


    big tip on sizing shoes (boreal, sportiva, and 5.10)...the 1/2 size increment w/in a band is the SAME Length as the whole size, but the volume is reduced. ie. a 5.5 size is the same length as a 5, but a larger volume. a 6 is actually a longer shoe...


    Yeah but I went from a US 8 to a 7.5 so there was definitely a little toe jamming.

    THAT WAS MY POINT: the LENGTH of the shoe shortened since you stepped from an 8 bracket to a 7.5 bracket...

  5. Hey Fern...


    you are right about the topic...but these were on the "not-yet" list to do at one time and definitely provided me w/ some memories...


    Routes can sometimes get a mythical nature for a person and get soooo built up in that person's mind that its an enormous deal for them personally when they send...


    My current one is the first pitch of east face (not the whole pitch, just the first part to the purple)on the monkey...man, i wanna send that thing, but i'm intimidated for some reason...takes good gear, from what i understand, but man, i always find some lameo excuse to NOT walk back there and try it...


    Too many routes at Eldo to name...

  6. bDubyaH said:

    second pitch of heinous cling...puts the sport back into sport climbing, really hard to get back on after the huge fall.



    I tried to do the upper pitch onsight back in 1994...nobody told me to exit stage left when the climbing deadended...I pushed about 4 moves straight up...got stuck, sat there chicken-winging saying something to the effect of "Oh shit, shit shit shit, not good, shit shit"...tried reversing...too pumped, tried going back up then it became "uhhhhhhh, this is not good...this is not good, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuuuuuuuuck" total meltdown,...i knew i was gonna peel for probably 3 or 4 minutes before it happened...that is the woooooorst feeling...i pulled my 108lb wife to the first bolt where she banged up her hand pretty good...I personally was so gripped that i gritted my teeth hard enough to break two molars (it wasn't the fall) before i came off...man, in retrospect that was hilarious and the fall was clean....



    Took 6 more years to go back and send that sucka!!! Man, that felt good...i didn't rehearse, got in the mode and sent...

  7. TimL said:

    RuMR -


    that was funny watch you lead upper Sag. You sent!


    yeah no doubt...i'm a biiiiiiiiiig chicken shit!!! I'll bet you guys were rolling in the dirt laughing! I was squeezing that granite so hard i'd bet juice was coming out of it (or my fingers)....hahahahahaha gooood times...


    We need to get out, Tim!!!

  8. chucK said:

    Me too with Sagitarius (just to the anchors below the roof). I don't know why I'm so scared of it! Thin Fingers too.


    Sagitarius is still onsight potential (the kind of "onsight" where you greedily devour beta, but have not yet physically been on the climb type of onsight). Thin Fingers I have toproped into submission many a time.


    Took multiple whippers on Zoom the other day. I guess that's one it will take a while to get enough courage to go back and try again. But I gotta now! Damn skeleton climbs! madgo_ron.gif


    Oh yeah, I never did top out on Zoom (booty alert).


    hahaha...actually i was talking about going over the roof...Darryl had a stupid statement in his book that its .11b unless you're short then its .11d!! HAHAHAHA...head screw...

  9. Distel32 said:

    Yeah dude for sure, at 7 when it's cooling down a little (yeah right) we should hit up mountain home road. I haven't been out there yet and I don't want to be in the middle of day.


    Erik: I bought a pair that wasn't too tight, and they did stretch! Even though they are synthetic, they still stretch, and these shoes attest to that. I dropped down to the next smallest size and there was quite a large difference. But now that they are stretched out they aren't blindingly right anymore. I hear ya about foot surgery, but the bigger ones really did stretch much more than I imagined. Sportivas are too loose in the heel also.


    I think you have my cell # szyj..?? hahaha.gif


    big tip on sizing shoes (boreal, sportiva, and 5.10)...the 1/2 size increment w/in a band is the SAME Length as the whole size, but the volume is reduced. ie. a 5.5 size is the same length as a 5, but a larger volume. a 6 is actually a longer shoe...

  10. erik said:

    RuMR said:

    And Dunne is a huge mutha to be pushing that stuff at his level...







    ahhh dude...you had to bring that stinking place up, didn't you?? FUCK i don't want to be here, work sux, its almost like i didn't even leave here...i want to go back to yosemite so bad it hurts cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif...


    It was getting hot though...and squamish is whispering...


    I'll be up there for Father's day weekend w/ little Drew...not sure how much climbing I'll get in, but Drew'll have a blast camping...

  11. A trick i've used a couple of times (last was on P.A . at Index, score one green Jr. Camalot that some tool got stuck) is to flip the cam INTO the crack, w/ triggers going into the crack. Then grab the axles w/ your nut tool, clip a sling on it, and yank...the action of yanking it out causes the cams to try and retract instead of camming and the worst you have to deal with is friction between metal and rock...takes some finagling to flip it, and you have to line up your "track" line, but then it works like a charm....

  12. You should check that vid out called "Hard Grit"...Should be called "Sick, Scary, Crazy, Hard Grit"...


    Seb Griebe (spelling???) and John Dunne are sick...just sick...


    And Dunne is a huge mutha to be pushing that stuff at his level...

  13. thelawgoddess said:

    Bronco said:

    throw that thing in the garbage (with violence)


    that's such awesome advice! (i'm going to have to remember that when i'm fed up with my next boyfriend ...)


    I thought that WAS what you did w/ your last boyfriend!!!!



  14. SnailEye said:

    I just got the same thing:


    Boss: Um, how easy would it be to postpone your vacation?


    Me: Well, with a permit for a specific date and money already payed for raft rentals, it aint happening.


    Boss: Ok, if the client wants to F--- with the deadline, they can figure out how to make it work. Have a nice trip.


    Good thing I have a cool boss. It would suck to have to look for a new job right now.


    hmmm...my boss is NOT exactly being cool about this...fuggit...he fires me, i don't want to work here anyway...this is bs!


    Plus, w/ climbing your partners are fucked if you pull out of the trip...

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