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Posts posted by RuMR

  1. Just got back from squamish...rained a bit on Saturday, but was sunny today...


    No real climbing, although JK and TLG did some...and my boy Drew did his first outside route!!!!!!! A 5.4!!!

  2. Yo Tim... wave.gif


    Kyle's getting psyched on Index!!!!!!! He even said the gym sucked compared to it!! HAHAHAHAHA


    Stuff will be going down...


    I'm going to spend Tuesday working on gear-placing w/ him...wanna help???

  3. thelawgoddess said:

    grr. i bet snoboys gonna be right. if we come it's gonna piss; if we don't it's gonna be drier than jerky. rolleyes.gif


    What's this "if" crap?


    I had a "Trask" statement about the drier part, but i won't say anything... hahahaha smirk.gif

  4. J_Kirby said:

    Retrosaurus said:

    The Bowline on a bite technique is overly complicated and unnecessarily difficult to set up.


    Tying two knots is overly complicated? Clipping two loops is unecessarily dificult? yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifrolleyes.gif Thanks, Twight.



    Retrosaurus said:

    An easier technique that I use ( never seen it elsewhere) is to:

    (1)put a locker on each bolt,

    (2) clip in to one with a figure eight on a bight with a long bight (so that the distance from the carabiner to knot itself is greater than the distance to the 2nd bolt),

    (3) clove hitch the locker on the 2nd bolt and adjust to equalize.


    Bam bam. Quick and clean. Requires the absolute minimum of gear.


    You can put a biner or draw through the body of the figure eight knot to belay through also.


    Hadn't heard of that method but it sounds interesting. Kind of like an american triangle using rope instead of webbing. Wouldn't that generate similar forces on each bolt to an american triangle setup (approaching 2x the load on the master point)? If my mental picture is right, you'd be generating a whole lot of force on those two bolts in a leader fall situation right off that belay. Sounds like it could get ugly if the anchor wasn't rerigged for the lead of the next pitch.

    I think he's eliminated the horizontal leg of the american triangle?...Should work ok...

  5. With an arrow indicating where, right????




    Maybe on the backside of the card, she could print the response to the push? You know, a little cheatcard...for us stupid folks...

  6. Just think of the bene's of carrying on a conversation in real life!!!


    You got body language, facial expressions, English (or Spanish, since this is the USA) AND EMOTICONS!!!!


    Holy Cow!! NO MORE CONFUSION!!!! fruit.giffruit.gifhahaha.gif

  7. thelawgoddess said:

    Szyjakowski said:

    where on earth do you find all those graemlins????



    Its like a new form of sign language!


    I'm going to make TLG a bunch of gremlin "flashcards" so she can communicate better...

  8. Anna said:

    You a switch hitter???


    Why are ya so interested? You just want me to talk dirty doncha?!? yelrotflmao.gif I love to look at women and have sex with women. Large breasts, tall, blonde...yup, that would do it for me. Been a while though since I had a female sexual encounter...wait a minute! It has been a while since I had ANY sexual encounter! madgo_ron.gif Gotsta have a man in the mix though. My rules. I am a voyeur at heart but will participate to!


    Believe it or not, I suggested to a guy I was dating once that we should have a certain female someone join us and he was disgusted that I even asked! She was soooo hot and she had a twin sister too! Wasn't even sure if she wanted to do it but with enough alcohol, anything is possible! Oh well, gosta try anyway! evils3d.gif I am really surprised to find out that a lot of men really don't want to go through it!


    6 words: YOU WANT WHAT YOU CAN'T HAVE!!!


    ...and when you get it, you don't want it anymore!


    I THINK that if you just cater to his every whim, clean up after his ass, always have lingerie on and dinner ready when he comes home from work, never argue his points, always tell him how brilliant he is, let him stay out all night, raise his children, and never speak your mind than you will be fine! Uh yah, no hellno3d.gif


    Ahhh, the language of love...if it were easy to speak there would BE no drama and how boring is that?!? You need the bad to appreciate the good. YingYang. Relationships don't suck...men and women just don't understand each other and never will. Its hard work and I have seen alot of people give up after a while. You all that enjoy sex in love.....that is super! It can happen, I have been witness! I hope I find the same someday....



    HA!!!!!!!!!! BATTER UP!!!!


    Shoot...gotta smile on right now (must be about something i can't have, oh shit, i'm confused)!!!!!!!!!

  9. That was me who was confused (still am)... crazy.gif


    I think any guy that claims to understand 'em is full of bull...Before you respond to that, "working" them is different than understanding them!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anna said:

    I liked Lummox's big bouncy breasts better...


    yelrotflmao.gifYou too? yelrotflmao.gif


    You a switch hitter??? Or are you gonna pull a "Muffy" and say that you can appreciate the "beauties" that those are????

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